Linux-Misc Digest #295, Volume #24               Thu, 27 Apr 00 16:13:02 EDT

  Re: How Big Will X Grow Today? (Jeff Workman)
  Re: microsoft word on linux (Gerald Willmann)
  Startx + gamma correction (bluto)
  Linux on a Mac Plus ("Brian Barber")
  Re: I can't execute shell script (Neil)
  printing text on postscript printer (Gerald Willmann)
  Re: DNS and mail server (Bob Hauck)
  Linux and large filesystem? (Hemant Shah)
  KDE Icons? (Lep)
  Novell-Linux file transfer help (Doug Robbins)
  Re: Starting xfs (Patrik Vahtras)
  lilo.21.4.2 (David Grogan)
  Can't exit gdm in Slack 7 (Ron Gibson)
  Re: How can I reboot the system? ("David ..")
  editor with ftp behind scenes ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: RH 6.1 install says not enough memory (Svend Garnaes)
  Re: ati xpert128 video card problem ("Mike S. Nowostawsky")
  Re: I can't execute shell script (Kevin White)
  Re: How can I reboot the system? (Robert Schiele)
  Re: I can't execute shell script (Andy Piper)
  Re: microsoft word on linux (Y. Tremblay)
  linux classes ("lyn hines")
  Re: How Big Will X Grow Today? (Lack Mr G M)
  Re: How can I reboot the system? (Neil)
  netscape crashs ("p.j.")


Subject: Re: How Big Will X Grow Today?
From: Jeff Workman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 27 Apr 2000 12:50:05 -0400

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher Browne) writes:

> Centuries ago, Nostradamus foresaw a time when Dances With Crows would say:
> >On 26 Apr 2000 00:26:45 -0400, Jeff Workman 
> ><<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> shouted forth into the ether:
> >>  838 root       8   0  284M 284M   844 R       0  3.7 56.3 247:59 X
> >>$ uptime
> >> 12:23am  up 1 day,  9:43,  5 users,  load average: 0.46, 0.47, 0.38
> >>*sigh*
> >>RedHat 6.2., XF86_Mach64.
> >>When are the XF86 people going to start fixing memory leaks? Between X and
> >> Netscape, having 512MB in my workstation is almost a *requirement*.

Today's X:
  838 root       1   0  338M 338M  1124 S       0  1.1 67.0 604:14 X

> This appears to be some interaction between GNOME, GTK and the X
> server; under investigated by folks at VA Linux Systems.  
> The interesting part is that it has hit a few users, but not others
> with _apparently_ similar configurations.  The theory at this point is
> that there's something broken with some GTK themes...

$ rpm -q gnome-core
$ rpm -q gtk+

GTK theme: SoulTrip

It may have something to do with pixmapped gtk themes. However, X still
consumed a lot of memory even when I wasn't using pixmapped themes.

I might start using a "themeless" GTK.  However this is ugly.

Jeff Workman                    | [End of diatribe.  We now return you to your 
UNIX System Administrator       | regularly scheduled programming...] 
Gibralter Publishing            |  
(910) 455-6446 ext. 3034        | -- Larry Wall, in "Configure" from the        |    perl distribution.


From: Gerald Willmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: microsoft word on linux
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 11:01:33 -0700

strings -n1 foo.doc | less
or pipe it into a file with > foo.txt instead of | less
and you can even edit it.

PS: don't forget to tell the originator of your M$-word document that
      he/she was wrong in assuming that everyone uses their specific word


From: bluto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Startx + gamma correction
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 18:10:07 GMT

Has any body had any luck using this switch when using startx

startx -gamma x.x
 In X almost all the jpegs and gifs I view are very dark..
I have tried to adjust the Monitor brightness. but even 
that does not do the trick  (maybe the users brightness is dim :)  )
If you have gotten this to work let me know an what the syntax for
putting this in the .xinitrc file is...



From: "Brian Barber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux on a Mac Plus
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 18:16:10 GMT

Is there a port of any distribution of Linix for the Motorola 68000?  I know
of ports for 680x0 chips, PowerPC, G3, G4, etc., but not for the 68000.



Subject: Re: I can't execute shell script
Date: 27 Apr 2000 11:17:39 PST

ChoongHwan Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   I downloaded a script for bash or sh, and tried to execute.

>   But, an error occurred like 'command not found' or 'cannot find that file'
> (because the message is not English, I don't know the exact message in
> English.)

