> > Orange/cellcom is crap. You share the speed with others. Don't know about
> > prices, you will have to call them. But I read a technical article about
> it
> > ~1 month ago. I think it was in globes or the marker about the
> technology.
> Thanks. That's a shame. Weird that a country which has IT as its main
> "economy engines" is so backwards in terms of mobile broadband
> infrastructure (though it goes hand in hand with the backwards web
> scene)...

I will be more blunt. It's money issue. They want max profit.

I found the article about the technology:

The cellular companies even block voip in the cellular phones of dor 3/3.5.
And they are not ashamed to admit it. I talked once with a representative of
bussiness department of Pelephone. As if they don't earn enough money.

About prices, problems, see this:

> Cheers,
> --Amos
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