Linux-Misc Digest #740, Volume #20               Tue, 22 Jun 99 10:13:08 EDT

  Re: Linux jingle (Dave Furstenau)
  MCA/ESDI patches for Linux 2.0.37? (Georg Schwarz)
  Re: ppp problem (Lew Pitcher)
  Re: Kernel modules and varargs ("Thomas M. Galla")
  Session Management Problem Under Gnome + RH6.0 (Ralph Becket)
  Help : objdump error ("³ë°æÅÃ")
  Re: Mounting a Mac-formatted floppy? (Robert Heller)
  Re: Visual programming languages for Linux (Christopher B. Browne)
  Re: Star Office key problem! ("William B. Cattell")
  Re: COL225: LILO says: geo_comp_addr: Cylinder number is too big (1137 > 1023) 
(Chris Raper)
  ABCNews article. (Rick Nelson)
  Re: NT cross compiler for Linux ("Bezalel Geretz")
  Re: PPP problems (Ian Briggs)
  Re: Children's Software (Ian Briggs)
  Re: Star Office key problem! (Mark Tranchant)
  Re: Linux vs. Windoze NT - new security hole found in NT. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  PIKT, Problem Informant/Killer Tool, v1.5.0 released
  Re: Commercially speaking....? (Mr S A Penny)


From: Dave Furstenau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux jingle
Crossposted-To: aus.computers.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 06:31:27 GMT

 James Beard wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> Is there is a Linux jingle?  A catchy little tune?
>     [ ...etc ... ]
> We have the penguin, and the slogans.  What we need now is a tune.
> Either an original or a rehash of an existing piece.  Any budding
> composers out there?

     Hasn't anyone ever nominated Lyle Lovett's song "Penguins" (from 
"I Love Everybody")?  Seems like a natural ... 

                      I don't go for fancy cars
                        For diamond rings
                      Or movie stars
                        I go for penguins
                        Oh, Lord I go for penguins
                      Penguins are so sensitive
                      To my needs.

  Dave Furstenau [EMAIL PROTECTED]                 Lincoln, Nebraska
  SHAKESPEARE ... for Groundlings!   

  Version: 3.1 GC/FA/H/IT dpu s: a>+++ C+++@ UL++ P+++(++++) L+++@>++++ 
  E+(++@) W++(--) N+++ o--@ K+++ w--- !O M-- V-- PS+++(++) PE(-) Y+ PGP+(++@) 
  t++(*) 5+(++) X(-) R+@ tv@ b+++ DI++++ D+(---) G+++ e++@ h+>--- r*>+++ y*>$
  ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Georg Schwarz)
Subject: MCA/ESDI patches for Linux 2.0.37?
Date: 22 Jun 1999 11:52:11 GMT

Are there any any patches for MCA and ESDI that can be applied to Linux
Institut für Theoretische Physik  +49 30 314-24254   FAX -21130  IRC kuroi
Technische Universität Berlin  


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lew Pitcher)
Subject: Re: ppp problem
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 12:07:12 GMT

Some observations...

On Tue, 22 Jun 1999 06:25:17 +0000, kihwan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Bill Unruh wrote:
>> In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Kihwan Kwon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> >I installed RedHat 6.0 and I have a ppp problem.
>> Make sure that you use the proper serial port devices, /dev/ttyS0 to
>> /dev/ttyS3, NOT /dev/cua0 to /dev/cua3. Make sure that your /dev/modem
>> points to the ttyS devices not the cua devices.
>Sorry, but I can't understand. What is the difference between cua device and ttyS
>device?I thought they are just different names for same thing.

No, they are not just different names for the same thing. 
Apparently the /dev/cua* devices implement a different style of locking mechanism
than the /dev/ttyS* devices. The /dev/cua* devices are depreciated, and (IIRC) not
supported or implemented in the Linux 2.2 releases.

>And, how  can I make
>/dev/modem points to the
>ttyS devices?  

As root,
    rm /dev/modem
followed by
    ln /dev/ttyS1 /dev/modem
    ln -s /dev/ttyS1 /dev/modem

>I thought I made the modem point to the ttyS2 from control panel.  Is
>this what you mean?

What control panel? Unless you have a specific X Desktop Manager, running
under a specific X Window Manager under a specific implementation of the X
window system, you don't have a control panel. Without these special things,
Linux (and all Unices) are TUI based (Text User Interface).