Bash is probably not where you think it is. Issue this command:

whereis bash

It should tell you where bash is then you can change the line at the top of
your script.

For example, on my system:

whereis bash




From: Gerald Willmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: printing text on postscript printer
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 11:12:21 -0700

I switched from an old deskjet to a nice new Optra 40 postscript filter
yesterday and it prints postscript just fine without any filter but how do
people handle printing text on postscript printers. I tried printing an
email from pine using lpr and the printer produced a nice page with an
error message on it. Do I have to use a2ps, enscript or is there another
solution? Thanks,


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bob Hauck)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: DNS and mail server
Reply-To: hauck[at]codem{dot}com
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 18:21:08 GMT

On Thu, 27 Apr 2000 12:49:51 -0400, Yongfeng Luo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I want to setup a mail server using my linux box. Do I have to have a MX
>record in my DNS server ( I already have a A record in my DNS server for

Yes.  It may work without, but you are always supposed to have an MX
record for machines that get email.

 -| Bob Hauck
 -| Codem Systems, Inc.


From: Hemant Shah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux and large filesystem?
Date: 27 Apr 2000 18:30:00 GMT

I have 15GB file system that was created when I installed Linux. Is there
something special I need to do for such a large file system. This filesystem
contains lots of small files. This is our backup server. After running for few
days I get error message on console similar to the following:

device 08:09 inode xxxxx has ....... aliases

I cannot remember exact error message. When I re-booted the system I had to
run fsck manually. There were lots of errors while running fsck.

-> df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1              99M   35M   59M  37% /
/dev/sda6              99M  7.0k   94M   0% /tmp
/dev/sda8             988M  698M  240M  74% /usr
/dev/sda9              15G  3.9G   10G  27% /usr/knox
/dev/sda7              99M   40M   54M  43% /var


Hemant Shah                           /-------------------\    ^~~~~^
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]       |TECHNOLOGY         |    |    |
                                      |No place for wimps |   o|-OO-|o
TO REPLY, REMOVE NoJunkMail           |          -Dilbert |--- | () |
FROM MY E-MAIL ADDRESS.               \-------------------/    |    |
=================[DO NOT SEND UNSOLICITED BULK E=MAIL]==================
I haven't lost my mind,                Above opinions are mine only.
it's backed up on tape somewhere.      Others can have their own.


Subject: KDE Icons?
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 18:30:12 GMT

I have a problem with Linux's KDE interface.  I'm using the Mandrake 
version of Linux, which has about 18 desktop icons as default.  If I 
rename or delete any of these default icons, it puts them back on the end 
of the list when I log back in.  Why does it do this, and how can I stop 

Posted via CNET


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Doug Robbins)
Subject: Novell-Linux file transfer help
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 18:37:09 GMT

This is a little off-topic, but I hope you'll bear with me.

The building where I work (housing a number of non-profit groups in a
rural northern Canadian town) has a defunct Novell network server. The
network was put in place in the early 1990s and operated until the last
couple years. I am currently putting in a Linux machine as a server and
connecting the various  desktop PCs (which run Windows).

Here's the problem. The old Novell server has lots of user files on it
from a 7-8 year period. Occasionally someone wanders in looking for a
file from years back (the place has public-access workstations that once
ran from the server). I'd like to get all the user files off the Novell
harddrive and stored on the Linux machine (or burned on a CD...

I don't know *anything* about Novell... though I do have access to the
admin login/password. The Novell machine is not connected to the new
Linux/Windows network... I suppose it could be but I don't know how. I
have physical access to the Novell machine. I could remove the harddrive
and put it in the Linux machine if I could access/mount it there.

How would you proceed in a situation like this?

Any help sincerely appreciated!

