Linux-Misc Digest #740, Volume #23                Fri, 3 Mar 00 14:13:04 EST

  Re: How the *&^!@ do I get tar to tar long filenames? (Robert Nichols)
  Re: keyboard mapping (Aron Felix Gurski)
  How I got my LS120 to work. ("Beny Spensieri Jr.")
  Re: Here's why linux programs are so insecure ! ("Mr Daddy T")
  Re: Problems with Red Hat 6 on Laptop and System Commander (LC)
  rdist (Rick Goyette)
  KDE colour scheme problem, Mandrake 7.0 ("G. R. Gaudreau")
  Netscape 4.72 Bus Error - HELP! (Lee Revell)
  Console Screen Blanking ("Jim Schooler")
  Blurred text with gs 5.50 and BJC 240
  Re: Odd Modem Problem (Modem not responding) (Not a WinModem!) 
  kernel compile and sound problems (RH 6.1) (Lori Holder-Webb)
  Re: Weirdness in /var/log/messages (Villy Kruse)
  Re: repeated install failures ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Installing NetPBM(20may1999 rel.) ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  UMP In Netscape ("Aubrey Kilpatrick")
  Re: Advice on PartitionMagic on all-Linux system? (Michael Meissner)
  Re: Advice on PartitionMagic on all-Linux system? (Frank Miles)
  Re: Console Screen Blanking (Sascha Geschwandtner)
  Printing mailing labels? (Paul Winkler)
  Re: linux freezing up ("J. Heffner")
  Re: Printing Printing Printing (Anton Deguet)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Nichols)
Subject: Re: How the *&^!@ do I get tar to tar long filenames?
Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2000 16:47:15 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Yan Seiner  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
:I'm trying to archive files from one hard disk to another.  Here's the
:#tar cf - -C /data `find  /data/Cardinal/Projects -mtime -7 -type f |
:cut -d/ -f3-7 | sort | uniq | sed s/^/\"/ | sed s/$/\"/ ` | tar xf - -C
:The whole idea is to copy all projects whose files have been modified in
:the last 7 days.  The find command returns what I would think is a
:correct list:
:"Cardinal/Projects/A.civil/BSI.Beaufort Survey Inc/001.road design"
:"Cardinal/Projects/A.civil/Caa.Cottages @ Beaufort/dwgs"
:"Cardinal/Projects/A.civil/bcs.Beaufort County Schools/001.Shell Point
:"Cardinal/Projects/A.civil/bfg.Beaufort Glass/001.Building expansion"
:"Cardinal/Projects/A.civil/bfg.Beaufort Glass/_SCRATCH"
:"Cardinal/Projects/A.civil/brg.bragg const/a.brg.002"

The problem is with the shell, not 'tar'.  The shell executes the
pipeline of commands, breaks up the result into separate arguments, and
passes the result to 'tar'.  Unfortunately this happens _after_ the
shell has done its quote processing, so the quote characters lose their
special meaning.

There are other ways to do what you want, but the quickest fix to the
above command line is to use 'eval' to make the shell re-evaluate the
command line, i.e.:

  eval tar cf - -C /data `find /data/Cardinal/Projects -mtime -7 -type f |
       cut -d/ -f3-7 | sort | uniq | sed s/^/\"/ | sed s/$/\"/ ` |
  tar xf - -C /archive

Bob Nichols         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP public key 1024/9A9C7955
Key fingerprint = 2F E5 82 F8 5D 06 A2 59  20 65 44 68 87 EC A7 D7


From: Aron Felix Gurski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: keyboard mapping
Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2000 17:25:33 GMT

Mattia wrote:
> I've just installed RedHad Linux on my PC. I've newer configured a Linux
> (or a UNIX) OS before. So I'm sorry if I'm sending a trivial question...
> How can I map the Keyboard? At the moment Linux things that I'm using an
> english keyboard. But it isn't, it is a Swiss-German one. With "Gnome"
> things are a little bit better, but some keys also are false.

