Linux-Misc Digest #375, Volume #20               Fri, 28 May 99 00:13:08 EDT

  Re: Commercially speaking....? (Thomas Boroske)
  Re: ip masquerading fine access control question (Matthew Vanecek)
  Re: advance power management (Nikodemus Karlsson)
  Re: Netscape crashes and it takes the whole machine with it! (Do-Hoon Kwon)
  Re: PPP and Fax conflict (Brandon)
  Re: error: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' 
(111)' ("D. Vrabel")
  Re: Iomega products and Linux (L J Bayuk)
  Modem sharing? (Samuel AU)
  Re: choosing an OS for a retired Sun workstation (Kevin C. Weissman)
  Re: "tcp/:7100"  Not available ??? (Joseph White)
  Re: RH6.0 & General Linux Question ("D. Vrabel")
  Re: RH6.0 & General Linux Question (John Hovell)
  Real Player G2 (Richard Edwards)
  Re: Linux PPP (Brandon)
  Re: How to run a script when logging out ? ("D. Vrabel")
  gdm compilation troubles (Brent)
  Re: "Art Format" images? ("D. Vrabel")
  Re: How do you change the Applications Menu? (bowman)
  NFS bug in the new kernels (was Re: NFS with Redhat 6 server and  ("G. Hugh SONG")
  RH6.0 & General Linux Question (Michael Olsen)
  Re: Application/PDF in Netscape 4.51 (Gerald Willmann)
  Re: rpm not working (Gerald Willmann)


From: Thomas Boroske <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,,uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Commercially speaking....?
Date: 28 May 1999 04:24:32 +0200

gus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> There is nothing wrong with writing commercial applications for linux
> just so long as you do not copy / use / base any code on the *source*
> *code* of a GPL program. There is *nothing* wrong with using a GPL
> program for what it is desiged for. 

Be careful here ...
A library, if under GPL (not LGPL) can not be linked with a commercial 
app - yet linking with it is exactly what every library is designed
for, and does not require source code (except headers). 
Of course, you were talking about programs only, which libraries

I personally think that libraries under GPL suck - simply on the
basis that linking with libraries is just normal use of libraries
(thereīs simply no other use for libraries than linking an app with
it). I can see the "eithical", "GNU/FSF enthusiast" point though, but I
think LGPL was good enough. 

Kind regards,

Thomas Boroske


From: Matthew Vanecek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: ip masquerading fine access control question
Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 02:10:00 +0000

Son Trung Nguyen wrote:

> There must be a way with ipfwadm where I can remove only the aaa.bbb.ccc.180
> without affecting aaa.bbb.ccc.181   I have read through the faqs but like
> usual, I missed it, so I apologize if it is in there.  I will read it
> again
> just in case.

You have to set input and output rules on whatever interface (most
likely ppp0, right?) you wish to restrict.  It's mainly a matter of
reading the man page and plugging in the values.  YOu *did* read the man
page, didn't you? So if you have packets originating at <source> heading
to <anywhere>, you would set your output filter to REJECT or DENY the
packets.  It's been a while since I used ipfwadm; I'm using ipchains
now, w/kernel 2.2.x, but it's the same concept.  What you need to do is
setup *firewall* rules, as opposed to *masqing* rules.  Although, you
still need to have the masqing rules, too.

> Further more, is there a way you can restrict the bandwidth through one
> of the ip?  ie allow only a 1200 bps through aaa.bbb.ccc.180 and give the
> rest of the bandwidth to the other machine? Hope you can do this.

I highly doubt it.  It'd be an interesting experiment, though.

Matthew Vanecek
Course of Study:
Visit my Website at
For answers type: perl -e 'print
For 93 million miles, there is nothing between the sun and my shadow
except me. I'm always getting in the way of something...


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Nikodemus Karlsson)
Subject: Re: advance power management
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 08:34:20 +0200

[Posted and mailed]

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        "Paul D. Pandian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>In the file /sbin/init.d/halt (or wherever it is located), there is a command "halt". 
>Just change it to "halt -p", compile for autopower off, and be happy!

