Linux-Misc Digest #375, Volume #18               Sun, 27 Dec 98 22:13:08 EST

  Re: SuSE or RedHat ? (Victor Danilchenko)
  Re: SuSE or RedHat ? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Can't quite connect (Michael Fross)
  Re: ln: Musty smell to its man page (Chris Mattern)
  Am I stupid or am I stupid. PPP. ALMOST!!! ("Sergei Gerasenko")
  Re: Am I stupid or am I stupid. PPP. ALMOST!!! (Michael Fross)
  Fetchmail broken after switch to Qmail
  Re: The goal of Open Source (Victor Danilchenko)
  Re: GUI Perl Debugger (Andrew Johnson)
  ATT Worldnet Connectivity ("Casey R. Adkins")
  Re: Am I stupid or am I stupid. PPP. ALMOST!!! (Jerry Lynn Kreps)
  Re: When will kernel 2.2 be released? (erikc)
  Re: Applix or Corel WP? Anyone using new version of Applix? ("G. Hugh SONG")
  Re: Am I stupid or am I stupid. PPP. ALMOST!!! ("Joel D. Carter")
  Re: The goal of Open Source (steve mcadams)
  Re: Infringement of the GPL (steve mcadams)
  Re: The goal of Open Source (brian moore)
  Keyboard lockup upon boot ("Chad J. Lemmer")
  Re: Netscape 4.5 problem (Jerry Lynn Kreps)


Date: Sun, 27 Dec 1998 17:00:03 -0500
From: Victor Danilchenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SuSE or RedHat ?

Destrius wrote:
> For me, Debian was my real "beginner's Linux". Of course, this doesn't mean
> its superior to Red Hat in any way. In fact, I'd probably be using Red Hat
> now if not because the people I talk to prefer Debian. Now, I too prefer
> Debian because it has to friendliness of Red Hat along with the hackability
> of Slackware (well, sort of). And it's GNU.
> So anyway, this is just to say that Debian is a choice too. Since it's
> absolutely free, why not try it out and see how things go? You've got
> nothing to lose...

        Ummm... Any GNU/Linux is "free", since it is distributed under GPL.
What do you mean by Debian being GNU -- does FSF endorse Debian as
"official" GNU/Linux incarnation?

|  Victor A. Danilchenko       CSCF support  |
|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]       A313, 5-4231  |
|       Quando omni flunkus, moritati.       |


Subject: Re: SuSE or RedHat ?
Date: Sun, 27 Dec 1998 23:56:23 GMT

Victor Danilchenko writes:
> Ummm... Any GNU/Linux is "free", since it is distributed under GPL.

All Debian packages are free in that they all comply with the Debian Free
Software Guidelines (the basis of the Open Source Definition).  The GPL is
only one of many DFSG compliant licenses.

> What do you mean by Debian being GNU --

We mean the GNU tools and utilities are a very important part of the

> ...does FSF endorse Debian as "official" GNU/Linux incarnation?

John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI


Date: Sun, 27 Dec 1998 16:37:38 -0600
From: Michael Fross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can't quite connect

Sergei Gerasenko wrote:
> I just installed Linux and decided to add PPP support. Everything went well
> and I can even see PPP frames in minicom (a terminal program). But that's
> about it. I have also tried to use the ppp-on and ppp-on-dialer scripts and
> after their excution the log file says that "serial connection has been
> established", but then the next couple of lines say that SIGHUP signal was
> received and that the connection was terminated. In other words, the
> connection drops immediately after it has been established. I know that my
> provider uses PPP. My PPP version is 2.2.0. What maybe the reason?
> Thanx,
> Sergei

Sergei / Ed,

I am having the exact same problem.  Did you figure it out yet.  If you
do, could you please let me know.  I have been banging my head trying to
figure this one out.



ps.  I am not posting this question since I already have under another

pps.  My messages file looks like:

