Linux-Misc Digest #499, Volume #20                Sat, 5 Jun 99 00:13:09 EDT

  Re: Copy entire hard drive? (Gerald Willmann)
  Diamond Stealth64 very unstable? RH6.0 (Juntse Chen)
  Re: rpm not working
  Copy entire hard drive? (Teri)
  Re: NT the best web platform? (Anthony Ord)
  Can't make zip drive read/write ("Peter B. Yorke")
  colour depth ("Groggy")
  chroot (Benoit Lefebvre)
  Re: off-group - sorry - MSie5 stops MSoffice installing ("Mage...")
  Re: Mice recommendations (mike dombrowski)
  Re: Linux + BeOS + Windows (Kaya Imre)
  Opinions on the IndyBox? (Dan Star)
  Re: Revising the LILO mini-HOWTO (Ivo Welch)
  IP Masquerade over paralell line ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Test your knowledge of Linux at new site! (mlw)
  Linux onto windows 98 prob (User941444)
  Re: SuSE vs Red Hat? (Harry MF Teasley)
  Re: Seti@home for Red Hat 6.0? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Seti@home for Red Hat 6.0? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  KDE is giving me huge fucking headaches... (Zeleng)
  Re: What are the differences between mySQL and mSQL? (Errin Watusikac)
  Help: /usr/include/bits/sigset.h ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


From: Gerald Willmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Copy entire hard drive?
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 10:26:33 -0700

On Fri, 4 Jun 1999, Teri wrote:

> Is there a way to copy (partitions, links and all) an entire
> hard drive to another hard drive, such that you can then take
> the second drive and place it in a machine with identical
> hardware and have it come up without error?  Any suggestions would
> be appreciated... thanks!

if they are the same size you can use dd I think (haven't done it).
otherwise look at the change/update harddisk mini-howto.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Juntse Chen)
Subject: Diamond Stealth64 very unstable? RH6.0
Date: 4 Jun 1999 17:11:31 GMT

Is this a know problem or just me, I have Diamond Stealth 64 Video serial 2001
PCI display card and a Tektronix multisync monitor. When I do Xconfigurator, it
detected S3 Trio64, and I set the resolution as 1152x864.

Under RH6.0 with KDE, 50% chance my startx will fail with some MIT cookies
reject messages. I have to reboot and hope next time I'll succeed.

Is there workaround for this problem? 



Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 09:06:54 -0400
Subject: Re: rpm not working

Since this is a source rpm, one method would be to first
create a binary rpm with the command 'rpm --rebuild filename.src.rpm'.
Your computer should compile the source and create a binary rpm.
However I forget which directory that it places the binary, you'll
have to search your file system for it. Then use the standard
installation command 'rpm -Uvh filename.rpm' to install it.


> > How does one install the following RPM:  exmh......src.rpm?  When I use
> > rpm -i exmh...., I get a return but nothing else -- no comments, no new
> > files, no error message.
> Maybe it installed... I use rpm -ih exmh...scr.rpm
> (as it installs it prints 50 hash marks to mark the progress)


Subject: Copy entire hard drive?
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 17:13:39 GMT

Is there a way to copy (partitions, links and all) an entire
hard drive to another hard drive, such that you can then take
the second drive and place it in a machine with identical
hardware and have it come up without error?  Any suggestions would
be appreciated... thanks!



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Anthony Ord)
Crossposted-To: comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: NT the best web platform?
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 17:33:44 GMT

On Thu, 3 Jun 1999 10:21:04 -0700, "Chad Mulligan"

>Miguel Cruz wrote in message <7Hy53.8280$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>>Chad Mulligan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> The Access Team anyway, I did see a fix for that on MS's web site though.
>>> There'sstill a major difference between a couple of data records and an
>>> entire hard drive though.
>>I think we're getting closer now. A bug that corrupts a database is
>>professional, but one that wipes data on a hard drive is unprofessional.
>>I just want to know where to draw the line, because professionalism is very
>>important in my line of work. This sort of guidance can be invaluable.
>Okay, pay attention, The bug in Access has a fix. The bug in Disk Druid
>doesn't.  The bug in Access might make your phone book inaccurate, the bug
>in Disk Druid would destroy your system.  