Good luck
> Okay: Question. I upgraded the kernel to 2.2.0 (and tried all the rest
> upwards too inlcuding the latest 2.3.3). System cannot shutdown. Even when I
> selected the APM options under kernel configuration and compilation.
> Thanks everyone for your time.
> Regards,
> Paul


From: Do-Hoon Kwon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: Netscape crashes and it takes the whole machine with it!
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 22:12:33 -0400

Douglas Bollinger wrote:
> I'm using the same Linksys card that you are using, and it seems to
> work great, although I haven't pounded on the Linux box very hard.
> Just because they are cheap doesn't make them bad.
> I think your theory on a hardware problem is very good, specifically
> a conflict with the different cards on your PCI bus.  With my Abit
> BH-6 (my Win computer), the AGP and the first PCI slot share the
> same IRQ, and it is generally considered very bad mojo to have two
> high bandwidth devices, like a video card and a NIC, try to co-exist
> on one interrupt.  Sometimes it works, but usually you get weird
> problems.
> Your second hardware configuration will probably work much better.
> If you are using the Abit BH-6, you might want to check for a flash
> ROM upgrade; this would allow you to assign an IRQ for each PCI
> slot.
> I experienced this kind of problem first hand when I added a NIC
> card to my Win98 box.  After experiencing all sorts of strange
> problems and lockups, I noticed that my sound card and NIC were
> sharing an interrupt.  After moving a card to allow the BIOS to give
> each device a separate IRQ, all the problems went away.  Apparently
> IRQ sharing is somewhat a fantasy. :)

 My motherboard is a Gigabyte 6BXD running two PII-300's (overclocked to
450MHz). I wonder if the BIOS can separate the IRQ's of the AGP port
and the first PCI slot.... Probably not...
 As I have described earlier, I'd rather have a network card share IRQ 
with a fast SCSI card than with a VGA card. Let me see what happens.
 Waiting for a chance to shut down the machine..... or forced to :^(

Do-Hoon Kwon


Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 21:54:08 -0400
From: Brandon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: PPP and Fax conflict

carl wrote:
> I installed linux 5.2 on my laptop, rebuilt the kernel, and configured
> pcmia for the modem cards. All went well. I could dialout via PPP to my
> ISP. I then bought the power tools which included fax capability.
> Immediate the PPP functio ceased to function.
> Reason the fax listen software is always attached to the modem. When
> linux is started the fax listening software is started. If I kill the
> fax listener (gettyfax?) and rename the file to a different name, PPP
> works fine.
> Can anyone offer a way that will allow the PPP service to coexist with
> the fax service. I even thought there was a command to disable (stop)
> the fax service. then when I was done with PPP turn it back on. If it is
> there I couldn't find it.
not necessarily a command but are you able to use the fax program as a
module? that would allow you to load the module , send a fax, unload the
module, then start ppp


"Bill Gates?, I dont know any Bill Gates.  Oh, you mean 'by putting
every conceivable 
 feature into an OPERATING SYSTEM, whether you want it or not, is
innovation' Bill 
 Gates? Yeah, I know the monopolizer"
     For Beginners in Linux, Emulation, Midis, Playstation Info, and


From: "D. Vrabel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: error: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket 
'/tmp/mysql.sock' (111)'
Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 01:12:06 +0100

On Thu, 27 May 1999, test wrote:

> > > Nevermind, I found out it was because /tmp needed to be world-writable
> > > which it wasn't before.  Now everything works great...
> > Don't forget to set the sticky bit of /tmp as well.  The sticky bit will
> > prevent users deleting other users files. 
> HOW do I "set the sticky bit" of /tmp?
It is indicated by a t in the executable bit of the ls listing
   drwxrwxrwt   6 root     root         1024 May 28 00:04 /tmp
            ^ small `t' mean sticky and executable
and you set it chmod as usual.
   chmod o+t /tmp 
See the chmod man page for more information.

David Vrabel
Engineering Undergraduate at University of Cambridge, UK.


