On Sat, May 18, 2002, Oleg Goldshmidt wrote about "Re: official hebrew in Linux-IL 
mailing lists?":
> OK, so I will be able to pipe an emacs buffer through bidiv, similarly
> to what I do with M$ HTML garbage (pipe it through lynx -stdin -dump)
> and with some Word docs I get (pipe them through strings).


> Great. Now
> how do I reply citing original?
> Nadav, will you please give a URL for bidiv - I'll try it on Diego's
> posting?


(you'll also need the fribidi library - I hope this bidiv version works
with the current fribidi, after all their changes... If not, please tell
me and I'll release a fixed bidiv).

> It is, if you 1) do your emailing inside a superb editing environment
> whose only drawback is lack of Hebrew support;

Is it not possible to open an external editors for special messages? I'm
not suggesting that you need to switch editors for all your mail - just
start (say) vim for Hebrew messages that you'll send (if ever) once in a
blue moon.

> OK, here is a different "bull": I've never used vim in my life.

Have you used vi? vim is the same thing, with some improvements.

Just add the following in your ~/.vimrc for editing iso8859-8-i (this will
let you switch direction and language with the F12 key):

map <F12> :set invrl invhk
map! <F12> ^O:set invrl invhk
cmap <F12> ^_

(replace ^O and ^_ by control-O and control-_ respectively).

Nadav Har'El                        |      Saturday, May 18 2002, 8 Sivan 5762
[EMAIL PROTECTED]             |-----------------------------------------
Phone: +972-53-245868, ICQ 13349191 |He who dies with the most toys is still
http://nadav.harel.org.il           |dead -- Citibank billboard, Manhattan 2001

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