Dec 26 23:28:58 bobo chat[795]: timeout set to 75 seconds
Dec 26 23:28:58 bobo chat[795]: expect (CONNECT)
Dec 26 23:28:58 bobo chat[795]: ^M
Dec 26 23:29:24 bobo chat[795]: ATDT*70,<numberdeleted>^M^M
Dec 26 23:29:24 bobo chat[795]: CONNECT
Dec 26 23:29:24 bobo chat[795]:  -- got it 
Dec 26 23:29:24 bobo chat[795]: send (^M)
Dec 26 23:29:24 bobo chat[795]: expect (Username:)
Dec 26 23:29:24 bobo chat[795]:  31200/ARQ/V34/LAPM/V42BIS^M
Dec 26 23:29:25 bobo chat[795]: ^M
Dec 26 23:29:25 bobo chat[795]: ^M
Dec 26 23:29:25 bobo chat[795]: User Access Verification^M
Dec 26 23:29:25 bobo chat[795]: ^M
Dec 26 23:29:25 bobo chat[795]: Username:
Dec 26 23:29:25 bobo chat[795]:  -- got it 
Dec 26 23:29:25 bobo chat[795]: send (NAMEDELETED^M)
Dec 26 23:29:26 bobo chat[795]: expect (Password:)
Dec 26 23:29:26 bobo chat[795]:  NAMEDELETED^M
Dec 26 23:29:26 bobo chat[795]: Password:
Dec 26 23:29:26 bobo chat[795]:  -- got it 
Dec 26 23:29:26 bobo chat[795]: send (PASSWORDDELETED^M)
Dec 26 23:29:26 bobo pppd[794]: Serial connection established.
Dec 26 23:29:27 bobo kernel: PPP: version 2.2.0 (dynamic channel
Dec 26 23:29:27 bobo kernel: PPP Dynamic channel allocation code
copyright 1995 Caldera, Inc.
Dec 26 23:29:27 bobo kernel: PPP line discipline registered.
Dec 26 23:29:27 bobo kernel: registered device ppp0
Dec 26 23:29:27 bobo pppd[794]: Using interface ppp0
Dec 26 23:29:27 bobo pppd[794]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/modem
Dec 26 23:29:30 bobo pppd[794]: Modem hangup
Dec 26 23:29:30 bobo pppd[794]: Connection terminated.
Dec 26 23:29:31 bobo pppd[794]: Exit.


From: Chris Mattern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ln: Musty smell to its man page
Crossposted-To: comp.unix.questions,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Date: Mon, 28 Dec 1998 02:09:42 GMT

In comp.unix.questions Steve Mading <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Leslie Mikesell ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> Wrong.  The *real* solution is one that the filesystem layout doesn't
> allow.  The *real* solution is to say that if someone wants to link
> to one of my files that's just great, but when I delete all of *my*
> filenames for it, then it should no longer be owned by me.  (This isn't
> possible, but it's the only thing that would satisfy me 100%.  Your
> rm aliasing is probably what I will resort to, but I will always
> consider it a work-around, not a real solution.)  The problem stems
> from the fact that when user foo makes a hardlink, there is no record
> in the filesystem that that link was made by him.

Two problems with this.  You got the first one: it's not possible.
It would require making the entire way a UNIX filesystem works 
different, which would break more things than I could count.  The
second is: You break your link to the file, and you no longer own
it--so who does?  Hint: the guy who created second link and root
are *both* wrong answers, as they both create holes much worse than
the one that exists now.

                                Chris Mattern


From: "Sergei Gerasenko" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Am I stupid or am I stupid. PPP. ALMOST!!!
Date: Mon, 28 Dec 1998 01:48:01 -0500

I've been working on this problem for 4 days already. I've had three nights
when I went to bed at 8 a.m.! Here is the problem. I bought a RedHat
distribution of Linux (kernel 2.2.32) a week ago and decided to install it
on my notebook (NEC VERSA 4000). Of course, the first thing I wanted to work
was PPP (I have a PCMCIA modem). My modem was successfully recognized and I
didn't have any problems with that. But I was concerned about PPP support.
At first I thought that it wasn't built in  the kernel because the PPP
registration lines wouldn't show up at boot up. So, I recompiled the kernel
with the support built in. For some reason other features got messed up and
I decided to switch back to the old kernel. (You must notice here that all
that was going on during the Christmas time when everybody was drinking
booze and having fun). Luckily, it turned out that the old kernel had PPP in
modules. With great relief I edited all the scripts (PPP-on and
ppp-on-dialer). Of course they didn't work right away, but ultimately I
successfully passed the login-password phase. I'm sure that I send right
responses to my ISP because /var/log/messages goes all the way to "serial
connection established" and I also looked through the log line by line.
Nothing suspicious. "Serial connection established" was about the only
encouraging line in the whole log. Then comes the following:

connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS2 (pretty lively too:-)
channel ppp0 closing (Oh, oh!)
hangup (SIGHUP)
modem hangup
connection terminated

    I have read a whole bunch of readme's on PPP. Nothing describes SIGHUP
in a detailed way. There was a short description of that in PPP-HOWTO, but
it didn't help. I have looked through old postings dated all the way back to
1997 and found nothing similar.
    The PPP service also starts O.K. according to the log. I have tried
minicom. The same thing. I get to the point when I enter my credentials, get
the garbage, exit the program without resetting the modem, type
#pppd -d -detach /dev/ttyS2 38400 & and it goes no further. Something
disconnects the modem all the time. My PPP is 2.2.0, so I'm safe there. No
other errors. I'm in despair and about to get on an anti-depressant. Anybody
who has a good suggestion, will get a bottle of virtual vodka and even drink
it with me (virtually)!