Subject: Re: Iomega products and Linux
Date: 28 May 1999 01:02:43 GMT

>Sylvia Wong wrote:
>> Both the parallel port and atapi zip works perfectly under linux. The problem
>> is their "I don't care about you unix (incl linux) users" attitude. They don't
>> mention it in their manuals because they don't support it. I'm espescially
>> unhappy as they support OS/2 and Mac. I don't believe there're more OS/2 users
>> than all unixes added together.
>I don't know about Mac, but Iomega's "support" for OS/2
>appears to be limited to leaving their OS/2 drivers (dated
>1995) available for download.  I don't believe it goes any
>further than that...

I did a search on for "linux" - one hit, a document which
said something like: "The backup software is not available for Linux..."

Seriously, though - did anyone with a broken drive get tough with them
(pretend to be lawyer-like) and tell them that their hardware warranty
is a contract, and they must honor the warranty without trying to add
new restrictions to it.  (I assume your warranty statement does not say
you must be run their diagnostic with Windows). Otherwise this becomes
a matter for a complaint to a state agency, I suppose, which deals with
product warranties (Iomega is in Roy, Utah). It's NOT a support issue,
it's a product warranty issue.

To be fair, if it was me, I would also offer to pay a diagnostic fee and
return shipping if I return the drive and it proves NOT to be defective.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Modem sharing?
Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 09:27:30 +0800

Is it possible to share a modem in a Linux base network?  If yes, how
Thanks in advance.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kevin C. Weissman)
Subject: Re: choosing an OS for a retired Sun workstation
Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 02:55:15 GMT

Pete ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: Mikhail Teterin wrote:

: Sound like a Sun Sparcstation ELC or SLC. Recommendable:

: - RedHat Linux 5.2 Sparc
: - or older Solaris Relase (2.5.1)

: I would take RedHat Linux into closer consideration. I am using it on my Sun
: Sparcstation 2 and my ELC. Runs fine, but 32 megs are recommenable,
: espacially if you want to run Netscape which is a real memhog

I am also running RedHat 5.2 on my ELC with 16MB. I can't complain, I'm
running afterstep at a usable pace. Although, netscape does indeed tend to
be slow, but I can live with it.

Just be weary of RedHat's Sparc docs, they don't appear to have been
updated in a while. Also, there's a definate possiblility that the NVRAM
has gone dead on it (like mine). If this is the case, you can get around
it without actually replacing the nvram. You can find out how to do this
somewhere in, or just ask me.
Kevin C. Weissman (KW)            |ACORN "techie" and proud UNIX advocate.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   |Warning:     failed.


From: Joseph White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: "tcp/:7100"  Not available ???
Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 02:14:00 +0000

Hi Glenn,

I don't have xfs running as far  as I can tell, just xfstt.

Glenn wrote:
> Hi Ray,
> Wouldn't it be better to reomve xfs so there is only one font server or is
> there no problem and no reason to do this? I just run with xfsft and all seems
> well.
> Glenn
> --------
> Ray wrote:
> > On Sun, 23 May 1999 20:42:13 +0000, Joseph White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >Hi All,
> > >
> > >I'm trying to get xfstt font server working on my Redhat 5.1
> > >system. I'm using Accelerated-X 4.1.2 and in there
> > >instructions there web site (see below) they say to add
> > >"tcp/:7100" to the [FontPath] section of the Xaccel.ini
> > >file. Then run xfstt --sync  and then start it with xfstt&.
> > >My problem is when I start the xfstt server it reports "Port
> > >7100 not available please select another Port".
> > >
> > >Any idea what it is referring to? Or what what other port
> > >number I could use.
> >
> > Sounds like xfs is already running on port 7100.  xfstt should then be run
> > on 7101.
> >
> > --
> > Ray

           [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: "D. Vrabel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: RH6.0 & General Linux Question
Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 01:24:18 +0100

On Thu, 27 May 1999, Michael Olsen wrote:
> Since 6.0 and GNOME has a warning about using the ROOT account I decided
> that I will try to create an account for myself and stop using the root
> as my primary login acct.
Good idea.
> Now I know to do some functions you have to do the su from the prompt
> but what I can not figure out is why from a prompt I can not do
[snip description of /sbin not in path]

Add /sbin to the PATH environment variable or prepend the program name
with the full path.

