Linux-Misc Digest #320, Volume #19                Fri, 5 Mar 99 16:13:16 EST

  Re: Pentium III Boycott and survey info (Johan Kullstam)
  Re: Linux Versions (Ed Young)
  compiling QT for KDE?? (chips)
  Re: S.u.S.E. 5.3 and Matrox Millenium G200 AGP (R Mercado)
  Re: best offline newsreader? (Matthias Warkus)
  Re: Where to find suse rpms? (ANDREW R. POST)
  Re: Partition Magic? (Daniel Ganek)
  passwd file locked (Mike)
  Re: StarOffice anyone?? (chips)
  Re: Linux Programs (John Hasler)
  Re: Newsreader for Linux (Johan Kullstam)
  Re: FreeBSD vs. Linux vs. Windows ("bob")
  Re: Shooting (Juergen Heinzl)
  Re: Partition Magic? (Dave Hopton)
  Re: The Almost Free Linux Project (Bill Unruh)
  Re: ATI Mach64 + PC2TV (Jason Kircher)
  Re: Microkernels are an abstraction inversion (NF Stevens)
  Re: Linux no Brasil (Johan Kullstam)
  Mwave For Linux Project


From: Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Pentium III Boycott and survey info
Date: 05 Mar 1999 13:24:36 -0500

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Anthony D. Tribelli) writes:

> Restarting BIOS would change various BIOS variables so saving some of
> these would make sense. I know the reset technique has been used quite a
> bit, I'm only questioning the notion that there is an undocumented reset
> instruction in the x86. The various methods of resetting the CPU I'm aware
> of involve I/O instruction or descriptor table instructions. 

there's always the old tried and true method of physically grounding
the reset pin.  a little bit of logic between an output port and the
reset and you could do it from software.

johan kullstam


From: Ed Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux Versions
Date: 5 Mar 1999 19:17:05 GMT

Helmut Nachbauer wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to try linux - yes ! but ...
> there are different linux versions like S.u.S.E, Debian, RedHat....
> furthermore with various Version-numbers ...
> Please help me !
> With which Linux Product should I start ?
> What are the major differences between the miscellaneous products ?
> thanx a lot !
> cu, helmut

If you have a friend who runs Linux and likes his distribution,
I suggest that you get what he recommends.  He is likely to be
the one helping you over the first initial hard spots that are
hard to ask questions about on the net.  You will have fun with
any of the better known distributions.  They are all pretty good...


From: chips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: compiling QT for KDE??
Date: Fri, 05 Mar 1999 12:31:05 -0500

I'm in the process of trying to install KDE for RedHat 5.2 Linux.  I've
been trying to follow the documention to the letter, but have run into a

dead end.  Here's where I'm at...

*I have unpacked the qt-1.43.tar.gz archive to /usr/local
*Renamed the qt1.43 dir to qt
*created .profile in my home directory and set all the evironment
variables per the instructions at
*I am now at the point to compile the library and (following the
directions) went to the dir /usr/local/qt and typed make
linux-g++-shared.  When I do this I keep getting an error output that
./propagate configs/linux-g++-shared
cmp: /LICENSE: No such file or directory
cmp: /LICENSE: No such file or directory

    $QTDIR must be set to $PWD (usr/local/qt)
    Please read INSTALL

make: *** [linux-g++-shared] Error 1

I keep re-reading the INSTALL, but can not figure out what's wrong.  Any


Craig Shields


From: R Mercado <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: S.u.S.E. 5.3 and Matrox Millenium G200 AGP
Date: Thu, 04 Mar 1999 14:59:49 +0000


I installed SuSE 5.3 last November with the Matrox G200 AGP. I just saw that the two
files needed are still sitting in my hard drive. These files are available from
The files needed are

-rw-r--r--   1 root     root      1129748 Oct 28 18:40 xmatrox.rpm
-rw-r--r--   1 root     root      1131036 Oct 28 18:40 xmatrox.tgz
-rw-r--r--   1 root     root        35999 Oct 28 18:40 xsuseconfig.tgz

xmatrox.rpm and xmatrox.tgz are the same thing but packed differently.
You need the xsuseconfig to replace xconfig86 and this new config program did the
magic: just run it the same way as xf86config is run.


