On Wed, 9 May 2001, Nadav Har'El wrote:

> On Wed, May 09, 2001, Shai Berger wrote about "Re: Bidi support for Linux":
> > 
> > Ilya suggested,
> > 
> > > Is there any chance you guys will add Left/Right-Ctrl-Shift
> > > bindings for changing the editing widgets' strong BiDi directionality?
> > 
> > Suggestions along this line have come up many times, but they are problematic.
> > Many X and non-X *NIX utilities treat Ctrl-shift or Alt-shift as key modifiers,
> > not keyboard events (which makes more sense IMHO), and so setting Ctrl-shift to
> >...
> This is an excellent point.
> > Do we really want to break consistency with the *NIX world for consistency
> > with Windows? Doesn't that make you feel the least bit awkward? Don't we
> > ever want to pose a viable, independent alternative?
> > 
> > The alternative, of course, is the perfectly useless Scroll Lock key, which
> > even has a unused led attached to it on most keyboards.

Anybody remembers kikbd of kde1 ? I really liked it as a gui. I wish the
KDE folks would have re-implemented it with a Xkb backend (at least as far
as modifiers of group switching are concerened).

Basically all you have to do is pass the correct "options" to xkbcomp
(e.g.: -options switch of setxkbmap )

setxkbmap il -options grp:ctrl_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll

sets control-shift to switch layout and scroll-lock led as an indicator of
the active group. 

See /usr/lib/X11/xkb/rules/xfree86

Tzafrir Cohen

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