Date: Sun, 27 Dec 1998 20:14:48 -0600
From: Michael Fross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Am I stupid or am I stupid. PPP. ALMOST!!!

Rob Clark wrote:
> In article <766d1l$22g$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Sergei Gerasenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I've been working on this problem for 4 days already. I've had three nights
> >when I went to bed at 8 a.m.! Here is the problem. I bought a RedHat
> [..]
> >connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS2 (pretty lively too:-)
> >channel ppp0 closing (Oh, oh!)
> >hangup (SIGHUP)
> >modem hangup
> >connection terminated
> >exit
> 1. Get some sleep.  ;)
> 2. Find out if your ISP is using PAP or CHAP authemtication.
> 3. Include 'debug' as a PPP option.

I am having the exact same problem.  It is not an authentication issue,
however because I do authenticate.  It seems there are a lot of people
with this problem.  Has Redhat acknowledged it as a bug?

I am ready to start a drinking habit over this 8-)



Subject: Fetchmail broken after switch to Qmail
Date: 28 Dec 1998 02:16:49 GMT

Fetchmail won't work anymore since "upgrading" to qmail - used to work like 
a champ with sendmail.  I use Pine3.95.rpm, on Redhat5.0, and have the 
following line in /home/ncrose/.fetchmailrc:

poll proto pop3 user ncrose with pass MyPassword is ncrose here

I uninstalled the Sendmail rpm (and rebooted), then installed the Qmail rpm 
(and then rebooted).  Now when using fetchmail, I get the following error 

fetchmail: Invalid command, try one of: STAT, LIST [msg], RETR msg, TOP msg n, 
DELE msg
1 message for ncrose at (3936 octets).
reading message 1 of 1 (3936 octets) .fetchmail: SMTP connect to localhost 
Connection refused
fetchmail: SMTP transaction error while fetching from
fetchmail: Query status=10

Perplexing also, is the disappearance of my folders in Pine!  Used to have 
inbox, sent-mail, outbox, etc. - now just a long string of gibberish 

Hope someone can help!  I want Qmail installed to increase security, etc.  

Chip Rose.


Date: Sun, 27 Dec 1998 17:18:48 -0500
From: Victor Danilchenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: The goal of Open Source

steve mcadams wrote:
> On 26 Dec 1998 23:15:27 -0800, Michael Powe
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >The plain fact is, anyway, your "independence" is bought at the price
> >of someone else's.
> How so?  I build a product, I sell a product, I release the source
> code so people who buy the product can maintain it themselves if they
> so choose.  All I ask is that customers not give my product away for
> me.  I don't see how this takes away anyone's independence.
> On the other hand the open-source concept seems to take away my
> freedom, since basically (as I understand it) it says I can't sell a
> product I have to give it away, I can only sell services.

        You should look at the fundamental concepts here. You are talking in
terms of "intellectual property". Think about it -- what IS
"intellectual property"? It is nothing substantial, certainly; in fact,
what we misleadingly call "intellectual property" (thus heaping it
together with material property, which cannot be freely replicated and
thus can have only one owner at a time) is actually a RIGHT -- a right
to forbid others to put the ideas you came up with to certain use.
        Now step back and think about the situation in this light. You are
demanding a right to forbid people to do stuff. You don't actually OWN
anything (there is noTHING to own here) -- rather, you have been granted
a right, a right to prevent people from doing certain things.
        Do you feel any different now?..

