On Sun, May 19, 2002, Tzafrir Cohen wrote about "Re: official hebrew in Linux-IL 
mailing lists?":
> > > They use different *implementations* of the same algorithm
> > > (KDE: QT's implementation, Gnome and abiword: fribidi, mozilla and
> > > openoffice: ICU)
> >
> > the point is that they would show some sentances not in the same way..
> No. The unicode specification specify exactly how a compliant
> implamantation should display bidi (convert logica->visual). All
> implementations should be strictly compliant. If two separate
> implementations display the same sentence in a different way, then at
> least one of them is buggy.

Almost, but not exactly. The problem is that Unicode doesn't specify the
major direction of the text. A plain-text file doesn't have any direction
queues besides the text itself (assuming it doesn't contain special LRM
codes, etc.) so when I wrote bidiv (for example) I found myself having to
invent heuristics (paragraphs seperated by an empty lines, etc. - we talked
about that in ivrix-discuss). 

What if my huristics are different from those used by Microsoft? What
heuristics do the KDE or Gnome mail programs use when showing a Hebrew/English
email to determine the main direction of a line?

I guess that to be really sure how your text is displayed, you must start
each sentence with a unicode direction character. But these are not available
in ISO-8859-8-i, which most Hebrew email and text files have been written
with so far.

Nadav Har'El                        |        Sunday, May 19 2002, 9 Sivan 5762
[EMAIL PROTECTED]             |-----------------------------------------
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http://nadav.harel.org.il           |(sign in a gas station men's room)

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