Linux-Misc Digest #295, Volume #25               Mon, 31 Jul 00 12:13:02 EDT

  Re: eth0 delaying initialization - why? (Hakan Erdogan)
  Re: gnutella client ("Jan Schaumann")
  Re: Netscape cookies (Prasanth A. Kumar)
  Re: Kernel Panic Error (Leonard Evens)
  Re: Install of New Kernel (Rasputin)
  dual os mail setup (Grischa Stegemann)
  Re: FWD: Red Hat's CFO abandoning ship. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Advice on cutting memory usage (Andrew J. Perrin)
  Re: mcopy hangs linux!! (Leonard Evens)
  Re: RedHat 6.2 to Windows 98 (Leonard Evens)


From: Hakan Erdogan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,alt.linux
Subject: Re: eth0 delaying initialization - why?
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 10:58:24 -0400

Hi, you definitely need the tulip for the LinkSys card. So you should get the new 
version and compile
(see linksys site for how to compile), also add
alias eth0 tulip.o to the /etc/conf.modules . Then you can do modprobe eth0
to load it. Check messages with dmesg if it is OK. Then you can connect with ifconfig 
or other gui
tools that comes with redhat.

Elliott wrote:

> When installing RH6.1, we installed the LILO (LInux LOader, or something). According 
>to my RH
> manual, page 444, I should use the de4x5.o module. However, I will also try tulip, 
>as you
> suggested. I also added another ethernet card just to see if that would help. It 
>didnt. I added a
> 3Com EtherLink III (Module 3c507). Same old error. I also have specified the io 
>address and the
> irq. Still same error (eth0: Delaying Initialization). I will try a boot disk. Any 
>ideas on how to
> create the boot disk? any help would, of course, be appreaciated. thanks!
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; newsgroups, too.
> Hakan Erdogan wrote:
> > Here is how my problem with the same card solved. I also get the sendmail pause
> > thing (still).
> > First, my question is do you use loadlin to load linux or lilo? I used to use 
>loadlin and it
> > did not work. My guess is that windows plays with the PCI bios or something so 
>that the driver
> > (tulip.o) could not detect the card correctly. There is a program tulip-diag.c 
>that  is
> > supposed to diagnose the problem. When I ran it, it was saying that PCI bios does 
>not show
> > correct IRQ or something. You can also try it. When I used a boot disk, the driver 
> > correctly!!! Also, you need the latest version of tulip.c to detect LinkSys card 
>and compile
> > it. After loading the module, check the messages with dmesg and see if the driver 
>is loading
> > properly with the correct IRQ and everything. Good luck. Then I guess ifup should 
> >
> > Elliott wrote:
> >
> > > Ok. I tried the settings that you gave me, and I still get the same error,
> > > only now the machine pauses for ever on semdmail, so I turned sendmail off.
> > > Anyway, linux is not very fun with out an internet connection.... Here is what
> > > I know about my ether net card (printed from some program in windoze...):
> > >
> > > xE800 - xE8FF Linksys LNE100TX Fast Ethernet Adapter
> > >
> > > IRQ 10 Linksys LNE100TX Fast Ethernet Adapter
> > > IRQ 10 Intel 82371AB/EB PCI to USB Universal Host Controller
> > > IRQ 10 ACPI IRQ Holder for PCI IRQ Steering
> > > IRQ 10 ACPI IRQ Holder for PCI IRQ Steering
> > >
> > > xEA800000 - xEA8000FF Linksys LNE100TX Fast Ethernet Adapter
> > >
> > >  Linksys LNE100TX Fast Ethernet Adapter
> > >     Net
> > >     Registry Key:
> > > 
> > >
> > >     Alloc resources:                                Logical Configuration 0
> > >     IRQ:                                            10 Mask: xFFFF
> > >     IO Range:                                       Base=xE800 End=xE8FF
> > > Min=x0000 Max=xFFFF  Alias=xFF, Decode=x00
> > >     Memory Address Range:                           Base= xEA800000 End=
> > > xEA8000FF Min= x00000000 Max= xFFFFFFFF
> > >     Forced resources:                               None
> > >     Boot resources:                                 None
> > >     Filtered resources:                             Logical Configuration 0
> > >     IRQ:                                            10 Mask: xFFFF
> > >     IO Range:                                       Base=xE800 End=xE8FF
> > > Min=x0000 Max=xFFFF  Alias=xFF, Decode=x00
> > >     Memory Address Range:                           Base= xEA800000 End=
> > > xEA8000FF Min= x00000000 Max= xFFFFFFFF
> > >     Basic resources:                                Logical Configuration 0
> > >     IRQ:                                            0 Mask: xFFFF
> > >     IO Range:                                       Base=xE800 End=xE8FF
> > > Min=x0000 Max=xFFFF  Alias=xFF, Decode=x00
> > >     Memory Address Range:                           Base= xEA800000 End=
> > > xEA8000FF Min= x00000000 Max= xFFFFFFFF
> > >     HW Revision:                                    037