Allen wrote:

> Yes you will need to upgrade to Xfree86, but I don't know the steps for
> S.u.S.E., as I'm going through much the same thing, and I'm running Red Hat 5.2.
> On Tue, 2 Mar 1999 10:26:02 +0800, "Chan, Siu-Kei" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >I currently upgrade my VGA card to Millenium G200 AGP (8MB SGRAM version). I
> >have S.u.S.E 5.3 installed and I would like anyone who can tell me what do I
> >need to upgrade. Do I have to download the XFree86 or anything else.
> >Please tell me what should I need to download and what should I do to
> >upgrade. It would be great if anyone could tell me in step-by-step process.
> >
> >Please reply to the newsgroups and me through the e-mail services. Thanks!!!
> Allen
> (email addy; user ID portion has a numeral one in place of word
> onespoiler, and of course, delete the bogus secondary domain of nospam.)
> fight spam everywhere!!!
>                 The irony is that Bill Gates claims to making a
>                          stable operating system and
>              Linus Torvalds claims to be trying to take over the world.
>                  Linux; The Official OS of the New Millennium


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthias Warkus)
Subject: Re: best offline newsreader?
Date: Fri, 5 Mar 1999 17:58:53 +0000

It was the Fri, 5 Mar 1999 02:39:17 -0800...
..and Richard Latimer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Few in the Unix world seem to have noticed all of that stuff
> whizzing in and out of the world's servers: html formatted messages
> with audio and video clips attached or embedded,

-all of which is not exactly useful or appreciated-

> compound
> documents passed around the world by large corporations,
> video conferencing done by families dispursed around the nation,
> etc. If you go to a web page in Windows and you don't have the
> necessary software to display the page, you just download it off
> of the page and keep right on going.

Hah. You believe the fairy tale about quickly getting a plugin you
haven't got? ROTFL.

> Browsers,
Such as Netscape?
> financial programs, video cam software, digital camera
> software, presentation software,

Such as KPresenter or Achtung?

> group project management soft-
> ware, online banking capable software, self-updating software...

Hm. You mean, rpmfind?

> From the discussions that take place in these newsgroups, it
> seems that the average unix user hasn't any idea what can be
> done with Windows desktop software.

It seems like you haven't got any idea about what can be done with
Unix software - and that your are a troll.

"One should try not to speak more clearly than one thinks."
                                             -- Alfred North Whitehead


Subject: Re: Where to find suse rpms?
Date: 5 Mar 1999 17:07:15 GMT

SuSE updates are in the suse_update folder at They are
organized by version (5.3, 6.0, etc.) and are in the same folder scheme
that they are on the installation CD-ROMS, except for kernels, xfree86,
and KDE, which are in their own folders. SuSE doesn't do RPMs of kernels,
although, at least with the 2.0.x kernels, they provided tarballs with
various patches relatively quickly after they appeared on kernelhq. I
prefer the tarballs. My one experience with RedHat (5.1) was that the
kernel rpms only compiled about 1/2 the time and it took them months to
get the rpms out. They only had only a prerelease rpm of kernel 2.0.36 for
months after the release version was available!

Good luck!

Andrew Post

: On Fri, 12 Feb 1999 11:03:38 -0600, Greg Flanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: wrote:

: >I'm a recent redhat to suse convert, and I'm fairly impressed, but my biggest
: >complaint is that I can't for the life of me find updated packages. I try to
: >keep my systems pretty current, and with redhat life was pretty easy as all of
: >their updated rpm's are in a huge directory and upgrading a list of packages
: >was easy.
: >
: >I've been to and, the two places that would seem
: >obvious, but I can't find upgraded rpm's from 5.3 anywhere. 
: >
: >any pointers would be appreciated.
: >

: The complete list of rpms in alphabetical order can be found on the
: suse ftp site,
: It is deep down in the file structure.

: For 5.3, substitute 5.3 for 6.0 in the url


From: Daniel Ganek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.install,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: Partition Magic?
Date: Fri, 05 Mar 1999 14:22:57 -0500

wbg wrote:
>  > Hey!
>  >
>  > What is the recomended Boot/partition Manager for multi OS'?
>  >
>  > TIA
>  >
>  > Mike
> I give Boot Manager (orig. from OS/2) from Partition Magic high marks.
> I've never had the slightest bit of trouble with it, running three
> different OSes. I'm about to launch Red Hat on a second spindle, and
> am inclined to skip LILO as primary BM and stick with Boot Mangler,
> letting it pass control to LILO for Linux startup. As far as I can tell
> it should work fine that way. And if you don't already have Partition Magic,
> you should anyway!

Works like a charm! Another nice thing about the Boot Mangler is that
even if your BIOS won't boot a scsi drive, BM will!  I put Linux on my
scsi drive well away from Bill and his likes.



Subject: passwd file locked
Date: Fri, 05 Mar 1999 14:19:29 -0500

I've just recently developed this nasty problem where I can't write to
my passwd file, even as root.  The permissions are 644, owner root,
group root yet when I try to access it as root, it gives me the same
permission denied response as if I was logged in as another user.  All
other root write-only files work fine.