Learn the shell; it's your friend. It will be available on Unix systems
(Linux included) even when there is no GUI, no X, no X desktop, no Control

>> >It doesn't recognize modem and I checked /var/log/messages then
>> >it says:
>> >  Can't open options file
>> >  /root/.ppprc: Function not implemented
>> Do you have a /root/.ppprc file? If so, what is in it?
>> iYOu do not need it. The main options are in /etc/ppp/options.
>No, I don't have.  Thanks

Lew Pitcher
System Consultant, Integration Solutions Architecture
Toronto Dominion Bank


(Opinions expressed are my own, not my employer's.)


From: "Thomas M. Galla" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Kernel modules and varargs
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 14:20:37 +0200

Dan Miner wrote:

> There are a couple of places with varargs in the kernel.  I believe
> I see the problem.  Try moving the 'va_list ap' to be the first > declaration.
> varargs are usually based on stack positions and local variable are on
> the stack.  So, va_list expect to find the args X bytes away but you've
> added Y bytes more between them.  :)

Actually I thought that's the reason, why you have to do the
va_start thing (which is called with the last non variable parameter of the
function as an argument). According to my knowledge va_start initializes the
ap pointer in a way that it points to the first variable parameter of the
function. The number of variable parameters must somehow be specified by the
calling function (e.g., in case of execl() the last parameter must be (char *)
0; in case of printf(), the number of parameters is determined by the format

Anyway, thanks for the hint. - I'll drop you a line, if your hint solved the


 Thomas M. Galla                                     fax:+43 (1) 5869149  
 Real-Time Systems Group                        voice:+43 (1) 58801-8168      
 Vienna University of Technology           mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]      
 A-1040 Wien, Treitlstr. 3/3/182-1 
 ... the fool escaped from paradise will look over his shoulder and cry
 sit and chew on daffodils and struggle to answer "why?" ... [Marillion]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ralph Becket)
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc,ucam.comp.linux
Subject: Session Management Problem Under Gnome + RH6.0
Date: 22 Jun 1999 12:44:16 GMT

I recently installed RH6.0 which, by default, sets up with GNOME and

When I log in as myself (rather than as root) and then try to change
the theme, I get an Enlightenment error message saying that it cannot
write to my session management file.  I also get this warning when I
close the GNOME session.

The message suggests that this could be due to lack of disc space
(there are gigs of the stuff free) or a permissions problem.  What it
doesn't tell me is where on the Earth the files in question are and I
haven't been able to divine the answer either by examining such
documentation as exists or through sleuthwork in the filespace.

Any suggestions (pref. by e-mail) would be very gratefully received.



p.s. The only oddish thing about my setup is that /home is actually a
pointer to /usr/local/home which is on a different partition.  But I
can't see how that would affect things.



From: "³ë°æÅÃ" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Help : objdump error
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 21:24:55 +0900

hi all
When I compile kernel
objdump error occrued.
what can I do ?
best regard.


From: Robert Heller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mounting a Mac-formatted floppy?
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 13:03:29 GMT

  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dave Bailey),
  In a message on 22 Jun 1999 00:17:29 GMT, wrote :

DB> I looked in the man pages for mount but couldn't find
DB> what option to give it to mount a Mac-formatted floppy.
DB> I have a few diskettes from a friend's Macintosh which
DB> have some Word files on them and I want to write some
DB> code to grab all the files and convert them to ascii.
DB> Anybody know how to mount a mac floppy?  Thanks.

You need either the hfs fs kernel module or the hfsutils package.  The
hfs fs kernel module is actually easier, despite the fact that it
involves messing with the kernel.  You just get the source, configure
it, build it, and install it.  You may need to re-make the kernel
dependencies (I'm not sure).  Then you can just:

% mount -v -t hfs /dev/fd0 /mnt

/mnt will now have the Mac floppy -- you can now do the usual sorts of
commands.  You can copy the files off with cp or tar or whatever.  Note:
the floppy will look like a 'CAPified' file system tree -- in every
directory there will be a .resource and .finderinfo directory containing
the resource forks and finderinfo files.  Don't forget to 'umount' the
disk before ejecting it.

The hfsutils are much like the ms-dos disk utils -- there are a set of
programs that go after the floppy directly that replace the normal utils
(cp, rm, mv, ls, etc.).

Note:  there is no way anything but a real live Mac can read 800K
floppies.  These floppies are not recorded in anything like the normal
way non-Macs format or write floppies.  Mac 1.44meg floppies are

I don't have URLs for the Mac file system code, but there are links off
the Linux Documentation Project pages at

Robert Heller                        ||InterNet:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||            [EMAIL PROTECTED]              /\FidoNet:    1:321/153


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher B. Browne)
Subject: Re: Visual programming languages for Linux
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 13:06:16 GMT

On Tue, 22 Jun 1999 06:47:06 -0600, bowman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted:
>Alan Gauld wrote:
>> Visual tools for databases are harder...
>> ie I don't know of any ;-)
>db2 for linux might be worth a try, if you have 64 megs of ram, 128 megs
>of /swap, and don't mind being a beta tester.