> > >     Driver:                                         Net\0002
> > >     Driver Date:                                     2- 9-1999
> > >     Driver:                                         LNE100TX.sys
> > >                                                     File Size: 32768 (0x8000)
> > >                                                     File Date: 12/17/1998 10:3
> > > PM
> > >                                                     Company Name: Linksys
> > > Group, Inc.
> > >                                                     File Version: 4.20
> > >
> > >   Linksys LNE100TX Fast Ethernet Adapter
> > >     Original Configuration Mon Aug 28 10:10:23 2000 to Date
> > >     Alloc resources:                                Logical Configuration 0
> > >     IRQ:                                            10 Mask: xFFFF
> > >     IO Range:                                       Base=xE800 End=xE8FF
> > > Min=x0000 Max=xFFFF  Alias=xFF, Decode=x00
> > >     Memory Address Range:                           Base= xEA800000 End=
> > > xEA8000FF Min= x00000000 Max= xFFFFFFFF
> > >     Driver:                                         LNE100TX.sys 12/17/1998
> > > 10:3 PM Size: 32768
> > >
> > > LNE100TX 4.20 Linksys Group, Inc. Linksys LNE100TX NDIS 3.1 Driver
> > > C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\LNE100TX.sys Plug and Play NT driver Linksys LNE100TX Fast
> > > Ethernet Driver
> > >
> > > From what I have read in another reply, I need to disable the PNP OS in my
> > > bios setup. Well, it was allready disabled. But there is a whole lota stuff in
> > > there... any ideas?
> > > thanks!
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] or newsgroups.
> > >
> > > "Quiney, Philip [HAL02:HH00:EXCH]" wrote:
> > >
> > > > Elliott wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > I just installed a new hard drive and now have two drives, we have
> > > > > windows on one and linux on the other (redhat 6.1) it dualboots fine. In
> > > > > windoze the ethernet card works fine and uses dhcp to grab it's IP
> > > > > address. In redhat however when it boots up I get a message that says
> > > > > eth0: Delaying Initialization or something like that. I when I type ifup
> > > > > eth0 we get the same message.
> > > > >
> > > > > Help.
> > > > >
> > > > > I am trying to do dhcp remember...
> > > > >  thank you
> > > > >
> > > > > You can email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > Hi,
> > > >
> > > > The message 'Delaying Initialization' usually means that the card is not
> > > > being found. You didn't say what type of card it is.
> > > >
> > > > Check /etc/conf.modules to see what eth0 is aliased as...
> > > >
> > > > [root@phard1e0 net]# cat /etc/conf.modules
> > > > alias eth0 3c59x
> > > > ..snip..
> > > >
> > > > in my case
> > > >
> > > > For some NIC (such as NE2000 clones) you need to give it a hint by
> > > > specifying base i/o address
> > > > eg
> > > >
> > > > alias eth0 io=0x300 (or whatever).
> > > >
> > > > If you don't know what this is then get hold of the diagnostic disk that
> > > > come with most NICs and switch off pnp mode on the card (put in
> > > > 'jumperless' mode) and set the base address/irq manually. Normally if
> > > > you give the base address correctly the driver can figure out the irq
> > > > for itself. You will normally need to use a DOS boot disk to run these
> > > > diagnostic programs.
> > > >
> > > > I would pull the plug on the internet link and try to bring the card up
> > > > manually. The configuration is in
> > > > /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
> > > >
> > > > Copy this file to a safe place and then change the BOOTPROTO variable to
> > > > BOOTPROTO=static and setp up a static address (from the non-routable
> > > > series)...
> > > >
> > > > DEVICE=eth0
> > > > BOOTPROTO=static
> > > > BROADCAST=
> > > > IPADDR=
> > > > NETMASK=
> > > > NETWORK=
> > > > ONBOOT=yes
> > > >
> > > > You can use 'ifup eth0' 'ifdown eth0' to bring the inteface up & down.
> > > > Once the driver module loads (use lsmod to see what modules you have
> > > > loaded) you will need to use 'rmmod' to remove it.
> > > >
> > > > Once working you can restore your ifcfg-eth0 original and all should be
> > > > well..
> > > >
> > > > HTH
> > > >
> > > > Regards
> > > >
> > > > Phil Q
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > >
> > > > Phil Quiney                             CSIP Demonstrator
> > > > [EMAIL PROTECTED]              Nortel Networks,
> > > > Telephone: +44 (1279) 402363            London Rd, Harlow,
> > > > Fax:       +44 (1279) 402885            Essex CM17 9NA,
> > > >                                         United Kingdom.
> > > >
> > > > "This message may contain information proprietary to Northern
> > > > Telecom so any unauthorised disclosure, copying or distribution
> > > > of its contents is strictly prohibited."