Ah! That's where I've been going wrong. I use partitioning
utilities *before* I have a system.

>Which programmer would you hire?

None of them. They are all Americans.


| And when our worlds                   |
| They fall apart                       |
| When the walls come tumbling in       |
| Though we may deserve it              |
| It will be worth it  - Depeche Mode   |


From: "Peter B. Yorke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Can't make zip drive read/write
Date: 04 Jun 1999 16:11:38 GMT

I've tried everything I can think of or that I've read and I can't make my
parallel port zip drive read/write for other users (including Samba).

I have 'rw' in the fstab entry, as well as 'mode=0777'.

When I run 'insmod ppa' it tells me that Write Protect is off.

I can set the permissions of /mnt/zip to 0777 ahead of time and the mount
command always resets them to 0755. I can try to set permissions AFTER the
mount command to 0777 and it ignores my command.

Any other suggestions, Please????

Pete Yorke


From: "Groggy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: colour depth
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 12:12:12 +1000

does any1 know how to start x in a better colur depth that the default
8bpp/256 colour?
when I change my XF86Config it wont start x saying that the default 8bpp is


From: Benoit Lefebvre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: chroot
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 10:07:21 -0400

        Does anyone know why I obtain this error everytimes I want to
chroot something:
root [/root]: chroot /system2 /bin/bash
chroot: cannot execute /bin/bash: No such file or directory

I want to do a kind of second system on my box.. Only the root will be
able to be in the real /, the users will be on the "virtual" linux, so, if
I get hacked, I'll only have to restore a backup of /system2 instead of /


From: "Mage..." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: off-group - sorry - MSie5 stops MSoffice installing
Date: 5 Jun 1999 02:10:03 GMT

Interesting, in the way that a car wreck is interesting only to those 
who are not directly injured.

Off topic, definately.

I hope your situation improves, you may be interested in one of
the programs that are supposed to be able to read and write 
Office97 files, such as WordPerfect, StarOffice, Applix, etc....

These work much better with RTF (RichTextFormat) than with
Word97 DOC files. They have all of them for Linux and I know
that StarOffice is available for Win9x.

Have fun and take care.

Well, look at that. Breach hull, all die. 
Even had it underlined.

Crow, MST3K the movie


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mike dombrowski)
Subject: Re: Mice recommendations
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 02:22:32 GMT

Kensington Expert mouse and various logitech three button mice.

>What mice do most people recommend to use with Linux?


From: Kaya Imre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux + BeOS + Windows
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 18:29:16 +0000

Aureliano Buendia wrote:
> Is it possible to have all three on the same box?
> I currently have a dual-boot system with Windows and Linux residing on
> separate hard-drives.
> Here's my present lilo.conf
> boot = /dev/hda
> timeout = 50
> prompt
>   default = dos
>   vga = normal
>   read-only
> map=/boot/map
> install=/boot/boot.b
> image = /boot/vmlinuz-2.0.36-0.7
>   label = old
>   root = /dev/hdc6
> image = /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.6-new
>   label = linux
>   root = /dev/hdc6
> other = /dev/hda1
>   label = dos
>   table=/dev/hda
> I want to add a BeOS dedicated partition to the HDD where Windows
> currently is. I guess I will have to make it with Partition Magic (BTW,
> what file system shall I apply?).
> What then? Run the setup program from the BeOS CD? Or tweak my lilo.conf
> to include something like:
> other = /dev/hda2
>   label = beos
>   table=/dev/hda2
> Thanks for your hints.
> Aureliano

I have installed Windows+OS/2+Linux in three boxes and they
all work fine.  I use OS/2 boot manager instead of lilo.

