Linux-Misc Digest #375, Volume #21               Thu, 12 Aug 99 13:13:09 EDT

  Re: brain teaser (benjamin j snyder)
  Re: Need help running script....for Nvidia TNT support (Jon Skeet)
  Re: need help with kppp and floppies PLEASE (Jayan M)
  Re: Strange bootup message in RH 6.0 (Jayan M)
  Re: What's The best Firewall/Proxy Software (Robin Smith) questions (Jesse Hughes)
  Re: Red Hat IPO (Was: Re: E*Trade: Dishonest or incompetent?)( (coffee)
  Saving attachment from script ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Help for Shared Vedio Memory. (Jun Zhuang)
  Re: What I think of linux. (Steve Hodgson)
  Re: CIA assassinations (MK)
  Re: io-performance measuring (Abdullah Ramazanoglu)
  Re: Organizer on Linix compatible with Sun Calendar Manager (Jozef Dodziuk)
  Re: c++ grammer (Stig E. Sandø)
  Quicken replacement ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Quicken and Outlook 98 Replacements. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Pentiume III serial number (Stuart R. Fuller)
  Re: CD-Recorder (Nick Theiler)
  running who command  = no users! (+ bonus problem) ("Leroy Banack")
  running who command  = no users! (+ bonus problem) ("Leroy Banack")


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (benjamin j snyder)
Subject: Re: brain teaser
Date: 12 Aug 1999 14:19:54 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
William Wueppelmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>In our last episode (Fri, 30 Jul 1999 16:27:03 -0500),
>the artist formerly known as Jeff Trisoliere said:
>>What is the most commonly used MS-DOS command? Hint it's still used in
>>Windows NT and does not work at the Netware server console. Hint 2: This
>>command is also available in Linux, the command does a different
>>function in NT as it does in DOS or Linux and this command can be
>>disabled in Linux.
>It is pitch black.
>You are likely to be spammed by a grue.

At first this is what I thought, but in linux and dos it does the same thing, 
in NT it's different though.  I cant tell from the original posting whether or
not it was intended to imply Linux and DOS have the same functionality with 
this command (at least the end result is the same),  but in NT it's different, 
or if it meant that it was different in all three.

I'd really like to the the posters answer.

Ben Snyder                              


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jon Skeet)
Subject: Re: Need help running script....for Nvidia TNT support
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 14:21:50 +0100

> On Wed, 11 Aug 1999 19:54:07 -0600, JMNugent wrote:
> >I downloaded a new X Server from Nvidia's web site, unzipped, etc.
> >
> >At the # prompt, .....What do I type to run the script???? I've moved to the
> >directory where the script is located..but it wont run
> >
> >I realize this is a dumb question,..but I've tried     " . / riva_install  "
> >(the name of the script).....but all I get is "command not found"

If you actually typed it as written here, then the spaces are your 
problem. Instead of . / riva_install you should have done ./riva_install

Hope that helps.

> Second, check if "." is in your path. It should be by default.

No it shouldn't - not for root, at any rate. It's deemed a security risk, 
for better or worse.



Subject: Re: need help with kppp and floppies PLEASE
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 22:52:17 GMT

About the floppy issue:
What's the file system on the floppy?
Just a shot in the dark, but is this floppy formatted,
and have a valid filesystem?

Or you might be trying to mount a floppy with a
kernel ddied on it for boot..
(the dd if=vmlinuz of=/dev/fd0 thing..)


Jonathan Wilson wrote:

> (this is copied from comp.os.linux.networking)
> Hi,
> I need some assistance with kppp. I set my connections up using linuxconf.
> Kppp will dial the modem (Creative Labs Modem Blaster) and start to log in,
> but in the end it reports:
> "Error
>     Timeout expired while waiting for the PPP interface to come up!"
> Additionally, I think it's a problem with kppp (I'm not sure though),
> because when I use the connect in linuxconf it doesn't complain. But I don't
> know how to test that to make sure (I've only had it installed for 3 days)
> I'm using Linux-Mandrake 6.0
> I don't have to use kppp, but what else am I going to do? I tried using
> minicom, and I think it worked, but I couldn't get Netscape or any thing
> else to work.
> I'm also having trouble with floppies. When I try to mount one (or do
> anything with it, for that matter) I get the message "Error: you must
> specify a filesystem type" but Linux mandrake comes with controls that are
> supposed to auto mount and auto detect the filesystem type.
> If there's any one who has successfully used Linux-Mandrake (or just KDE) to
> connect to the Internet and other basic things (mounting floppies, CD, zip
> drives, setting up Ethernet (Samba), adding and removing programs), that
> would be willing to correspond with me, I'd REALLY appreciate it.
> Thank in advance.
>   JW


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Strange bootup message in RH 6.0
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 22:46:42 GMT

change the line "onboot=yes" to "onboot=no"
in the file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-lo

to prevent it from starting during boot.