Read the German-HOWTO (you should find it in the directory /usr/doc/HOWTO on
your system).

        -- Aron

NB: To reply by e-mail, remove "spam-block." from my address.
- - - - - - - - - - -
The shortest distance between two points is usually under construction.


From: "Beny Spensieri Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: How I got my LS120 to work.
Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2000 12:19:42 -0500

Ok, I've got an LS120 which I only got working recently.  I'm running
Red Hat Linux 6.1 on an intel system by bios is dated March 1999.

RH 6.1 supports will identify an LS120 during boot up if the system
recognizes its presence (it will asign it a hd lettering).  My problem
was that the system didn't see the drive, hence I couldn't mount it.

I wound up falling ass-backwards onto the solution.

I was in my bios and made the LS120 the boot floppy, when i rebooted my
computer Linux suddenly recognized that I had an Ls120 drive (it runs a
program KUDZU at startup to check for new hardware).  Now I can mount it
and eject it perfectly!

Note that I don't actually have to boot off the LS120 drive for this to
work.  The bios just checks the drive for a boot floppy before it checks
the hard drive's boot sector.

I hope this helps anyone else who is having problems with this drive.

     ___________               Beny
   /   _______   \
  /   /       \   |  King of the cranium,
  \___\       /  /   Great one of the grey matter,
            /  /     Magnificent one of the mind,
          /  /       Baron of brain,
         |__|           The one,
          __                The only,       The Riddler
         /  \                                   

"I'm a humble person, really 
          I'm actually much greater than I think I am..."


From: "Mr Daddy T" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Here's why linux programs are so insecure !
Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2000 17:20:00 -0000

I'm no linux expert, but from what I know, the coding for the core operating
system is so tight, and organized in such a way that even if you did find a
security hole in a program, that a) someone else has already found it and
alerted the author, b) a patch will be posted quite quickly, as in a couple
of hours, and c) I don't think they care much

People that develop *nix programs have such a high understanding of the core
operating system, and need their programs to operate with as many flavours
of *nix as possible, that the likelihood of them slipping up doesn't have
high odds.

Unlike windows programmers. With all this visual development apps, one
mistake in a *.dll of the developer app, and it get's distributed all over
the world, and it isn't fixed until the next release. (And I'm a Windows
Guru, well almost!!)

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:895ika$rm6$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Because you dickheads offer the source code of your programs (!!!)
> There is not better present to potential hackers than to offer your source
> code !
> Hackers will exploit the bugs to the bone until someone reposts them !!!


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.portable,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Problems with Red Hat 6 on Laptop and System Commander
Date: 3 Mar 2000 17:30:52 GMT


Galen O'Grady wrote:
> I've just installed Red Hat 6.0 on my laptop along with Win98 - on a 6GB
> drive. I am using System Commander (3.07) to manage booting to either
> OS.
> If I only boot to Win98, there are no problems. But when I reboot after
> using Linux, the computer hangs and won't boot at all.  Turning off the
> power doesn't help either.  I can't even boot from a floppy or CD ROM. 
> I need to remove the drive and fix the boot configuration on another
> computer to get things working again.
> What is Linux doing that it corrupts the System Commander boot
> information?
> Thanks,
> Galen

Posted via CNET


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rick Goyette)
Subject: rdist
Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2000 11:30:18 -0600

How do I specify the name of the command to use to invoke a shell on the
remote system from within a distfile?  I thought it was 

   RDIST_RSH = /krb5/bin/ssh

but rdist ignores this line and continues to use /usr/bin/rsh.  I can get
it to work from the command line by typing

   rdist -P/krb5/bin/ssh

but not from within the distfile.

R. J. Goyette
Argonne National Laboratory


From: "G. R. Gaudreau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: KDE colour scheme problem, Mandrake 7.0
Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2000 12:43:30 -0500

Hi all,
I've installed Mandrake 7.0 (a breeze) and it all seems to be working
fine, but I have a slight problem: In KDE the colour scheme refuses to
change. Bummer! I get the "current scheme" thingy displayed on my screen
all the time, no matter how many times I try to change the colour
scheme. What gives? Is there a fix? Please tell me I don't have to
download the bugfixed 7.0-2 ISO image... please.

