Linux-Misc Digest #499, Volume #19               Thu, 18 Mar 99 07:13:09 EST

  Re: -12zt**-17.7354.9uy (Mark Tranchant)
  Re: RasMol not working!? (Shane Steven Sturrock)
  Re: AMD questions (Ross Maguire)
  Re: HELP! how do I undelete a file!?? (Andrew Smallshaw)
  Re: downloaded some SUSE disk sets , so how do i install them ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Linux and Y2K (M. Buchenrieder)
  Re: hard disk installation problem ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: HP laserjet 6L (Frank Lenaerts)
  Re: KDE vs GNOME and what about Enlightenment? (David M. Cook)
  Re: 603:Re: best thkb:offline newsreader? (Sitaram Chamarty)
  Re: best offline newsreader? (Sitaram Chamarty)
  Re: recover the user root? (root)
  who is nobody? (root)
  Re: Debian 2.1 install trouble: can't write boot floppy ("Thomas T. Veldhouse")
  Re: who is nobody? ("Oliver D. Bedford")
  Re: Floppy Drive Mounting Problem ("Anthony E. Glover")
  Re: Linux spreadsheets Excel compatible (John Thompson)
  Re: Freecell (John Thompson)
  Load Balancing in Linux ("Paul Davies")
  Re: How get rid of "hostname:" message from rxvt, xterm? (Charles Packer)


From: Mark Tranchant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: -12zt**-17.7354.9uy
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 08:30:39 +0000

Anders G. Olstad wrote:
> Anonymous <Use-Author-Address-Header> wrote:
> > Please study this article VERY carefully. Once you've read
> > it, you'll understand that the evidence is conclusive that:
> [snip]
> I don't care about Jesus - unless he's GPL'ed...

GPL is strict compared with Jesus, who is available for everyone. Hey -
you can even claim you *are* Jesus and no-one can do anything about it.
Warning: most people will laugh at you if you try this.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Shane Steven Sturrock)
Subject: Re: RasMol not working!?
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 10:37:28 +0000

I have a patched v2.6 of rasmol which compiles on glibc systems and can
be compiled to work on 8, 16 or 24/32 bit displays.  It works well.  If you
want it e-mail me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I can put it on an ftp site
for download.  Roger Sayle used to work in my lab.

Dr. Shane Sturrock -
Linux, a better WinNT than WinNT


From: Ross Maguire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: AMD questions
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 20:55:04 +1000

G'day, I have been using AMD chips for a while now, both plain K6, and the K62
3Dn Now variety. I have a dual boot system running Win 98 and RedHat 5.2. I
have never experienced any problem with these chips, finding them neither
incompatible with anything, or a probelm to setup. I was previously running
Win 95, and had no problems there either.

Jason Clifford wrote:

> On Thu, 25 Feb 1999, J Schenk wrote:
> > Does anyone use an Amd k6-2 and have problems.
> > A message in another news group said that There were many problems with
> > the Amd relating to incorrect irq redirecting
> > causing a limit to only use vga mode opperation. is this true and is
> > there any other problems.
> I know that there is a bug in MS Windows 95 that causes a lot of problems
> with AMD K6-2 CPUs at speeds 350MHz and higher and I know of another
> problem with AMD K6-2 CPUs and MicroStar motherboards with onboard ATI
> video and ESS1730 sound but again this is only an issue if you run
> Windows.
> Neither of these problems affects any of the Linux systems we have sold so
> I can only assume that they are MS related.
> Jason Clifford
> Definite Linux Systems


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Smallshaw)
Subject: Re: HELP! how do I undelete a file!??
Date: 18 Mar 1999 10:48:45 GMT

On Wed, 17 Mar 1999 21:36:25 +0000, Alan W. Jurgensen wrote:
> Help,
> we've mistakenly deleted some SCO progress database files...

Yes.  Others have pointed out versioning and the trash can, but these are
special cases.  Generally, you _can_ recover a deleted file, but it's a
long, boring job.  Unmount the filesystem as soon as you realise your
mistake, then search the raw device corresponding to that filesystem's
division for strings you know were in your file, but you'll have to do
this repeatedly since the file will almost inevitably be fragmented.
I've done this once before: even though things worked in my favour (small
file size ~20K of human-readable C source) it still took a while to sort
out, particulary as there were several versions of the file lying around
on disk.

> yeah there is a backup, but that puts everything out of sync...

Then use the backup.  Less hassle & downtime, even if it does have to be
brought back up to date.  If bringing it back up to date is too much
trouble, you aren't doing backups frequently enough.