Mark Mykkanen wrote:

> Whenever I boot my system I get this error added to my /var/log/messages
> and sometimes to my boot screen...I think it has to do with the loopback
> device, but I don't know what I have configured wrong.
> Jul 27 00:10:42 shamu init: Entering runlevel: 3
> Jul 27 00:10:45 shamu modprobe: can't locate module lo:0
> Jul 27 00:10:45 shamu modprobe: can't locate module lo:1
> Jul 27 00:10:45 shamu modprobe: can't locate module lo:2
> ...
> Jul 27 00:10:47 shamu modprobe: can't locate module lo:49
> Jul 27 00:10:47 shamu network: Bringing up interface lo succeeded
> Does anybody know how I can fix this problem?


From: Robin Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: What's The best Firewall/Proxy Software
Date: 11 Aug 1999 15:09:08 +0100

"Pat Duczyminski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I was wondering what is the best (free of course) firewall/proxy software to
> use on Mandrake to connect 3 other computers (Win98 machines) on my personal
> LAN.  I uesd Wingate when I was running Win98 but I want to go totally
> Linux.  A good GUI would be nice, but command line wouldn't be a problem
> with good Docs.  Any help would be appreciated.

Things are never free, they may not cost you money but you still have
to spend your time learning, implementing and managing them :-)

N.B. I have read articles on firewalls under linux but never managed them.

This months ( September 1999 ) PC Plus magazine has an article about
setting up firewalls, try their web site. Basically IPCHAINs is built
into the kernel ( 2.2.* ) so you just need to configure it. I also read on that there is a graphical utility for the KDE
desktop called something like kfirewall that allows you to setup the
firewall rules by the GUI.

Hope this helps a little.



From: Jesse Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: questions
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 10:00:08 -0400

Hey ho.

I have LILO set to boot two different kernels -- 2.0.27 (the kernel I
have on my old distribution disk) and 2.2.10.  I've noticed that when I
run ps, there is a message saying 

Warning: /boot/ has an incorrect kernel version.

(At least it says that when I'm running the 2.2.10 kernel -- not sure
about the other.)

I see that there are files in /usr/src/linux-2.*.  I couldn't
find any instructions that, to install the kernel, I also need to put in a
new  Should I take the 2.2.10 and overwrite
/boot/  Will that give me any problems if I boot into 2.0.27
(not that I seem likely to anymore)?

Also, the 2.0.27 version of has oodles of differences with the
/boot version.  I see that is created whenever I compile the
kernel.  Can someone give me a primer on what is about?  Or
point me to the proper resource?

Please send a courtesy copy, as it's a touch difficult to read the
newsgroups currently.



From: coffee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: misc.invest.stocks
Subject: Re: Red Hat IPO (Was: Re: E*Trade: Dishonest or incompetent?)(
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 08:47:38 -0400