  _                          _
 | | ____ _ _   _  __ _     (_)_ __ ___  _ __ ___
 | |/ / _` | | | |/ _` |    | | '_ ` _ \| '__/ _ \
 |   <|(_| | |_| | (_| |    | | | | | | | | |  __/
 |_|\_\__,_|\__, |\__,_|    |_|_| |_| |_|_|  \___|
 ICQ=9327629|___/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Dan Star <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Opinions on the IndyBox?
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 13:01:57 -0500

Just wondering if anyone has an IndyBox and what the opinion on it is.



From: Ivo Welch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Revising the LILO mini-HOWTO
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 11:20:13 -0700

Cameron Spitzer wrote:
> Back when dinosaurs walked the earth and I wrote LILO mini-HOWTO,
> my three computers gave three interesting examples.  But I got
> too busy *using* Linux to study it or even stay current enough to
> run sgmltools, and things got more complex.  The HOWTO got stale.
> Much stuff that belongs in a LILO HOWTO is scattered across other
> HOWTOs, and there are unanswered LILO FAQs in the newsgroups.
> The free software community has done so much for me I'd be a jerk
> not to revise the old doc.  But I need your help, because my five
> Linux boxes ain't an adequate survey no more.
> Is there a question about LILO you're tired of answering?
> Do you have a kernel command line that was hard to figure out?
> Have you managed to get past the 1023 cylinder limit and the
> 7.something GB LBA limit?
> Do you have a cool multi-boot setup you're dying to share?
> Are you the master of EZ-Drive and OnTrack Disk Manager?
> Do you know what packages must be installed to build the Lilo
> User Guide from its LaTeX sources, and where to get them?
> Do you have a favorite mirror for fetching stuff like lilo-21.tar.gz?
> Then you can help revise the old mini-HOWTO!
> Visit and post your questions,
> or your answers, or your annotated lilo.conf, or your FAQ+answer,
> or your FAQ sans answer, it's easy.  Be a hero.  Share your knowledge.
> Once there's some stuff, I'll get a new mini-HOWTO out.
> (Yes, Werner and Alessandro said okay.)
> BONUS: the Lilo User Guide and Tech Supplement in PDF
> are there.  Click on "well-documented."
> Cameron
> - --
> Spammers will regret harvesting this address.
> - --
> This article has been digitally signed by the moderator, using PGP.
> has PGP key for validating signature.
> Send submissions for comp.os.linux.announce to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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> BPBW8Emcgww=

Hi:  I recently ran into spurious lilo trouble (kernel would not find the root
disk, even though it was set correctly; plus, the kernel itself could boot
just fine from floppy).  Eventually, it disappeared as strangely as it had

In this process, I would really have liked a trouble shooting guide.

        [1] Is there a program that reads back
        from the boot (not from /etc/lilo) what
        it is that is currently installed?

        [2] what are the codes for disks when
        rootdisks are not found?  In my case,
        it was device 0c:03 or something like it,
        and I did not know where to look.

...and then we need to convince Linus to search other devices for root disks
if the primary root does not seem to have a valid partition...



Ivo Welch       mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** International Directory of Financial Economists ***


Subject: IP Masquerade over paralell line
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 01:26:16 GMT

I recently posted this to comp.os.linux.m68k; unfortunately without
much in the way of response.  Since the subject is not really at all
that m68k related, I'm reposting here:

The plan:  To vastly expand my A1200 when I return home from University
in about two weeks, and install Debian.  To connect it to my 486 Linux
box via the parallel port, that being the only port which is free on
the 486 box.  To use my 486 box to connect to my ISP via ppp.  To use
IP-Masquerading to access the net via my amiga and 486 box

Is this feasible?

Have anyone tried to do anything similar?

What sort of cable would I need?

