On the contrary.... You do not need a computer to run a TCPIP router or APRS 
digi... It can all easily be done in a TNC-2 compatible TNC running TheNet 
X1JR4 firmware. APRS functions simply by use of the antiquated "dumb 
digipeat" mode... which if switched on in any Netrom or TheNet or BPQ node, 
etc,  works just fine.  TheNet X1JR4 has a built-in TCPIP router feature, 
which works swell. It only takes a radio, antenna, and TNC-2 compatible TNC 
with X1JR4 firmware installed. No computer necessary. There is some setup 
necessary to enable specific routing, which consists of a ROUTES and ARP 
table. It is extremely easy to set up and one can create a standalone system 
without any excessive expense or headaches. I have a stack of 6 TNC-2's here, 
all with X1JR4 firmware, connected by a diode matrix board via their RS232 
ports.... For those running BPQ or the various NOS/TNOS flavors, you can set 
up a NETROM SERIAL port and connect your system to the diode matrix via a 
null modem cable. 

Try this URL to get X1JR4 firmware and specifics on how to set it up 
correctly for efficient network operation:


73, de Gary W7NTF

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