"John W. Eaton" wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Steve Rikli) writes:
> > My most recent complaint about E*Trade happened about 30min ago.  Perhaps
> > others will have a similar story to tell.
> >
> > I was one of the lucky few who got in on the initial E*Trade conditional
> > offer process for Red Hat (RHAT) @ $10-12 last week, IPO'ing today.
> [Remainder of account of RHAT IPO experience elided.]
> My experience was different, but not by that much.  On July 20, I
> received a message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] saying in part
>   In appreciation of your contribution to the open source community,
>   Red Hat is pleased to offer you this personal, non-transferable,
>   opportunity.
>   ...
>   Red Hat couldn't have grown this far without the ongoing help and
>   support of the open source community.  Therefore, we have reserved a
>   portion of the stock in our offering for distribution online to
>   certain members of the open source community.  We invite you to
>   participate.
> (I think that the first sentence of the second quoted paragraph is a
> particularly important one to understand.)
> So, I decided that I would try to participate in a small way, mostly
> for the fun of being in on this from Day One (in more ways that one, I
> think, since I have been writing free software longer than Linux has
> been around).
> Applying to buy shares was not trivial for me since at the time I
> received the initial offer, the deadline for accepting was just one
> week away and I didn't yet have an account with E*Trade.  So I set one
> up and deposited enough funds to cover the commission and 100 shares
> at $12 (which was then the top end of the expected price range) but
> not much more (E*Trade is not my regular broker, nor do I really want
> them to be, so I saw no particularly good reason to put a lot of extra
> cash there).  Yes, 100 shares is not much, but remember, I was mostly
> in it for fun (and perhaps a little profit).  Of course I realized
> that the range could change at any time, but I did not expect it to
> change without some opportunity to react.
> Eventually, the deadline for placing a conditional order slipped by
> one week.  On August 1 (I think, I had just returned from a ten day
> trip to attend a funeral, so my memory of the exact time is a little
> foggy), I was able to place my conditional order (unlike many others,
> it now seems).  Then yesterday the price range was changed (I just
> happened to check the web site to see the notice) and notice was given
> that NEW conditional orders would have to be placed if the offering
> was outside the original range.  So I watched this morning to see what
> would happen.  I must have noticed the alert about the price being set
> at $14 just after it happened, because I was able to enter a new
> order although others, even if they were paying attention, were not
> fast enough (I'd estimate that the window of opportunity for this was
> open for less than an hour).  Although I was fast enough to get
> another order in, I had not funded my account sufficiently to buy
> 100 shares at the new price, nor was it possible to buy less than a
> 100 share block.  So, it seemed that I was SOL, but I still wasn't
> sure when trading would actually begin, or whether I might be able to
> make up the deficit in time.
> A bit later, someone from E*Trade actually called me one the phone in
> an attempt to let me know that I would need to place a new conditional
> order, but by the time E*Trade placed the call *it was already too
> late* as the web site showed that they were no longer accepting new
> conditional orders.  So I too wonder why they even bothered to call.
> While I was on the phone, I explained my situation.  I was transferred
> to a broker who told me that I could not change my order to fewer than
> 100 shares, and that the only possible way that I could get shares
> would be to initiate a wire transfer to deposit additional funds to my
> account.  But I decided against even trying that because it seemed
> unlikely that there would be enough time, my bank would cahnge me a
> hefty fee, and the whole process was starting to be somewhat less than
> fun (which was my real reason for doing this anyway).
> Thanks (I suppose) to Red Hat for trying to make a token offer of
> appreciation to those who have worked so hard to make Linux possible.
> Now I have yet another reason for not installing Red Hat distributions
> on my systems (FWIW, I use SuSE currently, because the nice folks
> there keep sending me free copies in the mail; I've never received
> anything similar from Red Hat).
> Finally, I do know that in `fast moving market conditions' one has to
> be prepared to move quickly.  But I think this whole thing was handled
> in a sloppy way, at least for the little guys like me.
> jwe
> --
> In the beginning, Ken Thompson | Octave:
> wrote the searching tool grep. |     Me:
>        -- A. Hume, SP&E (1988) |

I understand where you are comming from as I was really in a rush to get
an account setup with etrade and to fund it enough to get some shares of

According to what I have learned, IPO's are usually a short lived
offering because 'mutuals' usually by them up in large amounts. I never
got a chance to even send in my conditional because after I checked back
at etrade they were no longer accepting new conditionals for redhat. 

However, I cannot blame etrade as Iam a newbie to stocks and Redhat
offering was very hot. There where alot of people that didnt get any.

        Newbie Problems? Visit for help
                coffee at indy dot net * ICQ 1614986 
                        Kokomo, Indiana, USA


Subject: Saving attachment from script
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 15:04:51 GMT

I try to make a script there take a attachment from an e-mail and
upload it to me website.

I use fetchmail to get the mail from the pop3 account. BUT I have some
trouble trying to extract the attachment from the mail.

I use readmsg to get one mail at a time in the script.

Can some one help pleas...

Yours. Rasmus

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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jun Zhuang)
Subject: Help for Shared Vedio Memory.
Date: 12 Aug 1999 15:24:33 GMT

The computer I have do not have a video card.
It comes with 8 MB shared video memory from main memory.
When I install Redhat 6.0 and try to setup video, it was
was failed and got a error like "Error in video card
detecting, please select it manually".
I can't run X windows.
How do I solve this problem?
Thanks in advance.


