"Ori Idan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Or a better way, to establish a group of people that will get paid
> for supporting people for connecting their computers to any ISP with
> Linux.

If you are willing to pay, consider business grade support. Along with
a few of my colleagues on this list I have had business grade support
via my employer for the last several years, with two big ISPs that
don't enjoy a stellar reputation on this list. In my experience, the
support was quite good and on no occasion the support person ever
blinked when I said, "Linux".

FWIW, when I contacted Actcom a few years ago about an ADSL account
they demanded to know whether I intended to connect more than one
computer. When I told them they would never know if I connected a
router with NAT they demanded business rate from me. Had I chosen
them (I didn't) I would have been paying business rate anyway...

I don't miss Actcom at all...

Oleg Goldshmidt | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.goldshmidt.org

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