-- Big Gaute

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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,alt.linux
Subject: Re: Test your knowledge of Linux at new site!
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 02:36:28 +0000

The Ghost In The Machine wrote:
> On Fri, 04 Jun 1999 14:05:29 +0000, mlw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Michael Littman wrote:
> >
> >Your test is a bit bogus.
> >
> >I started the programmer analyst test, but got interrupted by a few
> >phone calls.
> >Anyway...
> >
> >The pearl question is a bit ambiguous. The diver can get x pearls in an
> >hour. Can the diver get 1/2 x pearls in 1/2 hour? That is how a good
> >developer would think, but, your test does not account for that. You
> >need to add, it takes n minutes to perform a pearl dive.
> >
> >In essence, I have little faith that the majority of the questions
> >asked, have anything to do with software development aptitude. Some were
> >pretty good, but most were too general. Abstract questions are all well
> >and good, but, sometimes (particularly dyslexic) people function poorly
> >in abstracts but well in more realistic situations.
> >
> >Personally, I do not like abstract tests in general because they end up
> >testing how well an individual conforms to a narrow view of what is
> >important.
> >
> >I didn't finish the test, as I said I was interrupted and after a few
> >phone calls it failed to hold my interest. If, however, you asked
> >important questions like:
> >
> >(1) Using the language of your choice, write a non recursive Bezier
> >curve algorithm. You have 1 hour.
> I'll have to remember the *recursive* Bezier curve algorithm to
> do this right, but that's easy enough with a handy-dandy stack
> of structures.  (I don't remember it offhand.)
> To be sure, it's not as clean-looking -- but then, I've seen
> at least one machine do very weird things with respect to
> subroutine calls; in particular, the IBM 7090 stuffs the previous PC
> in an index register (it has a choice of three), which has to be
> saved somewhere; the HP 21xx series stuffs the previous PC at the
> *actual* jump point, then starts executing code at the word following
> (it was a word-based machine).
> Old IBM FORTRAN was not recursive at all (in VAX assembler terminology,
> it would use CALLG, which required a pointer to an existing
> preconstructed parameter list, rather than CALLS, which merely required
> the number of parameters on the stack; the actual machine, however,
> was an IBM).
> I'll bet that was fun traversing trees and graphs at times... :-)
> >
> >(2) Using the language of your choice, write an algorithm that receives
> >an array of coordinates defining a 2 dimensional shape of an arbitrary
> >number of sides and calculates the area. You have 1 day.
> A *day*?  Try more like 2 minutes on an oriented shape.
> Think signed trapezoids projected down to the X axis... :-)
> (Kudos to someone at work who told me of this very interesting
> and elegant hack some years back.  It helps a *lot*, and has
> the nice side effect of computing the orientation of
> the polygon as well.)

Bzzzzt Wrong. No limitation has been made on the path of the array of
coordinates. It may, in fact, be 'n' number of resulting polygons. You
assume the question is too easy. What about a "figure eight?" You have
to trace the path of the vectors.
How about a shape like this:

_________       ___________________
|        \     /                   |
|______   \___/  ______        ____|
       \        /      \      /
        \______/        \____/
> >
> >(3) Using the language of your choice, write an algorithm that receives
> >a two dimensional array of coordinates defining a 3 dimensional object
> >of an arbitrary number of sides and calculates the volume. You have 3
> >days.
> Hmm...come to think of it, this one could be done in a similar vein.
> All one has to do is to sum the signed volume of columns with
> a tilted slice-face -- and, if my understanding of solid geometry
> is correct, one can simply take the average height of the N points
> defining the face and multiply it by the (absolute) area of the projected
> face on the XY zero-plane, then multiply *that* by +1 if the outward face
> normal points up (+Z), or -1 if it points down. [*]
> I don't see why it shouldn't work.
> I give this one 10 minutes, but I'll have to experiment... :-)
> (2 hours if I have to develop a point-edge-face correspondence
> framework.)

Yes, #3 does depend on #2 but it isn't so easy. It is a two dimensional
What if shape [0] was the vectors as displayed for question #2, but
shape[1] looked like:

___________   ________________
|         /   \              |
|______   \___/              |
       \        ________     |
        \______/        \____/

You would have to figure out how the three dimensional connecting lines
are drawn. It is not a trivial problem. Then find the objects from which
you could calculate area, then do it for the next level.

