Good evening, List.

This is the last proposal for the new setup of Linux-IL.  If you
still disagree, speak up now.

ALPHA -- Listar

Linux-IL mailing list is migrating to Listar.  The instructions
on how to use Listar will be posted in a separate message.

BETA -- Linux-IL setup


The list will be closed for non-subscribers.  When a
non-subscriber posts a message to the list, two things will

        1. The moderator (currently, me) will get an automatic
           approval request, and if he considers the message
           appropriate, he will approve it (I try to read my mail
           at least once in 24 hours).

        2. The poster will receive a message describing how to
           subscribe to the list, and how to post and receive
           mail using different addresses.


The subscribers will be able to receive a digested version of
this list, INSTEAD or WITH the normal version, at their own
choice.  The digests will be mailed nightly, a little after
3:10AM local (Israeli) time (IST +0200/IDT +0300).


The posts will currently NOT be limited in size.

GAMMA -- Sibling lists


A moderated announce list Linux-IL-Announce will be set up.  All
subscribers of Linux-IL will receive mail from Linux-IL-Announce,
so there won't be a need to subscribe to this list.


I've just got a proposal (by private e-mail) to set up a
Linux-For-Newbies mailing list.  The author (whose name I don't
want to disclose, because I haven't asked for permission) also
noticed that it may be better to make it a newsgroup.  Anyway, if
you want it as a mailing list, tell me.


The mailing list Linux-IL-Hebrew for discussing Linux in Hebrew
will NOT be set up now.  If you decide that there is a need for
that, either or some other host will set up this


Do not meddle in the affairs of troff, for it is subtle and quick
to anger.

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