From: "Jan Schaumann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: gnutella client
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 11:20:01 -0500

In article <Mtgh5.3756$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rasputin) wrote:

>>I can't find a Gnutella client that works (under RH6.2). Windows
>>Gnutella and Napster (on both platforms) work just fine. Did anyone get
>>ANY Linux Gnutellas to work?

> knapster works a treat.

if _knapster_ is a gnutella-client, it has an extremely badly chosen name.


Jan Schaumann <>
Yeah.  Wait a minute.  It's the guy from TV.  My kid's 
hero...Cruddy...Crummy...Krusty the Clown!
                -- Homer Simpson


Subject: Re: Netscape cookies
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Prasanth A. Kumar)
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 15:36:59 GMT

"Ed Lewis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I am running netscape 4.73 on a Linux machine and I am trying to find all of
> the files that are used to track where I go on the Internet. Internet
> Explorer uses a cookie file which also has an Index.dat file to keep track
> of the cookies and then in the Temporary Internet Files under Content.IE5
> there is also an Index.Dat file that tracks everywhere you go on the
> Internet. These index.dat files have to be deleted from within DOS. They can
> not be deleted in Windose.
>     I use Linux (Caldera and Corel versions) on two machines and, so far, I
> have not been able to find any files of this type on either system. Any help
> will be appreciated..

The cookies are kept in ~/.netscape/cookies. Make that file read only
if you don't wan't Netscape creating any more cookies.

Prasanth Kumar


From: Leonard Evens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Kernel Panic Error
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 10:24:41 -0500

"Terry Chilvers(FreeServe)" wrote:
> Can anyone help with solving this problem please?
> Hardware:
> AMD K6/2 500
> 144MB RAM
> Adaptec 2944UW (diff), 4 x HP C2490A hard drives (2GB each)
> Adaptec 1542CP SCSI + Seagate 2.7GB drive (Card and drive now removed)
> 1 x 3Com EtherLink III 3C509 Combo card
> 1 x TNT2 video card.
> IDE 40x CD-ROM
> I finally installed Red Hat 6.2 last week after 4 failed attempts, all down
> to having 2 SCSI adapters and the device order was being changed between
> installation and boot. This meant the the device I thought was to be the
> boot device, changed from sda to sde. Fixed that by re-partitioning and
> removing the 1542CP card and attached hard drive.
> Now after running OK for a few days, I put an extra 128MB memory module in
> and it failed to boot, complaining that it could not open the swap
> partition.
> I've removed the extra module so back to where I was but no joy, but now get
> the following at the end of the messages (there are various references to
> RAID but I don't remember installing it as an option):
> raid 5: measuring checksum speed
> raid 5:MMX detected .....
> .
> .
> scsi: 0 hosts
> scsi: detected total
> md.c:sizeof(mdp_super_t)=4096
> Partition Check
> RAMDISK:Compressed image found at block 0
> autodetecting RAID Arrays
> autorun...
> ...autorun DONE
> VFS:Mounted root (ext2 filesystem)
> autodetecting RAID Arrays
> autorun...
> ...autorun DONE
> kmod:failed to exec /sbin/modprobe -s-k block-major-8,errno=2
> VFS:cannot open root device 08:21
> Kernel Panic:VFS:unable to mount root fs on 08:21
> I found some help suggesting a boot from the emergency floppy using "linux
> rescue" but this seemed to boot from the floppy to start with then  finished
> from hard disk with the same errors.
> Is there a way of trying to check out the partitions without going through
> the install and removing/re-installing everything?
> Thanks in advance.
> Terry Chilvers
> Cambridgeshire, UK

One can always get confused about these things because of the 
difference between decimal and hexadecimal designations, but I
believe 8:21 refers to /dev/hdb1.  Is that where your Linux
root partition is supposed to be?