Andrew Smallshaw


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: downloaded some SUSE disk sets , so how do i install them
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 11:09:18 GMT

thanks that was what i needed 

On Wed, 17 Mar 1999 23:23:28, Benjamin Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> You'll need to get the disks directory from the SuSE ftp site in
> addition to these packages. Or at the very least the EIDE01 (or SCSI if
> you have a SCSI hard drive) and modules disk image files from the disks
> directory. Use the DOS program rawrite.exe from the dosutils directory
> on the SuSE ftp site to create a floppy from EIDE01 (or whatever boot
> disk image you chose) and another floppy from the modules disk image.
> Boot your machine with the EIDE01 disk and the SuSE setup routine should
> take you from there. If the first EIDE disk image doesn't work on your
> machine, try the other two in succession.
> If this is your first time setting up Linux, I would strongly advise
> investing in an official CD set from SuSE which comes with everything
> you need and manual to help you install it. You're asking for trouble
> downloading it in pieces this way. I run SuSE 6.0 as downloaded from
> FTP, but I have a cable modem and consequently the full 2 gig download
> wasn't a problem. I'm also well used to installing Linux.
> Oh, and get a copy of Running Linux from O'Reilly if you don't already
> have one.
> > 
> > hi there
> > 
> >         i've downloaded a couple of the disksets from suse
> >         ftp site
> > 
> >         a1
> >         ap1
> >         ap2
> >         beo1
> >         contents
> >         d1
> >         d2
> >         x1
> > 
> >         they are big so itll take a while to get them all, anyway  how do i
> > install them  i dont see a setup or install routine?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (M. Buchenrieder)
Subject: Re: Linux and Y2K
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 08:15:53 GMT

fernando <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Please learn how to do it right. There's a FAQ about how to munge
an address.

>M. Buchenrieder wrote:
>> Please do yourself a favour and use a search engine.
>> Hint: UN*X doesn't have a Y2K problem.

>Not really true.
>Some UN*X DO have Y2K problems.
>At least SCO products had.

The fact that the OS doesn't have a Y2K problem doesn't necessarily
say that all apps written for it are Y2K-compliant as well. UN*X
does have a Y2038 problem, which will be fixed when going to 64-bit 
architecture. You're , however, correct : Running UN*X doesn't
automatically save you from a possible Y2K problem with bad written 

Michael Buchenrieder * [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
          Lumber Cartel Unit #456 (TINLC) & Official Netscum
    Note: If you want me to send you email, don't munge your address.


Subject: Re: hard disk installation problem
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 10:59:44 GMT

I also seem to have a similar problem. i copied all the files from my RH 5.2
CD to my win98 partition and tried installing from there (since my machine
has no CD ROM and i have to depend on a workgroup system :(, but that is
umimp). It gave me the same error. yanosninkozi

In article <PfAH2.2924$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Burhan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi everyone
> i am trying to install 5.2 on a machine which does not have any os. i have
> two harddrive. on the first hard drive a created two partition, / and /usr
> and on the other i have created the partition /swap and /home. On the second
> harddrive, i have a partition which has the redhat directory and two sub
> directories base and rpms. when i try to install, it goes upto the point
> where it ask me for the partition and directory to copy the files from. when
> i select the right partition and select ok it gives me an error that the
> device hdb1 does not appear to contain redhat installation tree.
> i really apprecite if someone could help me
> Rafia Tapia

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From: Frank Lenaerts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: HP laserjet 6L
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 12:13:27 +0100

I understand you have two problems :
1. a form feed should be added after the last page --> can be done easily
(RH: PrintTool or something like that or just in the printcap file)
2. you are missing some lines of text (I suppose on every page, at least,
that's what I had) --> I changed something to PS in some printer filter
configuration file (RH) [sorry, but I am not at my Linux box at the moment
so I cannot give you the exact filename]

Remi Dumont wrote:

>     Hi,
>     I've got a HP laserjet 6L printer running under Debian 2.0. When I
> try to print a file (hitting the "print" button of netscape or lpr
>, for example) the first pages are ok but not the last: the front
> panel leds stop blinking and...that's all. A push on the printer button
> and the last page is printed...but still a few lines are missing.
>     I would be glad if someone had any idea.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David M. Cook)
Subject: Re: KDE vs GNOME and what about Enlightenment?
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 10:25:34 GMT

On Wed, 17 Mar 1999 12:51:16 -0600, John M. Janney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>From all my reading, I get the impression that KDE (for now) is a better,
>more stable choice for the average user (I want to use my Linux box for a
>variety of tasks, to include using WordPerfect and other apps).