> Side issue: Take a polyhedron of density D (0<D<1) and float it
> in a noncompressible liquid of density 1 within another polyhedron,
> usually a parallelpiped.  An interesting computation might be how
> deep it would float in the liquid and how high the liquid would rise
> (easy if the vessel holding the liquid has vertical walls, but
> don't assume this!) Assume the floating polyhedron is fixed in orientation.
> You have 1 week, 3 days. :-)

There isn't enough information to solve this. There are too many
factors, sure, anyone can make up an environment and solve for it, but
for this to be a working problem, there needs to be some data given to
frame the question.

Density of polyhedron.
Number of sides.
Shape of the tank.
weight of the polyhedron.

One has to know some of these to solve for others. The question you pose
is nothing more than a description of a formula, not a test of it.

> (For extra credit, work out the final orientation of the floating
> polyhedron.  :-) ) [+]

Again, one would be able to that given enough of the other datapoints.
> >
> >(4) Using the language of your choice, write an algorithm that receives
> >an array of coordinates and meta information that represents a street
> >map. (Meta information contains one-way attributes, speed limit, and
> >probability of traffic congestion based on time of day.) The algorithm
> >also receives a starting coordinate (A), an end coordinate (B), and time
> >of day when travel begins. Return an array of coordinates that represent
> >the fastest way to get from point A to point B. You have 1 week.
> "Hello, MapBlast"?  :-)
> This one would be a modified graph-traversal problem.
> (It could get interesting, as the transit-times of the arcs would be
> computed on the fly during a maze search.)

Yes, I actually wrote a program for a company that needed this 10 years

Mohawk Software
Windows 95, Windows NT, UNIX, Linux. Applications, drivers, support. 
Take a look at the Mohawk Software Mascot at


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (User941444)
Subject: Linux onto windows 98 prob
Date: 5 Jun 1999 02:31:21 GMT


I have installed linux on my computer which already had win 95 on it which was
On an fat 32 partition. I have since re-installed 95 from dos. Now the lilo
prompt does not apear, it attempts to boot directly into windows. Once windows
booted the fisrt time, after re-installation, it said that ntkern.vxd was
missing and that i must re-install the os. Is this related to haveing lilo

PS, I did not reformat the disk before hand or alter any partision atributes.

Any help much apreciated.



From: Harry MF Teasley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.portable
Subject: Re: SuSE vs Red Hat?
Date: 4 Jun 1999 18:52:55 GMT

In comp.os.linux.portable Laurent Aries-Poinssot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> - It's not RH !

> And the last point is certainly important in my choice.

As a newcomer to Linux, I'm pretty startled to see so much derision of Red
Hat.  RH 6.0 is my first exposure, and my Sony laptop was the first
computer I tried installing it on (and I got the impression from several
sources that laptops were the biggest pain.)  It went perfectly.  Updates
have gone perfectly.  Configuring my PCMCIA card took some time, but that
was not a RH issue.

Installing RH on my desktop went well (given that I had to do a little
work getting my VooDoo3 card going, and getting Win98 to go along with it
all happily), but for a Linux newbie (DOS/Windows veteren), Red Hat has
been great.  These setup disasters folks are talking about haven't been an
issue for me.

Harry Teasley

"No, it's not offensive. It's just not funny, which in this case is
worse." -DMP

Visit the AFU archives at


Subject: Re: Seti@home for Red Hat 6.0?
Date: 4 Jun 1999 18:53:34 GMT

Tim Uckotter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm still new at Linux so it may be that I'm not doing something right.
> I downloaded the Seti gnulib2.1 version to see if I could run it but it
> won't work.
> Which version should I be downloading for Red Hat 6.0 and after
> extracting the files, what else, if anything, do I need to do to run the
> software?