> I have noticed a lot in linux that you have to do the ./ before the
> command/program.

This is because . [current directory] is not in the PATH environment
variable.  This is for security reasons. (Say your in /tmp deleting some
files with rm and someone has put a trojan horse in /tmp called rm then
that rm may be executed. This is most critical for root users.  For
ordinary users it might not matter.)
> Why is this/how do I fix it.. and can ANYONE point me to some good FAQ's
> about why to use an account rather than the root acct and how to get
> around without using the root acct.

The PATH variable needs to be set in configuration file that is run for
interactive shells otherwise it gets clobbered everytime you start new new
shell (eg when you use su or start an xterm).  The configuration file is
/etc/bashrc or ~/.bashrc.

David Vrabel
Engineering Undergraduate at University of Cambridge, UK.


From: John Hovell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: RH6.0 & General Linux Question
Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 03:04:59 GMT

Instead of typing "su root", type "su -"

The - assumes superuser, but you also get all the other environment variable
associated with root (e.g. path, etc.).


Michael Olsen wrote:

>     I have been fooling around with Linux for a few months..   I had RH
> 5.2 and got RH6.0..
> Since 6.0 and GNOME has a warning about using the ROOT account I decided
> that I will try to create an account for myself and stop using the root
> as my primary login acct.
> Now I know to do some functions you have to do the su from the prompt
> but what I can not figure out is why from a prompt I can not do
> ifup
> ifdown
> ifconfig
> but If I go to the /sbin directory and type "./ifup"
> or ./ifdown
> or ./ifconfig
> it works..
> I have noticed a lot in linux that you have to do the ./ before the
> command/program.
> Why is this/how do I fix it.. and can ANYONE point me to some good FAQ's
> about why to use an account rather than the root acct and how to get
> around without using the root acct.
> Thanks
> mike
> BTW, when replying to this message could youplease cc: to my email:
> thanks


From: Richard Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Real Player G2
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 22:28:53 -0400

Have downloaded and installed Real Player G2 .   The program opens up
but it does nothing.  I even tried Real Payer 5.0 and that program
insisted on saving a file.  Am I doing something wrong ? or it the
program that is not configured to run properly without missing with it.
Any replies would be appreciated.


Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 22:28:08 -0400
From: Brandon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux PPP

Nick T. wrote:
> This may be mute if you cant get to your ISP, but if you can get
> KDE, it makes ppp sooooo simple....
> -Nick

maybe also giving us readable log output would be niec too

and to help you fix the problem use the network icon in Control Panel
since you are using RH and setup your ppp0 interface from there. 
Somehow i accidentally erased mine a little while ago...i set it up
using the Control Panel in about 2 min , if that.


> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:7iha81$287$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> >I'm having a lot of trouble getting my RedHat 5.1 system to connect to my
> >with pppd.  If anyone could help, I'd really appreciate it.  The modem
> dials
> >my ISP ok, starts making all of the handshake noise, goes silent (which is
> >when, under Windows it is verifying user name and password), and then
> >disconnects.
> >
> >I set up syslogd to generate a log which looks like this (9999999 is my
> ISP's
> >phone number): May 26 12:43:27 localhost pppd[230]: pppd 2.3.3 started by
> >root, uid 0 May 26 12:43:28 localhost chat[231]: timeout set to 5 seconds
> May
> >26 12:43:28 localhost chat[231]: send (ATZ^M) May 26 12:43:29 localhost
> >chat[231]: expect (OK) May 26 12:43:29 localhost chat[231]: ATZ^M^M May 26
> >12:43:29 localhost chat[231]: OK May 26 12:43:29 localhost chat[231]:  --
> got
> >it May 26 12:43:29 localhost chat[231]: send (ATDT9999999^M) May 26
> 12:43:29
> >localhost chat[231]: abort on (NO CARRIER) May 26 12:43:29 localhost
> >chat[231]: abort on (BUSY) May 26 12:43:29 localhost chat[231]: abort on
> (NO
> >DIALTONE) May 26 12:43:29 localhost chat[231]: abort on (WAITING) May 26
> >12:43:29 localhost chat[231]: timeout set to 45 seconds May 26 12:43:29
> >localhost chat[231]: expect (CONNECT) May 26 12:43:29 localhost chat[231]:
> ^M
> >May 26 12:43:42 localhost chat[231]: ATDT9999999^M^M May 26 12:43:42
> >localhost chat[231]: CONNECT May 26 12:43:42 localhost chat[231]:  -- got
> it
> >May 26 12:43:42 localhost chat[231]: send (^M) May 26 12:43:42 localhost
> >chat[231]: timeout set to 5 seconds May 26 12:43:42 localhost chat[231]:
> >expect (name:) May 26 12:43:42 localhost chat[231]:
> >33600/ARQ/V34/LAPM/V42BIS^M May 26 12:43:43 localhost chat[231]: ^M May 26
> >12:43:43 localhost chat[231]: Welcome to 3Com Total Control HiPer ARC
> (TM)^M
> >May 26 12:43:43 localhost chat[231]: Networks That Go The Distance (TM)^M
> May
> >26 12:43:43 localhost chat[231]: ^M May 26 12:43:47 localhost chat[231]:
> >alarm May 26 12:43:47 localhost pppd[230]: Connect script failed May 26
> >12:43:47 localhost chat[231]: Failed May 26 12:43:48 localhost pppd[230]:
> >Exit.
> >


"Bill Gates?, I dont know any Bill Gates.  Oh, you mean 'by putting
every conceivable 
 feature into an OPERATING SYSTEM, whether you want it or not, is
innovation' Bill 
 Gates? Yeah, I know the monopolizer"
     For Beginners in Linux, Emulation, Midis, Playstation Info, and


From: "D. Vrabel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to run a script when logging out ?
Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 01:26:32 +0100

On 27 May 1999, John McKown wrote:

> On 24 May 1999 22:02:12 GMT, John Robson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >I often forget to shut down my Sybase database server when I log out.  So
> >I wrote a script to execute isql commands to shut down the servers.  But then,
> >I sometimes forget to execute the script before I log out :-( .
> >
> >How do I tell Linux to execute my shutdown script automatically whenever I
> >log out ?
Call the script ~/.bash_logout or source the script from within

> do you really want to shutdown the server when you logout? Or do you want
> to shut them down when you shutdown Linux? If the latter, then I'd put
> a script in /etc/rc.d/init.d which will shutdown the server. Then, in the
> various /etc/rc.d/rc?.d subdirectories (the ? is a number - the runlevel)
> I'd put a KnnSyDown as a symbolic link to the script in /etc/rc.d/init.d
> The first letter must be K, the next two must be a "priority" number. The
> smaller the number, the sooner (relative to other Knn... scripts) that it
> will execute.

David Vrabel
Engineering Undergraduate at University of Cambridge, UK.


Subject: gdm compilation troubles
Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 13:28:43 +1000

When compiling gdm-1.0.0 i get the following error -

/usr/lib/libwrap.a(hosts_access.o): In function `host_match':
hosts_access.o(.text+0x4c1): undefined reference to
make[2]: *** [gdm] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/brent/progs/source/gnome/gdm-1.0.0'
make: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2

Any help would be great,



From: "D. Vrabel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: "Art Format" images?
Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 01:31:39 +0100

On 27 May 1999, Jim Osborn wrote:

> I grabbed a few images from someone's web page, noticing they were
> rather small, and had suffix ".art."  I couldn't get xv to display
> them, nor the K image viewer or browser from my (now ancient) SuSE 5.3
> distribution.  The web page's author, on AOL, says they're "in art
> format which displays well in MSIE."  Well, I'm not about to get
> a Microsoft computer for most any reason, least of all a few images,
> but I thought I'd ask around if anyone knows about this format,
> and what we Linux folks can use to view it.
Run file(1) on them.  That should tell you what they are.

