On Thu, Mar 08, 2007 at 08:27:00PM +0200, Tzahi Fadida wrote:

> I have recently finished my MSc studies and wanted to find a linux related 
> job. Not necessarily kernel hacking/device drivers though this is what most 
> attracts. I can say without a doubt that it is difficult to convince 
> potential employers of your capabilities without a proven working experience. 
> It is the old chicken and the egg problem. I would have thought that 3 
> separate degrees and my 2 years experience with PostgreSQL internals would 
> have some leverage, however, i came to believe that this is a myth. Usually 
> it goes like this, i get 2-3 professional interviews and then get a negative 
> answer. I get the feeling these big companies i go to, just fill their 
> interview quotas and in the end takes people with the most working 
> experience. Especially in the north, where there are something like 30 people 
> contending per job.
> Can someone throw some tips as to how i should proceed?

After years of seeing very few jobs that were Linux related, I've seen 
three this week. The one that was not posted here was for Kayote in Jerusalem.

IMHO you have a problem a friend of mine had in 1970. He had a degree from
Tel Aviv Univeristy and worked his way up to a high position in the 
data processing department of the police. 

He resigned his position and went to the Univeristy of Pennsylvania,
which at the time was the TOP school for computr sicence to get a Master's
degree. When he was done, he came back here. 

No one would hire him. He was far too qualified and wanted far too much
money to start at the bottom, and as he put it "no one would move over
for me". He went back to the U.S. where there were plenty of new openings
everyday and AFAIK is still there.

The way I see it is you have several options:

1. Go back to school and get a Phd.

2. Keep looking around for a startup that needs someone and has no one
   to promote.

3. Convince someone that you really are willing to work at the bottom
   and work your way up.

4. Hope for a boom, where people will be calling you asking to work for

5. Go get an MBA and start your own startup.

6. Go where the jobs are. How is your Chinese? :-)


Geoffrey S. Mendelson, Jerusalem, Israel [EMAIL PROTECTED]  N3OWJ/4X1GM
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