Info info info -- "it won't work" is not enough.  What error do you get?

The gnulibc2.1 is the correct version for RH6.0.  Check to make sure
the the executable is indeed executable and that it is either in your
path or that you are pointing straight at it.  Also check to make
sure that the cpu version you downloaded matches what's in your box.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University


Subject: Re: Seti@home for Red Hat 6.0?
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 01:40:49 GMT

A buddy of mine suggested the following which worked:

Navigate to the path where setiathome is and type ./setiathome which
enabled mine to run. Typing set will show you that . isn't in the path

Linux on a P180mmx, 64mb ram, online to isp, Netscape running, Seti
chugging along (.5% done in ~10 minutes!).


In article <7j97be$oii$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Tim Uckotter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm still new at Linux so it may be that I'm not doing something
> > I downloaded the Seti gnulib2.1 version to see if I could run it but
> > won't work.
> > Which version should I be downloading for Red Hat 6.0 and after
> > extracting the files, what else, if anything, do I need to do to run
> > software?
> Info info info -- "it won't work" is not enough.  What error do you
> The gnulibc2.1 is the correct version for RH6.0.  Check to make sure
> the the executable is indeed executable and that it is either in your
> path or that you are pointing straight at it.  Also check to make
> sure that the cpu version you downloaded matches what's in your box.
> --
> ------------------------------------
> Joshua Baker-LePain
> Department of Biomedical Engineering
> Duke University

David Morris / CNA
NetWare / IntranetWare / NT Integration Specialist

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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: Zeleng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: KDE is giving me huge fucking headaches...
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 22:45:32 -0400

It's been a week since I first tried to install the K Desktop
Environment...  and for a week now, I still haven't been able to pass
the "./configure" stage.

At some point during the configuration, it gives me an error message:

        checking for KDE... configure: error:
        in the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE headers installed.
        This will fail.  So, check this please and use another prefix!

I've tried EVERYTHING:  I've tried depackaging 'kdebase-1.1.1.tar.gz' to
different directories;  I've tried unsucessfully to change some stuff in
that 'configure' file; I've tried to create symbolic links with some
headers in every subdirectories inimaginable in /usr/local/kde (where
KDE Base is unpacked).  Hell, I even e-mailed Stephen Kulow, but got no
answer as of yet...

What the hell is wrong with me?  Some help would be most welcomed...

BTW, I'm running Slackware 3.6 with the 2.0.35 Linux kernel.

-- Zeleng --


From: Errin Watusikac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: What are the differences between mySQL and mSQL?
Date: 04 Jun 1999 19:47:57 -0700

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kaz Kylheku) writes:

> No, in this culture free means ``comes source code that you can redistribute
> and modify, or both''. Open Source (TM) is just the a recent term which
> basically means what ``free software'' or ``freeware'' used to. 
> THe default meaning of ``free'' means ``unfettered''.

Unfortunately (IMO), in this culture "free" often means "not free to use
with other software unless it is licenced under a FSF licence".  Or it
means "whatever RMS says it means".  People who haven't read the fine
print often think it means something much different than the author did.

I agree "free" is often used correctly for things that are nearly free.
I strongly disagree that GPLed or LGPLed software is nearly free.  Its
key feature is that it and its derivatives will remain open.  It may be
a good thing to keep the software propretary (look it up if you think
I've misused that word) and use a restrictive licence like GPL so the
many people who write closed software can't use it, but it is NOT a good 
thing to use deceptive terms to describe your software.

I used to wonder why copyright statements said "this is free 
software..." instead of just saying "this is licenced under the GPL..",
because "free software" is so subject to confusion, but now I believe 
the choice was quite carefully made.  A marketing ploy worthy of the
guy who sold me that Yugo.


Subject: Help: /usr/include/bits/sigset.h
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 01:50:15 GMT


My include file sigset.h is corrupted.  Can anyone tell me where can I
find a replacement for this include file.

Tong Kiat

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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.



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