From: Steve Hodgson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.linux.sux,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: What I think of linux.
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 10:54:18 -0500

benjamin j snyder wrote:

> as far as the folks mentioning age/experience...
> 23...first computer was Commodore-64 (my brother and I actually wore the power
> supplies out on about 4 of those).  We had the 1541 drive and a Star dot-matrix
> printer.  My mom just retired from teaching high school and until about the
> last 2 or 3 years of teaching, she used the Commodore to type tests.  I got
> that computer a loooooooooong time ago - dont really remember not having it.
> Experience outside there goes to Apple IIe, then 8086, then 286 and progressing
> to the P-II on my desk today.
> Remember when a 40MB hdd was ABSOLUTELY FRIGGIN HUGE!?!?!?  How about 4MB RAM?
> We'll never use all of that!
> --
> Ben Snyder

  Hehe, I'm 21 now, and my first computer was the good ol' Apple ][e.  Complete
with dual 5 1/4" floppies!  My favorite game was "hard hat mack."  I think we had
that when I was in kindergarten, and finally got rid of it when I was in
highschool. :-)  But I finally convinced my dad to get a 386 sx/16 back in '90 or
'91.  It had an 85 meg harddrive, 4 megs of ram, and a 2400 baud modem.  That
puppy was lightning fast!  Ahh, my most cherished days of computing were those,
where many hours were spent BBSing through the sophisticated interface known as


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: CIA assassinations
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 15:47:48 GMT

On 12 Aug 1999 15:42:07 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ottavio G.
Rizzo) wrote:

>> >> >What makes you think that a private company won't have an evil
>> >> >inefficient burocracy?
>> >> 
>> >> If they do, they will lose to a more efficient company.
>> >
>> >That supposes a perfect market economy (or perfect and infinitely
>> >efficient regulatory bodies).
>> No, it does not require perfect market economy -- finite time before
>> they lose is required condition. The more competitive and the closer
>> to perfection market is, the faster they lose, the less competitive
>> and the more far away from perfection market is, the longer it takes
>> before they lose. In perfect market economy, they'd lose instantly.

>So it's OK to have a completely senseless government since sooner or
>later there will be a revolution?

Well, not quite. Government can't bankrupt. That's the problem with
it: it has no bottom limit of efficiency. It will just inflate the
money in case of trouble, like it did countless times, since the times
of French dolphin (after grand expenses of Louis XIV) till
contemporary South American governments using hyperinflation to avoid
restructuring economy.

Marcin Krol

Reality is something that does not disappear after
you cease believing in it - VALIS, Philip K. Dick

Delete _spamspamlovelyspam_ from address to email me


From: Abdullah Ramazanoglu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: io-performance measuring
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 16:30:21 +0300

Sven Huster wrote:
> hi there,
> i try to setup a new server and ask my:
> is it possible to see that a disk is overloaded, so load should be
> shared on multiple?
> thanks
> sven

It might be possible with a cron job that inspects /proc/ide and
/proc/scsi trees and builds some sort of disk i/o history. In /proc/scsi
tree i/o per disk is available, but I couldn't find such info under
/proc/ide tree.

While on topic, I'm trying hard to believe that a detailed monitoring
utility with history (such as sar) does not exist for linux (AFAIK). I
had looked around for it, but I couldn't find a comparable utility. Sar
is available for all the unix flavors that I know, except linux. And
there is also no substitute utility for linux as powerful as sar.
For me, such a utility is vital, because I can't successfully manage a
serious server(*) without a detailed insight into it, plus history

(*): Serious workloads, availability requirements, tuning etc.

Abdullah Ramazanoglu    ( aramazanoglu AT demirbank DOT com DOT tr )


Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 17:51:21 +0200
From: Jozef Dodziuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps
Subject: Re: Organizer on Linix compatible with Sun Calendar Manager

Sven Ole Skrivervik wrote:
> Hi all.
> I'm running a Linux laptop on my desk and want to be able to view  my
> calendar which is on a Sun server using the standard calendar manager
> that exists under Solaris. Does anyone out there know of a calendar tool
> running on Linux 2.2 that can talk to the Solaris calendar server
> (rpc.cmsd)??
> brgds,
> - Sven Ole

If Xwindow runs on your laptop, any program running on the Sun can use
your laptop for its display.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stig E. Sandø)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: Re: c++ grammer
Date: 12 Aug 1999 17:56:11 +0200

On Mon, 02 Aug 1999 11:30:37 GMT, jievis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Hi, All:
>   Where can I find the grammer for C++ writen in lex( or flex) and yacc 
>(or bison), 
>   Thanks in advance

You might find the c++ compiler front-end Cppp useful. It also 
explains why only lex and yacc won't do with C++ and then goes
on to "solve" it (but uses yacc/lex when it can).

A patched version of Cppp is available as part of SDS:

Stig Erik Sandoe    Institute of Informatics, University of Bergen
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               


Subject: Quicken replacement
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 15:46:35 GMT

Does anyone know of a Quicken replacement for


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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


Subject: Quicken and Outlook 98 Replacements.
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 15:48:33 GMT

What are some good Quicken and Outlook 98 replacements for Linux?