I'm not sure which boot floppy you used.  If it was the one
created during installation, that would still try to find the
root partition on the hard disk after loading the kernel from
the floppy.   But you can get rescue disks which work entirely
in a ramdisk.   In principle you can use the RedHat installation
media for that purpose by entering
linux rescue
at the boot prompt.  Unfortunately, the RH 6.1 installer, when used
that way had hardly any tools available.  You had to actually
create the nodes for the devices like the disk partitions.  Supposedly
the RH6.2 installer has fixed those problems.  So try it.  Then
you ought to be able to run fdisk and examine the partitions.
To see the second disk you would use
fdisk /dev/sdb
You should also be able to create a mount point in the ramdisk
system, and mount any partition on it.   Then you could look at
it to see if it is all there.  Also, you should be able to run
fsck or e2fsck on any partition.


Leonard Evens      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      847-491-5537
Dept. of Mathematics, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL 60208


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rasputin)
Subject: Re: Install of New Kernel
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 15:48:50 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] <Andrew N. McGuire > wrote:
>On 30 Jul 2000, Dances With Crows quoth:
>$$ There's a package on your Mandrake CD called "dev86-something-.rpm".
>$$ Install that package.
>$$ As an aside, why in seven hells doesn't the kernel source package depend
>$$ on this package?  Since you need as86 to build a kernel, shouldn't the
>$$ kernel source require the presence of as86?
>Because Mandrake does not pay attention to detail.

And redhat is the same.


Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns.


From: Grischa Stegemann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: dual os mail setup
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 17:51:43 +0200

Hi all

I'm running Suse Linux and Win98 on a dual boot machine.
It would be really cool to have an automatically synchronizing
Netscape setup on both systems.
I mean I want Netscape to use the same mail (and news?) data on both
systems. It also will have to remember which mails I already got from
the server.

Probably lots of users have already tried just to symlink ~/.netscape
and ~/nsmail to the corresponding directories on the windows
partition. Unfortunatley this turned out to be a very bad idea ;-)...

Since the data seems incompatible for both systems I think one would
have to set up a logout script which extracts the changed Netscape
data and writes it to the other version in the correct format.

Has anybody already tried this or figured out another way to have a
synchronized mailbox on both systems?

Grischa Stegemann                       Technische Universitaet Berlin
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]           phone: +49 30 314 23184

*** We are here on Earth to do good for others.
*** What the others are here for, I do not know.  
(W.H. Auden) 


Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 11:55:55 -0400
Subject: Re: FWD: Red Hat's CFO abandoning ship.

[Groups trimmed; arguably Follow-up: should be set to c.o.l.advocacy]

blowfish wrote:

> [...]
> No. The choice of licensing might not be of any importance to some, but
> to those who wants to make a living out of it, then, it's very
> important, muy importante to them, and if you look at anything that are
> GNU-GPLed, you'll see the line "... not accountable for any
> damage...blah , blah, blah..."

Obviously you've never read any EULA attached to _every_ piece of
software for windows.  It makes no difference whether it's from
microsoft or a third party, they _always_ disclaim any responsibility. 
And with good reason... it frequently doesn't work.

> That may be fine with some private end users, but in the real business
> world, accountability is everything. They'll pass even if you have the
> best stuff out, if nobody can be taken account for, if something goes
> wrong.
> [...]

And you may want to respond with something about the "support" you get
with windows software vs. Linux.  Well that argument is always - and
always will be - pure unadultered FUD. Crap. They can _say_ there's
accountability, but it's a figment of their imaginations.  And people
are beginning to realize it.

About 4 years ago, I was trying to get a new buslogic scsi card working
on my Linux machine.  I'm really just an end user, but am always willing
to roll up my sleeves and try to figure out things for myself.  But if
it doesn't build/install cleanly, I get beyond my limited understanding
in a hurry.  This was one of those times, but I was pretty sure I knew
where to get help. Back then there was a very active set of Linux
mailing lists at rutgers university with a good signal to noise ratio. 
I posted a message to the scsi list, and in less than an hour and a half
I had two responses.  Personal ones in _my_ mailbox.  They were both
helpful, and in less than 10 minutes I had my new scsi card working. 
And most impressive - one of them was from Leonard Zubkoff who was the
engineer who wrote the driver.  He took the time to send a personal
response that pointed me _clearly_ in the right direction.  When was the
last time anyone got support from an engineer who wrote a windows

Ever called microsoft or a third party vendor for support (and actually
gotten through)?  I have.  In all but the very rarest of times, you get
somebody that doesn't know what they're talking about, disavowing that
the problem could be theirs, and trying to lay the blame elsewhere; or
just saying "Gee I don't know.  Never seen this one before".  You end up
talking to a low paid entry-level clerk who listens for keywords (but
ususally doesn't know what they are), and responds as if they plugged
your "keywords" into an access database and are reading the "solution"
off a 3x5 notecard; because they couldn't possible understand the
problem and elucidate an answer themselves.  Is the problem the clerk? 
Not really.  Everybody's got to start somewhere.  The problem is the end
user who expects a lot for very little.  But who led us to expact that? 
The software vendors, who say it's all about innovating for us, but are
really trying to set up a  tool booth for their own benefit (and that of
the "money circle"?), while telling us lies about the quality of their
software and support.