P.S. The term "intellectual property" is just as misleading as many
other terms -- one man's "terrorist" is another man's "freedom fighter",
and "software piracy" is not piracy. Every time you use the term
"intellectual property", you are comitting a very subtle form of the
strawman fallacy.

|  Victor A. Danilchenko       CSCF support  |
|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]       A313, 5-4231  |
|       Quando omni flunkus, moritati.       |


From: Andrew Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.lang.perl.misc
Subject: Re: GUI Perl Debugger
Date: Sun, 27 Dec 1998 17:12:49 -0600

Paul Davies wrote:
! Does anyone know if there is a windows based perl debugger for Linux?
! I know Activestate have released one for Microsoft Windows.

you might want to try out DDD (Data Display Debugger), a graphical
front end for a few debuggers, perl support is now included:

you'll need motif, or LessTif (0.87 or higher). I built it
using lesstif on my linux box ... looks ok, but I haven't
done any serious playing with it yet.



From: "Casey R. Adkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ATT Worldnet Connectivity
Date: 27 Dec 1998 23:24:45 GMT

Q. Has anyone connected to ATT Worldnet via linux (i.e. EXPECT 
script)specifically using kppp?

Thanks in advance.....



From: Jerry Lynn Kreps <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Am I stupid or am I stupid. PPP. ALMOST!!!
Date: Sun, 27 Dec 1998 20:43:39 -0600

It's been awhile since I had the problem of the modem haning up right
after connection.  If I remember correctly I needed to add /N0 in the
setup string.  Check your modem documentation.

Joel D. Carter wrote:
> Sergei Gerasenko wrote:
> >
> > I've been working on this problem for 4 days already. I've had three nights
> > when I went to bed at 8 a.m.! Here is the problem. I bought a RedHat
> > distribution of Linux (kernel 2.2.32) a week ago and decided to install it
> > on my notebook (NEC VERSA 4000). Of course, the first thing I wanted to work
> > was PPP (I have a PCMCIA modem). My modem was successfully recognized and I
> > didn't have any problems with that. But I was concerned about PPP support.
> > At first I thought that it wasn't built in  the kernel because the PPP
> > registration lines wouldn't show up at boot up. So, I recompiled the kernel
> > with the support built in. For some reason other features got messed up and
> > I decided to switch back to the old kernel. (You must notice here that all
> > that was going on during the Christmas time when everybody was drinking
> > booze and having fun). Luckily, it turned out that the old kernel had PPP in
> > modules. With great relief I edited all the scripts (PPP-on and
> > ppp-on-dialer). Of course they didn't work right away, but ultimately I
> > successfully passed the login-password phase. I'm sure that I send right
> > responses to my ISP because /var/log/messages goes all the way to "serial
> > connection established" and I also looked through the log line by line.
> > Nothing suspicious. "Serial connection established" was about the only
> > encouraging line in the whole log. Then comes the following:
> >
> > connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS2 (pretty lively too:-)
> > channel ppp0 closing (Oh, oh!)
> > hangup (SIGHUP)
> > modem hangup
> > connection terminated
> > exit
> >
> >     I have read a whole bunch of readme's on PPP. Nothing describes SIGHUP
> > in a detailed way. There was a short description of that in PPP-HOWTO, but
> > it didn't help. I have looked through old postings dated all the way back to
> > 1997 and found nothing similar.
> >     The PPP service also starts O.K. according to the log. I have tried
> > minicom. The same thing. I get to the point when I enter my credentials, get
> > the garbage, exit the program without resetting the modem, type
> > #pppd -d -detach /dev/ttyS2 38400 & and it goes no further. Something
> > disconnects the modem all the time. My PPP is 2.2.0, so I'm safe there. No
> > other errors. I'm in despair and about to get on an anti-depressant. Anybody
> > who has a good suggestion, will get a bottle of virtual vodka and even drink
> > it with me (virtually)!
> >
> I am experiencing the exact same problem. Anyonw that has some insight.
> Please let me know. Thanks.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (erikc)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: When will kernel 2.2 be released?
Date: Sun, 27 Dec 1998 23:27:18 GMT

On 27 Dec 1998 17:43:24 GMT
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Filip M. Gieszczykiewicz) wrote:
-- origin: comp.os.linux.hardware:
>|In Article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, through puissant locution, 
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Harry McGregor) soliloquized:
>|>Last I heard it the 2.1.xx kernels were up the M$ quality (about
>|>125), and are not quite up to linux quality.  If you need things that
>|Huh? My .96pl2 was up about M$ quality.... ;)
>|(what scares the crap out of me is the Navy moving their fleet from
>|[stable] unix systems to NT... [shivvvvvver])

I read about that.  I just hope the Navy learned its lesson.  I
believe the motivation for the switch over to NT was that the Navy
wanted to get away from custom one-off hardware and software and move
over to stuff they could get "anywhere".  Somehow, the brass seemed to
overlook the the minor detail that the Navy's needs are one hell of a
lot different than the needs of someone running a business.

