Oded Arbel wrote:

[This is not really a reply to the previous message - I just wanted to
keep the thread id]

Update on Actcom status, specifically the tech support issue.

I had to call Actcom tech support yesterday, complaining that my DSL
connection doesn't work, eventually I found out that the issue was a
hardware problem on my side (my girlfriend rewired the router
incorrectly, connecting the internet port to an unused cable), but I
didn't found it until after I finished with the support person.

After he couldn't get my router to work by having me trying different
settings, the support guy asked me to connect my computer directly to
the modem - at which point he found out that I use a Linux desktop.
Except for a couple of "ahmm.."s, a query about my choice of
distribution and a recommendation to use Ubuntu, the support guy didn't
seem fazed by my use of Linux. After setting up my Fedora 7 to dial up
to DSL (which was a simple wizard I needed no help with) everything
worked, at which point point the support guy asked for some specific
details to document the incident (operating system type and version,
router model and modem model).

I didn't get specific help for Linux, mostly as I didn't need any, but
the tech support didn't seem to have an issue with me using Linux, and
seemed versed on the subject - at all times he was professional and
helpful - which I can't really say about most tech support calls I've
done over the years, but it was exactly the type of service I was used
to getting under Actcom. I think I recall the guy's name from when I
called tech support before Actcom was bought - so he might be from the
original Actcom tech support team (I didn't ask).
It could not be the original support, cause its gone.
Most of services moved to PT, and support team ( as well as sales, custserv etc ... ) are no longer there ( Haifa ), except one guy at night which does not get phone calls from customers, but from Bezeqint's supporters who needs help with "Actcom" users and interfaces.

They present themselves as Actcom, probably not to confuse customers, but some of them even cant pronounce the name correctly ( actom, actcome .. ).

Anyway, its nice to hear that there are supporters at Bezeqint that will not fall from the chair when they will hear the /word/ Linux.

To sum, the tech support still operates behind Actcom's toll free number
(which AFAIK is the only toll free internet support line in Israel), and
still seems clueful about Linux. I don't know about the commercial side
(my current contract expires on August, after which I'll be able to
comment on the issue), but from the support side I have no complaints,
and if the sales department don't mess up my contract renewal I will
remain a customer of Actcom/Bezeq Beinleumi.

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