I don't think DB/2 is a "visual" tool...

Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.  
-- Henry Spencer          <>
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - "What have you contributed to free software today?..."


From: "William B. Cattell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Star Office key problem!
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 13:06:33 GMT

Nails wrote:
> I purchased SuSe 6.0 (5c/d set) but 6 weeks on i still cannot get an
> internet connection! How can i get a key for SO5.0 with only a windows
> net connection?

Real easy - connect to StarDivision's site from within Windoze,
fill out the form for a free download, get the key, DON'T worry
about downloading the product.  StarDiv. will also email you the
key information although I always print the screen when it first
comes up, just as a backup in case my ISP's mail server is

Park not thy Harley in the darkness of thine garage, that it 
may collect dust for want of being oft ridden. Ride thy Harley 
with thy brethren, and rejoice in the spirit of the road.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Raper)
Subject: Re: COL225: LILO says: geo_comp_addr: Cylinder number is too big (1137 > 1023)
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 12:29:30 GMT

On 21 Jun 1999 16:12:32 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cameron L. Spitzer)

Hi Cameron

>What's going on here is you're copying bzImage to /tmp which is
>normally in the root FS.  

Mmm - Caldera seems to have split my disk into two areas:
/dev/sda1 mounted on /
/dev/sda3 mounted on /home

>The only reason I can see to do that is because your /tmp directory
>is swept clean at boot time.  Just use /boot instead of /tmp
>to eliminate this step.

Sure - that's a much better way to do it. I had just got my lilo.conf
set up to point at arch/i386/boot to make things really easy. Then
this lilo problem came up. :-(

>Possible but I don't know of any tools to do it.  You'd make a 
>file big enough to hold two or three kernels and a map,

BTW, what does do?

>Then mount it with the loopback device (so *that's* what it's for!)

Ahh - nice. :-)  So we just have to work out where the file is being
created and it should be OK? 

Chris R.


From: Rick Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ABCNews article.
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 08:48:21 -0400

I'm not sure if this is proper netiquette, but since this is a .misc NG,
I figured we should start posting URLs for articles featuring Linux.  We
all know and read about it, but the "real world" people are just
beginning to get exposed to Linux, and I think it's important that we
know what John Q. Public knows/doesn't know.

Anyway, had this to say about MS vs. Linux

Chesapeake Sciences Corp.
1127B Benfield Blvd.
Millersville, MD 21108

Tel: (410) 923-1300 x3430
Fax: (410) 923-2669


From: "Bezalel Geretz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: NT cross compiler for Linux
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 02:36:16 -0400

just compile the g++ source on a NT compiler (of cource this will only work
if the source is written in ANSI C)

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:7k92rb$vm3$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Hi all,
> I am looking for a version of g++ that runs on Windows NT but is able to
> produce executables for Linux on an x386.  That is, I am looking for a
> Windows NT cross compiler for Linux.  Does anyone know if one
> already exists?  Has anyone done this before?
> It seems that it should be possible to create (compile) one, but the
> process / instructions for creating gcc cross compilers appears pretty
> involved.  If anyone knows of a cross compiler that already exists, or
> can explain to me how to create one, I'd really appreciate the help.
> Thanks,
> Curt Moffitt
> Sent via
> Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ian Briggs)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: PPP problems
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 12:35:41 GMT

Egg J. LeFume wrote:
:I use wmppp

I'm unfamilar with this.  Does it allow you to write the scripts yourself?
Either way, I recommend Bill Unruh's "How to hook up PPP" as a good
step-by-step guide to writing the scripts -- it's at .  (Then attach ppp-on and
ppp-off to buttons or menu items if you want a user-friendly graphical

:Jun 21 15:02:48 sunlink pppd[2677]: local  IP address
:Jun 21 15:02:52 sunlink pppd[2766]: pppd 2.3.7 started by root, uid 0
:Jun 21 15:03:23 sunlink pppd[2817]: pppd 2.3.7 started by root, uid 0
:Jun 21 15:03:55 sunlink pppd[2825]: pppd 2.3.7 started by root, uid 0
:Jun 21 15:04:25 sunlink pppd[2831]: pppd 2.3.7 started by root, uid 0
:Jun 21 15:04:55 sunlink pppd[2837]: pppd 2.3.7 started by root, uid 0

I don't know why you can't kill pppd, but these endless attempts at
starting new versions of it are unlikely to be helping!  Where are they
coming from?  You may like to use Bill's guide in order to get your
scripts working by themelves, and then attach them to a graphical
interface when you're happy with them.