Maybe they should try Linux.  ;-)

has a petition you can sign if you want to nudge the gov't into
considering open source software.

Erikc (alt.atheist #002) | "An Fhirinne in aghaidh an tSaoil." 
                         |      "The Truth against the World."
                         |                           -- Bardic Motto
If we don't believe in freedom of expression for
people we despise, we don't believe in it at all.
   ---- Noam Chomsky


From: "G. Hugh SONG" <ghsong@\"Spamspoiler\">
Subject: Re: Applix or Corel WP? Anyone using new version of Applix?
Date: Mon, 28 Dec 1998 11:46:21 +0900

Rod Smith wrote:

> [Posted and mailed]
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>         [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Phillip Deackes) writes:
> >
> > I have downloaded Corel WP 5 and like it a lot,
> I assume you mean WP8.
> > but I also like
> > Applixware (I have version 4.3.7). Has anyone upgraded to the latest
> > Applix? If so, can you give me some idea of how different it is from the
> > version I have.
> I've upgraded to 4.4.1, but haven't really used it a lot.  I've not seen
> any differences in the word processing module (which is what I mostly
> use), though I know they exist.  There are more and better file
> import/export filters, for instance.  If you go to the Applix web site
> (, you can find instructions for joining the
> ApplixWare mailing list.  You may find this helpful.
> > What do those of you using Applix / Corel WP 8 think?
> In general, Applix is more stable than WP 7, but WP 8 has been far better
> than WP 7 for me -- probably on a par with Applix.  Applix SEEMS like a
> simpler program, and it is, but Applix seems simpler at first glance than
> it is.  It's got a cleaner (and cruder-looking) user interface design than
> what WP has, and this tends to hide the program's abilities from a casual
> observer.
> --
> Rod Smith
> NOTE: Remove the digit and following word from my address to mail me

Presentation program (in the spirit of PowerPoint in the M$ world) under
Applix is "Presents",  and it sucks (is awfully unflexible) when it comes to
equation handling.  I am using Applix 4.37.  What is the counterpart of
in WP 8 package?  Is it any better than "Presents"?

Another inconvenience is that I have to use EPSI format all the time
although internally Presents previews the EPS portion of the EPSI file.
The program could simply support EPS format.  Why...not EPS?
I just can't understand why those office programs neglect technical
users who are accustomed to  the Unix environment.


G. Hugh Song

PS: Please remove "Spamspoiler" when replying


From: "Joel D. Carter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Am I stupid or am I stupid. PPP. ALMOST!!!
Date: Sun, 27 Dec 1998 23:35:28 GMT

Sergei Gerasenko wrote:
> I've been working on this problem for 4 days already. I've had three nights
> when I went to bed at 8 a.m.! Here is the problem. I bought a RedHat
> distribution of Linux (kernel 2.2.32) a week ago and decided to install it
> on my notebook (NEC VERSA 4000). Of course, the first thing I wanted to work
> was PPP (I have a PCMCIA modem). My modem was successfully recognized and I
> didn't have any problems with that. But I was concerned about PPP support.
> At first I thought that it wasn't built in  the kernel because the PPP
> registration lines wouldn't show up at boot up. So, I recompiled the kernel
> with the support built in. For some reason other features got messed up and
> I decided to switch back to the old kernel. (You must notice here that all
> that was going on during the Christmas time when everybody was drinking
> booze and having fun). Luckily, it turned out that the old kernel had PPP in
> modules. With great relief I edited all the scripts (PPP-on and
> ppp-on-dialer). Of course they didn't work right away, but ultimately I
> successfully passed the login-password phase. I'm sure that I send right
> responses to my ISP because /var/log/messages goes all the way to "serial
> connection established" and I also looked through the log line by line.
> Nothing suspicious. "Serial connection established" was about the only
> encouraging line in the whole log. Then comes the following:
> connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS2 (pretty lively too:-)
> channel ppp0 closing (Oh, oh!)
> hangup (SIGHUP)
> modem hangup
> connection terminated
> exit
>     I have read a whole bunch of readme's on PPP. Nothing describes SIGHUP
> in a detailed way. There was a short description of that in PPP-HOWTO, but
> it didn't help. I have looked through old postings dated all the way back to
> 1997 and found nothing similar.
>     The PPP service also starts O.K. according to the log. I have tried
> minicom. The same thing. I get to the point when I enter my credentials, get
> the garbage, exit the program without resetting the modem, type
> #pppd -d -detach /dev/ttyS2 38400 & and it goes no further. Something
> disconnects the modem all the time. My PPP is 2.2.0, so I'm safe there. No
> other errors. I'm in despair and about to get on an anti-depressant. Anybody
> who has a good suggestion, will get a bottle of virtual vodka and even drink
> it with me (virtually)!
I am experiencing the exact same problem. Anyonw that has some insight.
Please let me know. Thanks.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (steve mcadams)
Subject: Re: The goal of Open Source
Date: Sun, 27 Dec 1998 22:54:53 GMT