Doug Robbins


From: Patrik Vahtras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Starting xfs
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 20:49:24 +0200

On Tue, 25 Apr 2000, David Rolfe wrote:

> Hal,
> It is working. I know about the font paths in XF86Config. And I know about X looking
> for xfs. And it is a little strange that the ONLY invocation in XF86Config that
> allows X to find xfs is unix/:-1. Any reference to port 7100 just fails. I don't
> know why. Maybe it is a bug in X. But my stuff is definitely working now. I have the
> kde font manager up right now and am looking at the ms verdana font. So why does it
> work? Who knows?
> Dave
It's a RedHat thing 


From: David Grogan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: lilo.21.4.2
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 14:56:45 -0400

I downloaded the new version of lilo
( that
supposedly lets you boot a linux partition from a cylinder higher than
1024.  I downloaded, compiled and made a lilo.conf that looks like this:

boot = /dev/hda3
root = /dev/hda3
image = /vmlinuz
  label = linux
other = /dev/hda1
  table = /dev/hda
  label = dos

My win partition is hda1, my swap is hda2 and mandrake is hda3.  When
I ran /sbin/lilo, I got these errors:
Warning: device 0x0303 exceeds 1024 cylinder limit
Fatal: geo_comp_addr: Cylinder number is too big (2286 > 1023)

Anyone know why this isn't working?  I'd really like to not have to boot
off of a floppy anymore.  Thanks a lot.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ron Gibson)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Can't exit gdm in Slack 7
Date: 27 Apr 2000 18:54:56 GMT

I'd like the ability to use GDM to try out or chose one X window manager
or another, as I have Gnome, Enlightenment, KDE, the whole ball of wax
on Slack 7 installed, for various reasons.

GDM has the ability to chose the manager you want but I can't figure a
way to exit the login profile other than to open another terminal do 

ps -aux

and kill it.

Any way to configure this or is there a front end loader available?

ICQ: 56576008
Home Page:


From: "David .." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps
Subject: Re: How can I reboot the system?
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 14:17:36 -0500

Jose Antonio Diaz Lago wrote:
> Hi, Can somebody tell me what is the best way to reboot the system from
> a user program written in C? I think it could be done by executing a
> /sbin/reboot from inside the program but I am not sure whether it is the
> best solution.
> Thanks!

/usr/bin/shutdown -r now  # would be the correct way though the command
reboot will do it it may not kill all processes properly. But not sure. 

Registered with the Linux Counter.
ID # 123538


Subject: editor with ftp behind scenes
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 19:24:34 GMT

Is there a linux editor which will ftp the file behind the scenes.  I
have something called homesuite for NT, but I want something for linux.

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: Svend Garnaes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: RH 6.1 install says not enough memory
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 21:30:27 +0200

Some Linux distros appear to suffer from software/resource 
bloat the same as M$-Windows.

I was told Linux did particularly well on old iron, so I 
resurrected an old 486DX50 with 20MB RAM, installed a
decent IDE disk and called it a fileserver. This was
back in RH5.2 days; the system installed from local
CD-ROM like a breeze. Worked flawlessly too, serving
nfs and samba for my network clients. Always up.
No X installed, just consoles.

About a year later I attempted to upgrade the fileserver
to RH6.1 - but the upgrade was painfully slow, and disk
activity inordinately high.
Turned out the #$@! python interpreter (or whatever it is)
used by the installer ate shitloads of RAM, so the poor
box ground to a halt swapping ...
I ended up doing the server upgrade from a network client.

Of course where there's Linux there's a way, but the 
experience left me a little worried anyway. 



From: "Mike S. Nowostawsky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: ati xpert128 video card problem
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 15:39:31 -0400

Dances With Crows wrote:

> On 27 Apr 2000 15:10:54 GMT, Michael Borgwardt
> <<8e9l9u$anp$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
> shouted forth into the ether:
> >Could you please lend me your time machine? Or at least give
> >me a copy of "Linux 6.1"?
> >(Hint: Red Hat is *not* equal to Linux, the currently most recent
> >Linux is 2.5)
> <PEDANTIC> I think you mean 2.3.99-pre5.  If you have 2.5.x, could I
> borrow *your* time machine? </PEDANTIC>
> --
> Matt G / Dances With Crows              \###| Programmers are playwrights
> There is no Darkness in Eternity         \##| Computers are lousy actors
> But only Light too dim for us to see      \#| Lusers are vicious drama critics
> (Unless, of course, you're working with NT)\| BOFHen burn down theatres.

Yeah, that was very helpful. Any other snide comments or can we get back to the
questions at hand?