Rev. G. R. Gaudreau

"A nickle ain't worth a dime anymore."
-- Yogi Berra


From: Lee Revell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Netscape 4.72 Bus Error - HELP!
Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2000 17:46:11 GMT


I have revently replace the RedHat supplied RPMS or XFree86-3.3.5 with 3.3.6 
that I compiled from source.  Now I am getting the infamous Netscape "Bus 
Error".  I upgraded to 4.72, which of course did not solve the problem.  I 
think they stopped fixing bugs years ago.  I have searched the Web for 
solutions, but everything out there is WAY outdated.  

This seems to be the pattern:

Sometimes, closing one window takes them all out and I get the "Bus Error".  
There does not seem to be any pattern to when this happens, I just cross my 
fingers every time I have to close a window.

When I get a "Username/Password" dialog, the error sometimes happens.  If I 
press enter after typing my login/password, Netscape crashes no matter what.  
If I click OK after entering the password, Netscape will not crash as long 
as there are no other browser windows open.  If there are other browser 
windows open, there is no way to get past the password dialog without a crash.

Java is hit and miss.  There is no rhyme or reson to whether a Java applet 
will take out Netscape.  Of course if you leave an applet running long enough 
then Netscape will fill up all available memory and swap space and slow the 
system to a crawl.

I have tried every solution that is on the Web: the SuSE wrapper script, 
installing the 75dpi fonts, starting Netscape with the -no-about-splash and 
-no-session-management swithches, none of it works.

When I run "ldd netscape" in the directory with the binary, this is all I get: => /lib/ (0x40016000) => /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x40019000) => /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x4005f000) => /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x40068000) => /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x4007d000) => /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x4008f000) => /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x4009c000) => /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x400a8000) => /lib/ (0x40144000) => /usr/lib/ (0x40147000) => /lib/ (0x40189000) => /lib/ (0x401a5000)
/lib/ => /lib/ (0x40000000)

Of course this is useless because it does not tell you the exact version of 
the libraries that you need.  Here are the exact versions that I have:

I am using the communicator-v472-us.x86-unknown-linux2.2 version of Netscape
on a heavily modified RedHat 6.1 system.

Can ANYONE out there help me?  I really do not want to have to go back to 
Windows or use IE5 in VMWare just to have a usable browser.

Lee Revell


From: "Jim Schooler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Console Screen Blanking
Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2000 07:53:45 -1000

Can anyone Help with this.

I want to disable the Screen blanking on the console so that the screen does
not get blanked after a period of time.  I have disabled the sleep settings
in the Bios and disabled apmd.


Subject: Blurred text with gs 5.50 and BJC 240
Date: 03 Mar 2000 17:58:37 GMT

Previously, I was using the bjc600 driver in the 5.1 version of ghost-
script, with good results -- at least in black and white. I have a bjc
250 printer, which isn't listed as one of the supported printers (at least
not in gs 5.1) so I figured I'd upgrade to the 5.50 version in hopes that
color would be better supported (color prints way too dark in 5.1).

However, upon upgrading, I get blurred text on anything I send to the
printer. I've tried both the bjc600 and bjc800 drivers that were included
in the binary RPM; both give me essentially the same blurred text -- it's
as if some pixels in the output are missing.

David E. Fox                     Census         Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]        2000          change magnetic patterns
Be Counted:               on your hard disk.


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Odd Modem Problem (Modem not responding) (Not a WinModem!)
Date: 3 Mar 2000 18:01:34 GMT

In alt.os.linux John Hasler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted, off the top of the head:
JH> Me writes:
>> I just installed Debian "potato".
JH> You should post your question  the Debian user mailing list.  Go to
JH> to subscribe.