David Vrabel
Engineering Undergraduate at University of Cambridge, UK.


From: bowman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How do you change the Applications Menu?
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 21:14:24 -0600

Buschman wrote:
>         It's FVWM(Window Maker) under redhat 5.2. 

you should have .fvwmrc in your home directory. if not, cp it from
system.fvwmrc in /etc/X11/fvwm. Edit it to your tastes. Just search for
one of the apps that are currently displayed, and copy the technique.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: NFS bug in the new kernels (was Re: NFS with Redhat 6 server and 
Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 11:04:24 +0900

> >
> > My guess is that we are all using the knfsd package and Kernel-2.2.?.
> > In /usr/src/linux-2.2.?/Documentation/Changes file, it is
> > explicitly stated that "NFS is currently under heavy revision" to
> > work as a kernel-based NFS.
> >
> I am seeing problems with the knfs stuff also, but only with some
> clients.  An OS/2 box can still mount a file system on the linux
> server normally, but an HP-UX box will show the mount point as
> established but will not be able to see the files.  A bdf displays the
> nfs mount and the correct space utilization, even tho the mount dir is
> empty.  Without even the . and .. entries.
> Any help appreciated,
> rick

I finally figured out the reason of my NFS error messages.
My home directory is in the server machine.  I log on to a client
machine accessing my home directory in the server machine.
Then, I issue "su" on the client machine to do "xhost +".
At this point, the root of the client machine has no permission 
to stay on the home directory.

With 2.0.35 with nfs, some warning message appeared on screen of the
client machine.  Now with /usr/src/linux-2.2.?/fs/nfsd/*.c with knfs,
the error message appears on the *server* machine.  Of course, the
desktop user of the server machine has no idea of why he is getting the
"fh_verify permission error" as well as other nasty-looking nfs errors.

I think this is certainly a bug in the 2.2.?-2.3.3 kernels.

Can someone report this to the the appropriate mailing list?
I don't know how.


G. Hugh Song

Assoc. Professor
Office: +82-62-970-2210
Departmental fax: -2204
PC           fax: -2246
Department of Information and Communications
Kwangju Institute of Science and Technology
1 Oryong-dong, Buk-gu
Kwangju, 500-712 South KOREA


From: Michael Olsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RH6.0 & General Linux Question
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 19:04:00 -0400

    I have been fooling around with Linux for a few months..   I had RH
5.2 and got RH6.0..

Since 6.0 and GNOME has a warning about using the ROOT account I decided
that I will try to create an account for myself and stop using the root
as my primary login acct.

Now I know to do some functions you have to do the su from the prompt

but what I can not figure out is why from a prompt I can not do

but If I go to the /sbin directory and type "./ifup"
or ./ifdown
or ./ifconfig

it works..

I have noticed a lot in linux that you have to do the ./ before the

Why is this/how do I fix it.. and can ANYONE point me to some good FAQ's
about why to use an account rather than the root acct and how to get
around without using the root acct.


BTW, when replying to this message could youplease cc: to my email:



From: Gerald Willmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Application/PDF in Netscape 4.51
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 20:55:20 -0700

On Thu, 27 May 1999, Kaya Imre wrote:

> I downloaded and installed Acrobat4 and set it as an
> application to Netscape4.51.  When I call a pdf file
> the acroread comes up but it cannot find the downloaded
> pdf file.  If I search the cache directory and find it
> in a subdirectory there the I can read it fine.
> How could I do this automatically?

when you set it up did you remember to append %s so that it actually
starts up with the file you download?


From: Gerald Willmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: rpm not working
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 20:57:43 -0700

On Thu, 27 May 1999, sam wrote:

> How does one install the following RPM:  exmh......src.rpm?  When I use
> rpm -i exmh...., I get a return but nothing else -- no comments, no new
> files, no error message.

are you sure you want to install a source rpm?
If not install exmh....rpm, if yes better read
man rpm and maximum rpm found on




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