You may want to avoid the whole issue and choose a user-friendly window
manager like Window Maker over a full-blown desktop.  See  See for RPMs.  Latest
is 0.51.2.

Dave Cook


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sitaram Chamarty)
Subject: Re: 603:Re: best thkb:offline newsreader?
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 11:39:28 GMT

On Tue, 16 Mar 1999 17:37:15 +0000, Miernik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I've tried, can you tell me how to do it, because my slrn keeps
>connecting to the server instead reading from the local spool...

I believe the magic incantations are:

    set spool_inn_root          "/var/spool/slrnpull"
    set spool_root                      "/var/spool/slrnpull/news"
    set spool_nov_root          "/var/spool/slrnpull/news"
    set use_slrnpull            1
    set server_object "spool"

in your .slrnrc file.  It's documented nicely somewhere, of course

HTH.  Email me if you need more help - I'd be happy to do what I


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sitaram Chamarty)
Subject: Re: best offline newsreader?
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 11:39:27 GMT

On Mon, 15 Mar 1999 23:00:53 +0000, SpAmEnOt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On Mon, 15 Mar 1999, William Wueppelmann wrote:
>> Can't you?  I thought that Pine could be used to read and post news via
>> NNTP.  I'm not certain how to set it up to do so, but I was under the
>> impression that you could do exactly what you're describing.
> Almost... But not with the kind of offline processing I was talking about
> unless I support it with a root maintained local news spool... Which I
> don't want to do on my PC... Pine can access my ISP's NNTP BUT the last

[snipped lots of description]

I have slrnpull run automatically at 4am (dial-up, connect, and
thn pull).  I follow about 20 newsgroups - slrnpull is configured
to download ALL articles from some of those groups (like
clp.moderated), and anything from 100 to 100 articles in the
others, depending on it importance to me.

The slrnpull score file also has rules to eliminate crud - this is
done by getting the headers or something - it's prety fast.  Crud
that can only be seen to be crud by looking at the body slips
past; but hey...

I use slrn every day to read as much as I can.  Once in a while I
manually "expire" all articles using slrp's expire option.  I have
enough disk space to keep almost 2 weeks worth of posts for the
groups I'm interested in.

Everything I do is offline, of course.  To do stufflike Agent's
"kill thread" and "watch thread" at the slrn level is easy enough.
Since the format of the kill files for both the reader (slrn) and
the puller (slrnpull) are pretty much the same, it should be
pretty easy to write a simple program to transfer all the "-9999"
(and "=9999") entries from slrn's score file to slrnpull's score
file before dialing up (at 4am).

I have used agent before, and I think this about sums up what
agent does.  If there's anything more than that that agent does,
let me know.  If you need help setting up slrn/pull, let me know.
Be glad to help.


From: root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: recover the user root?
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 06:33:04 -0500

Thank you, Philip. It works.


From: root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: who is nobody?
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 06:43:03 -0500

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
There is a user called nobody with uid 99 under my linux. I dont think
it was added by me. who knows what it is? It does not look like neither
a server daemon nor a regular user.
<p>The following is part of my passwd file.
<br><A HREF="ftp:x:14:50:FTP">ftp:x:14:50:FTP</A> User:/home/ftp:
<br><font color="#000099">nobody:x:99:99:Nobody:/:</font>
<p>thank you for your help.


From: "Thomas T. Veldhouse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Debian 2.1 install trouble: can't write boot floppy
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 15:34:03 -0600

I have had this problem in the past also.  There is not much you can do.
The debian installer "seems" to get itself into a funk once it has hit a bad
disk (or two), from that point on it thinks ALL disks are bad.  At some
point the installer will even lock up (at least I had this problem on
2.0.2).  I usually skip the boot disk creation and then do the initial boot
via the rescue disk and follow the instruction at the boot prompt to boot
your system (something like "rescue root=/dev/hdc1").  Then simply build
your own custom kernel and do a "make zdisk" or make "bzdisk".  Or you could
set up lilo to put itself on a disk (edit /etc/lilo.conf) and then do a
"make zlilo" or "make bzlilo".