If I thought it was a debian problem, I would.  However, it looks like
a hardware problem to me.  Is there some reason you think this is debian

Disclaimer:  Anything I said, writ, or thought in my life should not
necessarily be held or thought to imply any view, opinion, or idea
of mine, any organization I have chosen to associate  with, or those
people who choose to associate with me. 


From: Lori Holder-Webb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: kernel compile and sound problems (RH 6.1)
Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2000 11:51:41 -0600

I recently upgraded my kernel from .12-20 to .14.  I'd been having
problems (and noticed others on this group had the same problem) on
shutdown.  The APM in my bios was not Playing Well with the APM in the
kernel, which caused kernel panics when the system was left on too long,
as well as a whole bunch of error messages vomiting forth on shutdown. 
Someone here recommended the .14 kernel as a potential solution.  It
certainly worked for me!

The problem is that I now get a couple of error messages on startup.  In
particular, I'm told that the midi module isn't found.  My sound isn't
working now, so I ran sndconfig.  It correctly detects my card, but when
it goes to play the sample sound, I get a kernel panic instead.  I used
make xconfig to set up the kernel options, and don't recall seeing an
option to load midi modules.  The first time I ran through the compile,
I had the sound support, oss support, and the Crystal drivers compile
into the kernel.  Running sndconfig after that revealed that "the sound
must be loaded as modules" or some such msg.  So I went back through the
whole compilation song & dance and changed the above support from "yes"
to "module".  Then I got the midi error message on startup, couldn't run
sndconfig w/o it crashing during the second phase (playing the midi
sample).  I figured it was worth a try to use the old midi module, so I
copied the v_midi.o from the .12 directory to the .14 directory, and
copied the line from modules.dep (in .12 directory) to the modules.dep
(in .14 directory) and edited it to reflect the .14 paths.  Now I get
the kernel panic at sndconfig, and no audio at all.  I took the v_midi
module back out & now sndconfig doesn't crash with a panic, but neither
do I get any sound during the test sequences.

I don't even know where to start figuring this out.  I appreciate any
pointers or advice I can get.  No one around here knows jack about

My hardware specs (for what it's worth):

Running 6.1 with the 2.2.14 kernel on an
AMD K6-2 400 MHz
64 MB Ram
Crystal Codec sound card

As this card worked beautifully before this kernel upgrade, I assume
that it works off the Crystal CS423x chipset on the sndconfig manual
configuration list.

If I need to provide additional information, please let me know.




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Villy Kruse)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Weirdness in /var/log/messages
Date: 3 Mar 2000 18:09:07 GMT

On 3 Mar 2000 16:51:05 GMT,
       Josef Drexler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>And Lo! It was upon the 01 Mar 2000 that Harmon Seaver said unto the
>>       I just put up a new RH6.1 mail server recently and I'm getting a
>> lot of this:
>> Mar  2 15:03:59 mail inetd[31407]: auth/tcp: bind: Address already in use
>> Mar  2 15:13:59 mail inetd[31407]: auth/tcp: bind: Address already in use
>> Mar  2 15:23:59 mail inetd[31407]: auth/tcp: bind: Address already in use
>> Mar  2 15:33:59 mail inetd[31407]: auth/tcp: bind: Address already in use
>> in my /var/log/messages.  I've never seen this before. Anybody know what
>> it means?
>You probably have another auth or ident daemon running.
>Try "lsof -i :auth", this tells you the pid of the process listening on 
>that port.  Then either disable the other identd, or comment it out in

RH6.1 now alows you to start identd from a rc script, and if that is
done and inetd still will listen on the auth port you get a conflict.

So if you start identd from a rc script, then you need to disable it in
inetd.conf, and vice versa.