Good luck.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ian Briggs)
Subject: Re: Children's Software
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 12:35:43 GMT

jik- wrote:
:2) Specialized windowing environment

Enlightenment seems like it would lend itself to a 'kids theme' with a big
pointer, big maximize/close buttons on windows and pictures in the

:3) Lots of animals

Well, there's the penguin to begin with.

Having played with my nephew and niece (3 and 2), I'm aware how difficult
it is for them simply to move the mouse around and coordinate it with the
pointer on screen.  So a toddlers game could just be a really simple
hide-and-seek kind of thing (move the pointer over different coloured
boxes and something pops out and makes a noise).  Slightly more advanced
could be a simple drawing program that draws coloured lines wherever the
pointer goes (and erases them all or changes colour when it moves over an
icon). Then -- really advanced! -- something that involves clicking...
Not necessarily clicking *on* anything -- just clicking.



From: Mark Tranchant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Star Office key problem!
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 13:54:05 +0100

Isn't it possible to fax them?

Here's a hint: get SO5.1. On-line registration at the time of download,
and it's significantly faster (I can *just about* use it on my 486).

It is a 71MB download though...


Nails wrote:
> I purchased SuSe 6.0 (5c/d set) but 6 weeks on i still cannot get an
> internet connection! How can i get a key for SO5.0 with only a windows
> net connection?


Subject: Re: Linux vs. Windoze NT - new security hole found in NT.
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 13:57:56 GMT

> Believe what you want, but you're simply wrong if you think linux beats NT
> on every benchmark for every application.  For certain purposes, IIS
> definitely delivers pages faster than Apache on Linux on super high-end
> servers.  I still wouldn't run NT for a webserver with that type of load;
> that's what Solaris is for.

> 1) Apache is not superfast at static pages; it's designed for
> flexibility and dynamic content, to the small detriment of static page
> delivery.

No, but if all you're doing is static content and no cgi, ust dhttpd.
There are several different free webservers for Linux.

> 2) Linux (AFAIK) does not support "ethernet striping", where you put
> multiple ethernet cards with the same IP address in a machine and have it
> send through whichever is least busy.  This gives NT a large leg-up in those
> (very rare outside of MS benchmarks) situations where you need to exceed the
> raw throughput that your card is capable of.

> Pick your need, do your research, choose the one that's best suited to the
> task.  For me, often it's Linux.  Often it's Solaris.  Often it's NT.

There's a patch, available from the Beowulf project allowing one to
bind together any number of ethernet cards.

Adam C. Emerson                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Movesource Network Systems Specialist


Subject: PIKT, Problem Informant/Killer Tool, v1.5.0 released
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 13:09:08 GMT

          PIKT, Problem Informant/Killer Tool, version 1.5.0

    HIGHLIGHTS: added a new piktc option, -x, for exec'ing PIKT scripts
    remotely; added another new piktc option, -f, for diff'ing the master
    configuration against client-side files (has important security uses);
    introduced a new flowcontrol keyword, 'leave'; increased system
    robustness and fixed several bugs; added more validation self-tests
    and config samples

    "This is by far one of the most interesting/powerful tools I have
    seen for Linux administration... an extremely interesting tool."
    --Kurt Seifried, Linux Administrators Security Guide

PIKT, an innovative new paradigm for administering heterogeneous networked
workstations, is a complete, multi-functional, and centrally managed scripting
environment that comprises: an embedded scripting language; a sophisticated
script preprocessor, scheduler, and installer; and other useful tools. More
than just a systems monitor, PIKT solves many of the problems inherent in
traditional and established approaches to monitor scripting, and addresses
several other aspects of systems administration besides. 

PIKT is distributed under the GNU General Public License.  Available now
for Solaris, SunOS, GNU/Linux, and FreeBSD.  For more info, and complete
source code, documentation, and data files (all 40,000+ lines of it), please
visit the PIKT Web site at:


Robert Osterlund, Unix Systems Manager                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Grad School of Business, U of Chicago                       phone: 773/702-8898
1101 E. 58th Street, #309, Chicago, IL 60637, USA             fax: 773/702-0233


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mr S A Penny)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.msdos.misc,uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Commercially speaking....?
Date: 22 Jun 1999 13:52:53 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        $peter$ writes:

>I'll leave you to the wolves.

ho ho ho, how apt ;)

PHUAE / S.A.Penny@(dcs.) (E)TLA page --=<<latest update: 25/01/99>>==-
-=SF9=- a team based FPS game with AI by SammyTheSnake & JB



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