On Sun, 27 Dec 1998 17:18:48 -0500, Victor Danilchenko

>       Now step back and think about the situation in this light. You are
>demanding a right to forbid people to do stuff. You don't actually OWN
>anything (there is noTHING to own here) -- rather, you have been granted
>a right, a right to prevent people from doing certain things.
>       Do you feel any different now?..

If I spend a lot of time and effort determining the order the bits
need to be in to cause a certain function to happen, don't I have a
right to expect recompense for my efforts?  Have I not created
something that is useful?  -steve
Tools for programmers:


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (steve mcadams)
Subject: Re: Infringement of the GPL
Date: Sun, 27 Dec 1998 22:54:55 GMT

On Sun, 27 Dec 1998 18:50:53 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>Neither the free nor the proprietary system can help you achieve this.  You
>can't sell anything without dealing with customers.  Your choices are
>customers, a boss, or subsistence farming.

Actually what I had in mind was a kind of cottage-industry subsistence
software kind of thing.  -steve
Tools for programmers:


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (brian moore)
Subject: Re: The goal of Open Source
Date: 27 Dec 1998 21:50:34 GMT

On Sun, 27 Dec 1998 16:15:55 GMT, 
 steve mcadams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How so?  I build a product, I sell a product, I release the source
> code so people who buy the product can maintain it themselves if they
> so choose.  All I ask is that customers not give my product away for
> me.  I don't see how this takes away anyone's independence.

You're not selling a product, then, you're leasing it.  You only allow
its use on your terms.

> On the other hand the open-source concept seems to take away my
> freedom, since basically (as I understand it) it says I can't sell a
> product I have to give it away, I can only sell services.

You don't have to give it away.  The FSF sells software.  So do Redhat
and Caldera.  So does Cygnus.  So does Cyclic.  So do lots of people.

> >  Instead of
> >"ownership" and its twin brother, "independence," we could have
> >... equality. 
> Equality is great, as long as it doesn't amount to equal slavery for
> all, in which case it sucks.  -steve

It's equal freedom for all.  The 'free' in 'free software' is not about
price: it is about freedom.

Again, numerous companies make money with free software.  Cygnus has
been selling it for years and making quite healthy profits.

In this day of Microsoft, in fact, free software is where the big money
is.  If you start to make money in the Microsoft world, you can expect
MS to come in and take your product away (ask Stac or Netscape or
Borland or IBM or Lotus or WordPerfect or TV Host ....  the list goes
on and on).

That isn't freedom: that is letting -you- take the risk for software,
and if it seems to have a potential profit, your ideas will be absorbed
by the Microsoft marketing engine, depriving you of revenue.  Sure
sounds like slavery to me.

Brian Moore                       | "The Zen nature of a spammer resembles
      Sysadmin, C/Perl Hacker     |  a cockroach, except that the cockroach
      Usenet Vandal               |  is higher up on the evolutionary chain."
      Netscum, Bane of Elves.                 Peter Olson, Delphi Postmaster


From: "Chad J. Lemmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Keyboard lockup upon boot
Date: Sun, 27 Dec 1998 20:53:56 -0600

I'm running RedHad Linux 5.2 on a Compaq Deskpro 6000.  The keyboard locks
up (sometimes) when Linux boots up and I am unable to login.  It seems to
lockup right away when Linux begins to boot, not after anything specifically
loads in the bootup process.

Anyone else experience this, and if so, how did you fix it?


From: Jerry Lynn Kreps <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps
Subject: Re: Netscape 4.5 problem
Date: Sun, 27 Dec 1998 20:45:47 -0600

Mine does the same thing.  After it comes up I click on it somewhere and
that causes it to load my ISP's home page.

mvrao wrote:
> This is an issue I never could correct. When I start Navigator, it won't
> load the page until I do some action. This is also true when another app
> starts the browser. It doesn't even load the 'home' page by itself at
> startup !
> Is there a remedy ? If so, what is it ?



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