I worked for a small Wall Street firm until a couple of years ago.  They
moved from Sun hardware/software to NT when every lemming IT manager in
the world was doing the same.  They were completely committed to it, and
it didn't seem that would ever change.  Well I did some proselytizing
when I was there (though I had nothing to do with the IT department),
and I know there was at least one guy in the IT department who was using
Linux at home.  Two years later they are deploying some Linux machines. 
These are the very people you say want accountability.  You know what? 
They thought they did, but discovered they _really_ wanted something
that works.  The whole dynamic  is changing.  Slowly, but it is
changing.  In the "real world".

I've used Linux for over 4 years now.  I'm not a "geek" or a "hacker",
just a guy who has an idea what he thinks his computer should do for
him, and who has found that Linux accomplishes that for him.  I have
both Windows and Linux pc's (not entirely by choice - but that's another
story) and I find the Linux boxes much easier to maintain and use -
including getting support when needed, and the software to be of
immensely better quality.  Then again, for me the definition of quality
begins with it working reliably, and not with how many advertised bells
and whistles (and pretty icons) it has that don't work.  I'll take a
system that has no "obligation" for support but provides it if you're
willing to do the minimum and know where to look, over one that promises
support (and needs it) but doesn't deliver it.  You don't have to listen
real closely to hear the footsteps coming.

 - Don


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew J. Perrin)
Subject: Advice on cutting memory usage
Date: 31 Jul 2000 11:54:06 -0400

Greetings. I've got linux (Debian, kernel 2.0.38) running nicely on an
oldish laptop (Toshiba Portege 610CT), details will follow on setup
issues, of which there were quite few.

My concern is that the system alone consumes most of the poor thing's
16M of RAM:

achebe:/boot> free
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:         14288      13172       1116       4564        324      10136
-/+ buffers/cache:       2712      11576
Swap:        32756       4108      28648

I'm wondering if anyone can offer advice on what I could drop in order
to reduce memory usage; I've turned off junkbuster, postgreSQL, gpm,
isapnp, isdnutils, and samba, since I don't need them on the
laptop. Particularly, I'm wondering what xntpd and omniNames do for


Andrew Perrin - Solaris-Linux-NT-Samba-Perl-Access-Postgres Consulting


From: Leonard Evens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: mcopy hangs linux!!
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 10:36:20 -0500

> Hi all,
> Something very unexpected has been happening to me lately: whenever
> I try to copy files from floppies using the mcopy command, the
> kernel just freezes and stops responding to any input. It
> responds only to the "big red switch"! What's the problem? Note
> that there are nothing wrong with the floppies. I know, because
> I can copy the files using Win98. The files were copied onto the
> floppies using mcopy on a different machine.
> Cheers
> Zoram
> When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading.
>   - Henny Youngman
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

I don't know what your problem is, but except on one occasion,
I've never had problems with mcopy with one exception.   
On that occasion there was
something wrong with the floppy controller that was subtle.
(I had installed a second parallel port card that shouldn't
have conflicted with anything but for some obscure reason
interfered with the the floppy controller.  It appeared that I
could read and write to floppies under Windows, but it turned out
what was written was garbage.)

I think you have some hardware problem that is not apparent
under Windows.  Since interrupts can be different under Windows
and Linux, make sure you check all interrupts under both.  Also
check you BIOS settings.

I would also try this not while using a GUI interface.  To do so,
boot by using
linux 3
at the lilo prompt.
If you hang, see if you can bring up another virtual terminal
with Al-F2 to see if you can check what is wrong.

Leonard Evens      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      847-491-5537
Dept. of Mathematics, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL 60208


From: Leonard Evens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: RedHat 6.2 to Windows 98
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 10:43:07 -0500

Steven Hardin wrote:
> I have RedHat Linux 6.2 on my comp. and I want to go back to Windows 98,
> but I am having some trouble figuring it out.  If anyone knows how to do
> this help me out please.  Thanks in advance.
> --
> Posted via CNET

You could try going to the Microsoft web site for instructions on
how to do this.  Of course, the last time I looked the instructions
were wrong.  But if you are going to rely on Microsoft, you don't
necessarily get what you pay for.


Leonard Evens      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      847-491-5537
Dept. of Mathematics, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL 60208



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