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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stuart R. Fuller)
Subject: Re: Pentiume III serial number
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 16:10:02 GMT

If the BIOS can turn off the serial number, then some piece of software can
turn it back on.


Ryan Windley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: You may be able to disable it in the bios.  I know that's how I did it on
: my p3.  If you do that you should have no worry about the S/N ever again.
: : Sorry if this question has been asked/answered before, but I don't
: : find it in the FAQ.  As I understand, each P III has a unique
: : serial number that can be obtained by a remote web site, which 
: : raises concern on privacy.  How does this affect Linux users, or
: : is this a problem affecting only Windoze/whatever ?
: : -------------------------------------------------------
: : DISCLAIMER:  I don't even speak for myself, what makes 
: :              you think I speak for anyone else ?


From: Nick Theiler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: CD-Recorder
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 11:44:39 -0500

Have you tried X-CD Roast?

nick theiler

James A Grand-Scrutton wrote:
> I have a Mitsumi CD-Recorder, is there software avalible to enable meto
> create CD's using Linux
> James


From: "Leroy Banack" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: running who command  = no users! (+ bonus problem)
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 09:09:56 -0700

Here is a bit of background:

I'm running Red Hat flavored linux (kernel version 2.0.36).
My linux box sits in my laundry room and acts a file, ftp and http server.
Also, I use it for text processing (LaTex, perl, sed, awk, vi, etc..).  Its
connected to the 'net via a cable modem connected to a five port hub.  It
has its own static IP address.  Generally, no monitor is attached ...  all
work is done though telnet.

Ok, here's the funny thing.  Below is a "cut and paste" of a session I had
the other day ....

@home:/home/banack/eba $ who
@home:/home/banack/eba $

who gave NO users!

@home:/home/banack/eba $ uptime
 10:56pm  up 47 days,  6:04,  0 users,  load average: 0.02, 0.02, 0.00

also, uptime gave 0 users!  (I assume both commands get the user info from
the same file)

Is this a known bug?  Do I have a configuration problem?  I'm really just
curious; usually this command works fine.

And, while I have the ears of some linux gurus :)  , here is the bonus
problem ... I've also have seemed to lost my motd.  The file is still there;
however, when I log in the message is no longer displayed (It worked for a
couple of days, then stopped!)  This is not critical, expect for the fact
that I spent some time creating some small ascii art that no one will see!
(well, my box only has four users, but still ...)  What other files (beside
individual users login scripts) will control the displaying of the motd.

Leroy Banack, Hydrogeologist            EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd.
Suite 550, Sun Life Plaza, 1100 Melville Street, Vancouver, B.C. V6E 4A6
Tel:(604) 685-0275    Fax:(604) 684-6241    E-Mail: banack<nospam>
Please remove <nospam> to email me.


From: "Leroy Banack" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: running who command  = no users! (+ bonus problem)
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 09:13:18 -0700

Here is a bit of background:

I'm running Red Hat flavored linux (kernel version 2.0.36).
My linux box sits in my laundry room and acts a file, ftp and http server.
Also, I use it for text processing (LaTex, perl, sed, awk, vi, etc..).  Its
connected to the 'net via a cable modem connected to a five port hub.  It
has its own static IP address.  Generally, no monitor is attached ...  all
work is done though telnet.

Ok, here's the funny thing.  Below is a "cut and paste" of a session I had
the other day ....

@home:/home/banack/eba $ who
@home:/home/banack/eba $

who gave NO users!

@home:/home/banack/eba $ uptime
 10:56pm  up 47 days,  6:04,  0 users,  load average: 0.02, 0.02, 0.00

also, uptime gave 0 users!  (I assume both commands get the user info from
the same file)

Is this a known bug?  Do I have a configuration problem?  I'm really just
curious; usually this command works fine.

And, while I have the ears of some linux gurus :)  , here is the bonus
problem ... I've also have seemed to lost my motd.  The file is still there;
however, when I log in the message is no longer displayed (It worked for a
couple of days, then stopped!)  This is not critical, expect for the fact
that I spent some time creating some small ascii art that no one will see!
(well, my box only has four users, but still ...)  What other files (beside
individual users login scripts) will control the displaying of the motd.

Leroy Banack, Hydrogeologist            EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd.
Suite 550, Sun Life Plaza, 1100 Melville Street, Vancouver, B.C. V6E 4A6
Tel:(604) 685-0275    Fax:(604) 684-6241    E-Mail: banack<nospam>
Please remove <nospam> to email me.



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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