Subject: Re: repeated install failures
Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2000 17:59:57 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  BjJbMc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This may be too general for people to help, but I have nothing else to
> give!
> I can not install Linux (Mandrake 6.5 OR 7.0) on an older machine I am
> trying to set up. It used to work fine with windoze.  I get the
> installation started, it gets as far as:
> ide0 at  0x1f0-0x1f7, 0x3f6 on irq 14
> ide1 at  0x170-0x177, 0x376 on irq 15
>   (floppy etc)
> .
> .
> partition check:
>       hda: hda1, hda2 <hda5, hda6>
> VFS: cannot open root device 16:01
> kernel panic: VFS: unable to mount root fs on 16:01
> (wham!)

I don't know if this will help but I was experiencing the same problem
with Mandrake 6.0 AND choosing the UPGRADE option (I didn't
want to lose my /usr/ stuff) in each attempt

Guess what. I wound up picking INSTALL  instead of UPGRADE
and YES I LOST ALL MY STUFF after losing my patience with those blasted

Good luck. ALl the posts in dealt with LILO problems , fyi


Sent via
Before you buy.


Subject: Re: Installing NetPBM(20may1999 rel.)
Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2000 17:24:09 GMT

>       I'm having trouble installing NetPBM on a linux box(Redhat
> 6.1).  It doesn't have an auto-config option, so that is part of my
> problem.  But I need to learn this, so if anyone has any tips or
> suggestions on how to install NetPBM on a linux box, please let me
> know.

Recent netpbm releases provide an 'Imakefile' - running xmkmf produces
the appropriate Makefile (X' flavour of autoconfig, so to speak). I'd
suggest getting Bryan Henderson's latest version of netpbm from first, however (netpbm-8.1 is currently in /pub/Linux/Incoming 
there and will probably move to Linux/apps/graphics/convert soon).

Dr. Martin Kroeker, daVeg GmbH Darmstadt  CAD/CAM/CAQ  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                      Precision Powered by Penguins


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.slackware
Subject: Re: Non-X GUI?
Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2000 18:10:47 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Harold Baur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Indeed. I'm sure there must be a few out there. However, pretty much
> > everybody codes for X.  It's become the de facto standard for *nix
> > platforms.
> Really? The "de facto" standard is still the command line,
> last time I checked on a random unix system.

(Had to keep fromLaughing out loud in an office setting)!

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: "Aubrey Kilpatrick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: UMP In Netscape
Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2000 12:17:09 -0600

Hello,  I have installed the "UMP" midi plugin in Netscape and the
"timidity" files on my RH 6.1 system.  The problem is there is no sound from
a web page that has embedded midi sounds file on it when I select one of the
files in Netscape.  The "UMP" plugin shows up in the "preferences ->
applications -> plugins as ok.  The "timidity" files are in the right
directory as required by "UMP".  I know the soundcard is ok and the midi
module loads on bootup.  So what do I check for now to get midi working on
the Internet in Netscape?  I'm a "newbie" so consider that when reading and
answering this post.




Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Advice on PartitionMagic on all-Linux system?
From: Michael Meissner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 03 Mar 2000 13:24:47 -0500

Gerald Willmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Fri, 3 Mar 2000, Steve Snyder wrote:
> > I will soon be setting up a couple of Linux systems with faily complex
> > partitioning schemes.  Naturally, I thought of PowerQuest's
> > PartitionMagic (PM), which I've never used but which is highly
> > regarded.
> > I know that PM supports the ext2 filesystem, but PowerQuest's Web site
> > also says that the software is shipped on a "Win32 CD".  How does one 
> > use PM on an all-Linux, no Win32 system?  Do/can you run it from a 
> > DOS-formatted boot diskette?
> > Any advice on using PM on an all-Linux system would be appreciated.
> what's wrong with linux fdisk ??? Honestly don't see why you would need
> anything else especially on all-linux systems.

You don't need PM to create the initial system, but it is extremely helpful if
you want to resize disk partitions without doing a dump/load.  My PM has more
than paid for itself for that one feature.