From: Kevin White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: I can't execute shell script
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 15:39:44 -0400

Try changing '/bin/bash' to '/bin/sh' to invoke bash as the script

ChoongHwan Lee wrote:
>   I downloaded a script for bash or sh, and tried to execute.
>   But, an error occurred like 'command not found' or 'cannot find that file'
> (because the message is not English, I don't know the exact message in
> English.)
>   I've no idea about that error.
>   Permission is proper (755), and PATH is exact.
>   So, I typed like this,
>   #! /bin/bash
>   echo "Hello world"
>   exit 0
>   and named it as abc
>   And execute ./abc
>   but, error occurred like that. I think my short script has no illegal
> statement, and actually it works well in another system.
>   (Surely, /bin/bash exists. and this shell is registered in /etc/shells)
>   What makes that problem? Please help me...
>   Thank you for reading.
>                                    ChoongHwan Lee   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Kevin White
Remove anti-spam center segment from domain


From: Robert Schiele <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps
Subject: Re: How can I reboot the system?
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 21:46:38 +0200

"David .." wrote:
> /usr/bin/shutdown -r now  # would be the correct way though the command
> reboot will do it it may not kill all processes properly. But not sure.

sysvinit reboot just calls shutdown -r now if started with no
BTW: shutdown should never reside in /usr/bin. It should be either in
/sbin, /etc or in /bin!


Robert Schiele                  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tel./Fax: +49-621-10059


From: Andy Piper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: I can't execute shell script
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 20:15:19 +0100

ChoongHwan Lee wrote:
>   I downloaded a script for bash or sh, and tried to execute.
>   But, an error occurred like 'command not found' or 'cannot find that file'
> (because the message is not English, I don't know the exact message in
> English.)

Check that the script you downloaded is not in a DOS text
file format. I had the same problem with a file recently
until I realised that it was in DOS format.

Andy Piper                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fareham, Hampshire


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Y. Tremblay)
Subject: Re: microsoft word on linux
Date: 27 Apr 2000 19:56:06 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Eugenio Rivera  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Is there a program that allows me to view (not necessarily edit)
>a microsoft word document under Linux?

In addition to the program already named, some of them being full
office suite. If you want to try something very light, (but slightly
more friendly than "string doc.doc | less"), you can try "catdoc".
It just dump to a terminal, in ascii, the content of a ms-word file
with some basic character formatting.

Slightly larger is "wordview" which open a window with the content of
the ms-word file in ascii with character formatting in it.  

They are availably for many flavour of unix, a ftp search should
locate them for you.  

Y. Tremblay


From: "lyn hines" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: linux classes
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 23:04:06 -0700

Hello all,
                My wife is taking HTML classes and has agreed to take
Linux classes when is finished.  I know there is plenty of documentation,
online classes etc. but she enjoys real interactive
classes.   We live in the Bay Area   Pt. Richmond/Marin County area.
  If anyone knows of a community college offering Linux classes it would be
great.  I want to be able to have her run her sites on Apache.

 Thanks in advance,      Lyn Hines


Subject: Re: How Big Will X Grow Today?
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 19:06:32 BST

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jeff Workman 
|> On 26 Apr 2000 00:26:45 -0400, Jeff Workman 
|> <<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> shouted forth into the ether:

   well...someone did...

|> > When are the XF86 people going to start fixing memory leaks? Between X and
|> > Netscape, having 512MB in my workstation is almost a *requirement*.

   [Possibly not directly Linux related, more Unix in general, but i
    think Linux is the same.]

   What surprises me is that X seems to get distributed with the
xdm-config "terminateServer" option set to false.  If set to true then
when you logout xdm will restart the X server, hence any memory leaks
are removed.  The restart takes all of a second, so why is it disabled
by default?  Why would you *ever* wish to disable it? 

========= Gordon Lack =============== [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ============
This message *may* reflect my personal opinion.  It is *not* intended
to reflect those of my employer, or anyone else.


Subject: Re: How can I reboot the system?
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps
Date: 27 Apr 2000 13:07:36 PST

In comp.os.linux.misc David .. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> /usr/bin/shutdown -r now  # would be the correct way though the command
> reboot will do it it may not kill all processes properly. But not sure. 

Since it is in a C program wouldn't he have to use system()?




From: "p.j." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: netscape crashs
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 16:14:44 -0400

hello group,

every time i access a javascript page on my localhost:httpd (server 
apache) netscape crashs, but only when javascript is enabled in the 
this does not happen on the www.
the rights for the .js files are set to 777 (just to make sure).
where are the wrong settings? in the httpd server?

thanks for any idea.


...let the sun shine in...

[EMAIL PROTECTED] - miami, florida the sunshine state ;-), (305) 418-4944

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