Tom Veldhouse

John L. Daschbach wrote in message ...
>I tried last night to install Debian 2.1 onto a spare partition of my
>work machine running RedHat 4.0 (with some kernel upgrades).
>I put the base install files onto an existing partition.  My first
>problem was that inside the Debian install program it asked me what
>partition they were one and where to mount it.  I said to mount onto
>'/foo', but then it couldn't find the files.  (They had been in
>/usr/share/Archives/Debian with /dev/sda13 mounted on /usr)  I dropped
>into a shell and looked at mtab and found that the Debian install had
>mounted the partition onto /target/foo not /foo.
>This problem solved I continued with the lengthy network install
>portion (just lot's of into to enter if your on a real network with a
>number of nameservers etc. and not standard network settings).
>Then it wanted to make a boot partition or floppy.  I must have this
>be a floppy due to how my drive is partitioned.  I replied floppy, and
>it said insert an empty formatted floppy.  Formatted with what OS?
>First I tried a DOS floppy.  Debian came back and said it failed but
>gave no reason, saying the floppy was probably write protected or
>bad.  I tried another floppy, same result.  I dropped to the shell and
>mounted the DOS floppy and wrote and read to it.  So I tried floppy
>with a fresh ext2 format, same result.  Mounted and wrote and read
>So I'm stuck, and the Debian install is sort of like a M$ product.  It
>gives me no real information on what it's trying to do or what is
>going wrong when it tries to write the boot floppy.  But I am able to
>show that the floppies are in fact ok, even when running the Debian
>install boot.
>Any ideas on how to proceed?


From: "Oliver D. Bedford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: who is nobody?
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 12:57:51 +0100

root wrote:
> There is a user called nobody with uid 99 under my linux. I dont think
> it was added by me. who knows what it is? It does not look like
> neither a server daemon nor a regular user.

  The account is used for tasks which require some sort of "guest"
access on your machine, e.g. apache, samba etc. It should be an user
minimum privileges. Most (all?) distributions install such a "nobody"

  If you want to run apache or samba I think itīs better to add specific
users/groups and not use nobody.

  BTW: Itīs a bad idea to work under root.



Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 05:56:28 -0500
From: "Anthony E. Glover" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Floppy Drive Mounting Problem
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

You might try specifying the file type with the mount command.  For
example, if
you inserted a PC disk, it would look like:

mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy

For other disk types check man on mount.


Deepak Gursahaney wrote:
> Hi.  I installed Red Hat 5.2 on a Micron NetFrame 3100.  The problem I'm having
> is that during and after the installation, Linux does not want to mount the
> floppy drive.  I tried the command
>         mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
> The drive light comes on but it just hangs.  After waiting a (long) while, I
> take the disk out, and it generates an "Unable to handle kernel paging request
> at virtual address cc03df10".  I haven't included all of it here because it's a
> standalone machine and I'd have to type it all in, but if it can be of use, I
> will.  Any thoughts on what might be causing this?
> BTW, Mounting the cdrom drive works fine.
> --
> Deepak Gursahaney
> Active Edge New Media, Inc.
Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Description: Card for Anthony E. Glover
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n:Glover;Anthony E.
org:ELMCO, Inc.
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Senior Software Engineer
adr;quoted-printable:;;555 Sparkman Drive=0D=0ABuilding 400 Suite 
fn:Anthony E. Glover



From: John Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux spreadsheets Excel compatible
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 21:30:44 -0600

Paul Davies wrote:
> Are there any Linux spreadsheets that can read Excel spreadsheets?

Star Office v5.0 has import/export filters for Excel
4.0|5.0|95|97 but since I don't use Excel I can't speak for
how well they work.




From: John Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Freecell
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 21:32:09 -0600

Jeffrey L Straszheim wrote:

> So I think that I can convince my wife to start using
> Linux (and get rid of that darn Win95 partition I've
> hanging around) if only I can provider her with a
> version of the game Freecell that runs on Linux. I
> actually found one with the KDE distribution, but
> guess what: she doesn't like it because the UI is more
> difficult than on windows. (Actually she's right, in the
> windows version it's much easier to move the cards
> around and such.)  Anyhow, does anyone know
> where I might find this game?

Not sure about Freecell, but xjewel was all it took to
convince my wife that linux was something we ought to have




From: "Paul Davies" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Load Balancing in Linux
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 10:59:18 -0000

Are there any Load Balancing solutions with Linux?

I am running a webserver hosted on two servers running Linux and want to
ensure that they are load balanced.




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Charles Packer)
Subject: Re: How get rid of "hostname:" message from rxvt, xterm?
Date: 18 Mar 1999 12:03:57 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Paul Kimoto wrote:
>Are you sure that this message is coming from the terminal emulator
>and not the shell that's starting up in it?

Well, no, I'm not. That's why I added further details beyond
what you quoted, so that others might have insights that I
don't. In particular, I showed what happened when I tried to
execute the terminal emulator outside of X. I should have
specified, though that I simply entered "rxvt" to do this,
with no options.




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