The only thing I could think of that I did to cause this was install
shadow_utils.  I've tried to change my root password or add new users
using useradd, adduser, linuxconf and editing the passwd file directly.
All tell me no.

I've tried completely deleting the shadow_utils, no luck.  I have also
tried removing and reinstalling the setup rpm which contains the passwd
file but I just get the same permission denied message when rpm gets to

I have also tried changing permissions, owner and group on the file.
All give me permission denied.  Does anyone have any idea what could be
locking this file and how I can fix the problem?  Any help would be much



From: chips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: StarOffice anyone??
Date: Thu, 04 Mar 1999 16:24:54 -0500

> The file "soffice" is NOT executable, it is a script, therefore try
> ./soffice and it should go ok for you.  Then change it to an
> executable with chmod.  Hope this helps.
> Darian

Ahh...  Sometimes nothing is simple to a newbie.  That worked...I didn't realize that 
I needed to open
it with ./soffice.  Thanks a lot.  Now I just need to learn how to make icons for the 
program in


From: John Hasler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux Programs
Date: Thu, 4 Mar 1999 19:06:40 GMT

jik writes:
> How does packaging something suddenly make it better?  Any bugs that
> were there, are there,...unless they were fixed by someone...but then it
> wasn't the packager that did it, was it.

Quite frequently, yes it was.

> The security of the system is directly proportional to the software on
> the system, and the administrater upkeeping that software.
> Neither have anything to do with any package format.

True.  However, many people just uncritically accept the default
configuration.  Debian's is more secure.

Keith G. Murphy writes:
> While agreeing with that, it looks to me like Debian's security advantage
> may lie in the ability to easily (almost automatically) get security
> updates off the web, using dselect.

With apt there is nothing "almost" about it.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI


From: Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Newsreader for Linux
Date: 04 Mar 1999 16:12:51 -0500

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brian Moore) writes:

> Linux Users
> I am trying to install nn-tk 16.4 into Linux Red Hat 5.2.
> After running  "make " no nn-tk binary is built.

hmm the information here is rather sparse.  can you provide some more?

can you make other binaries?  ie is your compiler and library setup
ok?  do you have tk installed?

are there any error messages from the build?

what did get built?  could the executable be hiding in some

johan kullstam


From: "bob" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: FreeBSD vs. Linux vs. Windows
Date: 4 Mar 1999 19:29:17 GMT

That depends on what you mean by "FreeBSD specific" programming books. If
you mean applications running on FreeBSD, I would generally agree. If you
mean "Customization and Driver generation in FreeBSD", the following
FreeBSD 4.4 books come to mind:

"The Design and Implementation of the 4.4BSD Operating System", McKusick,
Bostic, Kerels, Quarterman; Addison Wesley.
"UNIX Internals", Vahalia; Prentice Hall (covers 4.4 BSD, Solaris 2.x,
SVR4.2, Mach-OSF/1, and SVR4.2 in general).

Note that across all UNIX variants (Linux included), there are major
differences in the existence, content, and object names of header files.

Bob Klungle
Instructor - UNIX Customization, UNIX Environment Programming -  UCLA


Robert Sexton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in article
<7bl6j6$2ljc$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> Donn Miller ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> : Here are some areas in which Windows is still better than FBSD and
> : Linux:
> : *  better books on programming, systems programming, etc.  I don't
> : there's any books out there on specifically programming for FreeBSD
> : (although Stevens' book might be close).
> We don't need any 'FreeBSD' specific programming books.
> Its UNIX, ya, know?  Basically, every book on UNIX programming is
> directly applicable to FreeBSD and to a slightly lesser extent, Linux
> programming.  (Linux has more mint flavored extensions).   
> I can picture some clueless windows programmer:
> They have UNIX books, and Linux Books, and Lots of really thick
> windows programming books, but no FreeBSD books.  Guess nobody uses
> FreeBSD.....
> --
> Robert Sexton - [EMAIL PROTECTED], Cincinnati OH, USA
> - New home of the hazardous data disposal service, 
> featuring our exclusive Write Only Memory(TM) Technology!
> Read the Newton FAQ! <>


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Juergen Heinzl)
Subject: Re: Shooting
Date: Thu, 04 Mar 1999 21:52:17 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Thomas Boggs wrote:
>Assuming the weather is decent, do you want to go shooting this
>weekend?  If Laura & Max aren't busy, Susan would want to hang
>out with them while we go.  Let me know.

