2008/10/28 Geoff Shang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> I've only been in Israel for 18 months.  My wife and I once again find
> ourselves in the market for an ISP.
> I work in Internet radio and have to have decent throughput to the US on
> non-standard ports.  012 and Bezeqint Standard seem to prioritise standard
> ports and cripple others, 012 extremely so (FTP and MP3 streaming on ports
> 8550 and 9550 were basically useless).
> We're just trying Netvision and all seems fine except FtP downloading is
> painfully slow (passive mode makes no difference) and FTP uploading is not
> what it should be.
> We've not tried Barak yet (even though Netvision and Barak have merged, they
> seem to still use different infrastructure).
> The only service we've found to be constantly good is Bezeqint's Gamer's
> package which we feel is too expensive.  It's our feeling that Bezeq cripple
> their regular package so that those who are serious about net access have to
> pay more to get it.
> Are there any other ISPs?  Our Bezeq contract is up on Thursday so this is a
> bit urgent.
> Geoff.

There was a great ISP called Actcom until last year when Bezeq
purchased it. Talk to Bezeq and see if you can get the level of
support that us ex-Actcom customers get. I doubt that there is
officially any difference, but I whenever I get an idiot
script-reading support girl, I simply mention Actcom and the call is
diverted to Alex or another ex-Actcom superhero.

As for your ports usage, if you are a jerk about it you can get your
way. Let's just say that I am paying 39 or 49 NIS per month (I forgot
which) and I have a static IP address. It's all possible so long as
you play the nice-guy rude-guy routine with them. The only problem is
that you can only do that after you are already a customer.

Dotan Cohen



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