On Wed, Jul 07, 1999 at 10:03:10AM -0400, Timothy Gray wrote:
> >You could make a one floppy linux system for a digipeater or APRS repeater
> >probably. I suspect it could be done. I have a fairly comprehensive
> >bootdisk running libc5 tools with lots of TCP/IP (for ethernet) stuff,
> >which could probably be modified with all the ax25 utils put on.
> Hold it hold it.....
> I have 5 digipeters in town that consist of a TNC, and a radio... no
> computer.
> Why exactly would you need to have a PC digi aprs or any other traffic?
> and there are easily hacked rom's to digi TNOS stuff..  no adding a computer
> just to digi is insane.

I was under the impression that you needed a bit more intelligence to
digipeat APRS than just a TNC. The manual pages for aprsdigi suggest
a reasonably complex algorithm for repeating.

Hamish Moffatt       Mobile: +61 412 011 176       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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