Hope your shooting is better than your posting 8)


From: Dave Hopton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.install,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: Partition Magic?
Date: Thu, 04 Mar 1999 16:51:19 -0500

I'm using PartitionMagic v3.0 on a vanilla box, running Win95, WinNT, and
(as of two nights ago) Red Hat 5.2 w/o any problems. I need to fix a sound
driver problem - SB Pro v2.0 compatable, otherwise everything looks good.


> Hey!
> What is the recomended Boot/partition Manager for multi OS'?
> Mike
> -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
>       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: The Almost Free Linux Project
Date: 5 Mar 1999 19:43:46 GMT

In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Rev. Aaron Reichow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

>I've got an idea, and I need some help.

>What I want to do is simple -- get as many distributions for as many
>platforms of Linux and Net/Free/Open/BSD out to people to as many people
>for as cheap as possible.  Somewhere in the $3 range, including shipping
>($2 for costs, $1 for shipping).  No frills -- no tech support, just the
>CD and a blessing.

This already exists in many forms. For one example see
(Note shipping is slightly higher than $1)
(Of course their's does not come with a blessing)


From: Jason Kircher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ATI Mach64 + PC2TV
Date: Thu, 04 Mar 1999 19:36:40 GMT

William Wueppelmann wrote:
> In our last episode (Wed, 03 Mar 1999 18:40:06 GMT),
> the artist formerly known as Jason Kircher said:

-- Gotta love those...

> >    Has anyone managed to activate the TV output for the Mach64 series
> >cards that have the capability?  (Actually, I have an ATI Rage II+
> >chipset, but the Mach64 X server works fine with it.)
> I believe that you have to have the TV plugged in at bootup time.  (I just

-- Sadly, I'm one of the unlucky few who, if I leave the cable plugged
in while the system is rebooting, I hang the BIOS.  I must unplug the
thing during reboot, then plug it back in.

> tried hooking it up to a TV monitor now, and I got nothing).  I haven't
> tried it under Linux, but under WinDOS, I got it wokring by plugging in the
> monitor before powering on the computer, and it detected it at bootup
> (before loading an OS).  Also, if you try to put it into a resolution
> outside of the 640x480 - 800x600 range, it won't behave properly.

-- Indeed, the output is not designed for resolutions outside that
range.  Must be VERY careful with Xwindows...

> Not much, but I hope it helps.

-- NP.
   Here's an idea - how about running DOSEMU, and running the DOS
program that switches the TV on and off?  I believe the program is
INSTALL.EXE, and the way you turn the TV on is with 'install tvon'. 
(I'd try it, but the last couple times I tried to get DOSEMU working, it
failed for one reason or another, and just got fed up with it!)

> --
> William
> It is pitch black.  You are likely to be spammed by a grue.

                                        -Jason Kircher
                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (NF Stevens)
Crossposted-To: gnu.misc.discuss,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Microkernels are an abstraction inversion
Date: Fri, 05 Mar 1999 20:11:36 GMT


>>>I'm always irritated when I hear people talk about OO design, when it
>>>is patently impossible to implement such a design on the current
>>>(mainstream) OSes, because these deal with processes and files, not
>>>with objects. 
>even a turing machine needs to make a distinction between its data and its
>code. you cannot avoid it.

I presume you have never heard of self modifying code. It may
be ugly and its use a kludge but it does exist.



From: Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux no Brasil
Date: 05 Mar 1999 14:40:25 -0500


> Se alguem quiser trocar informações sobre Linux no Brasil mande um email


johan no portugese.

johan kullstam


Date: Fri, 05 Mar 1999 20:07:31 +0000
From:  <Use-Author-Address-Header@[127.1]>
Subject: Mwave For Linux Project


Have you got an IBM Thinkpad or Aptiva with an
Mwave Soundcard and want to run Linux?

Maybe you would like to contribute to the native
Mwave driver project?

The Mwave Project for Linux has the answers.

* Native Mwave driver project - NEW!
             [HELP REQUIRED]

* Forum for Mwave/Linux Users - NEW!
* How to enable Sound Blaster Pro 3.1
  Emulation under Linux
* Updated for 2.0.x and 2.2.x kernels.
* Improved layout and easy to follow.
* No Windows 3.x/95 or 98 required.

We look forward to your visit!

 __      __
/  \    /  \ __ ___ ___  ____  __  __
\   \/\/   // /'__ `__ \/ __ \/ / / /
 \        // / / / / / / /_/ / /_/ /
  \__/\  //_/_/ /_/ /_/ .___/\__, /
       \[EMAIL PROTECTED]/_/    /____/



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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