On Wed, 9 May 2001, Nadav Har'El wrote:

> On Wed, May 09, 2001, Oded Arbel wrote about "Re: Bidi support for Linux":
> > This is sick ! come one. let's take a look at a more commonly used
> > Modifier used as a 'command' - the innocent Alt key. what happens if you
> > want to press Alt-F, and in the middle change your mind ? releasing the
> The Alt behavior you describe is tolerable only in the following case (and
> please pay close attention to this): when an Alt-F takes you to the "F" menu
> in the menu bar, and Alt, without F, takes to to the whole menu bar.

That was a typo - I meant to write Alt-F1, which is expected to take you
to the first virtual console.
I think its still accepted to use Alt as the key to go to the menu, and
this whole "modifers shouldn't be used as keys" is bogus - you use
whatever users are comforatble with. like this thread demonstrated - a lot
of users are comforatble with the CTRL-SHFT, ALT-SHFT combinations, and
the arguments agains are "it isn't correct". I think usabilty should win
over correctness.
also - you are contradicting yourself - doesn't "Nagata Nasata" apply to


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