Michael Meissner, Cygnus Solutions, a Red Hat company.
PMB 198, 174 Littleton Road #3, Westford, Massachusetts 01886, USA
Work:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]           phone: +1 978-486-9304
Non-work: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   fax:   +1 978-692-4482


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Frank Miles)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Advice on PartitionMagic on all-Linux system?
Date: 3 Mar 2000 18:17:06 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Gerald Willmann  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On Fri, 3 Mar 2000, Steve Snyder wrote:
>> I will soon be setting up a couple of Linux systems with faily complex
>> partitioning schemes.  Naturally, I thought of PowerQuest's
>> PartitionMagic (PM), which I've never used but which is highly
>> regarded.
>> I know that PM supports the ext2 filesystem, but PowerQuest's Web site
>> also says that the software is shipped on a "Win32 CD".  How does one 
>> use PM on an all-Linux, no Win32 system?  Do/can you run it from a 
>> DOS-formatted boot diskette?
>> Any advice on using PM on an all-Linux system would be appreciated.
>what's wrong with linux fdisk ??? Honestly don't see why you would need
>anything else especially on all-linux systems.

PM is worthwhile when you want to change the sizes of existing partitions.
This can be for a variety of reasons, such as taking better advantage of
partitioning as a means of providing greater security for parts of a
drive; or when you want to add another version or distribution of Linux
to an existing system.

My dim recollection is that Ted Ts'o did the ext2 portion of PM, and that
this was going to be open-sourced in some form after a year or thereabouts
of exclusive use by PM.  Anyone heard anything about this?



From: Sascha Geschwandtner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Console Screen Blanking
Date: 3 Mar 2000 19:44:22 +0100

"Jim Schooler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>I want to disable the Screen blanking on the console so that the screen does
>not get blanked after a period of time.  I have disabled the sleep settings
>in the Bios and disabled apmd.

  The Linux keyboard and console HOWTO
  setterm -blank nn will tell the console driver to blank the screen
  after nn minutes of inactivity. (With nn = 0, screensaving is turned
  off. In some old kernels this first took effect after the next
  keyboard interrupt.)


From: Paul Winkler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: gnu.groff
Subject: Printing mailing labels?
Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2000 13:52:17 -0500


please excuse the crosspost, and notice that followups are to

I'm trying to find ANY software that runs on linux that can be used
to format addresses so they can be printed on a sheet of mailing
labels such as those by Avery and other companies.

The addresses are currently in a simple tab-separated ASCII
database. I can write scripts to massage them into various forms,
that's no trouble. I have previously used a perl script and enscript
to print the addresses on postcards, but now I need to do mailing
labels and can't figure out how to get enscript to control the
layout precisely enough for that.

A dejanews search turned up only a suggestion to try WordPerfect. I
did, but it crashes EVERY time I try to follow the help instructions
on doing this job. :(

I would think this is possible with gnu enscript or possibly groff
or latex or something, but the respective man pages don't give an
example to solve this problem, or even tell me if it is solve-able.

................    paul winkler    ..................
slinkP arts:   music, sound, illustration, design, etc.
A member of ARMS    ----->
or or
personal page   ---->


From: "J. Heffner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: linux freezing up
Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2000 18:58:38 GMT

Dances With Crows wrote:
> On Mon, 28 Feb 2000 20:26:43 +0900, Yasuaki Kudo
> <<89dlq7$314$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> shouted forth into the ether:
> >I was playing a game for linux and the machine suddenly froze up (as far as
> >I could see, even the keyboard LEDs were all dead).  Now with NT, this is a
> >rarity and it usually suggests wrong driver or faulty hardware.
> >I wonder if the same applies to Linux.  How often should I assume Linux to
> >die?  Especially when you are playing games.
> Linux shouldn't freeze up completely... ever.  I have seen lockups while
> playing games, though.  

Here's a sure-fire way to lock up your system...assuming you have a TNT2
card and are using nVidia's driver...Just download the Mesa demos, and
run the demo called "gloss". There are others that will lock the system
as well. NOT fun.



From: Anton Deguet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Printing Printing Printing
Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2000 19:03:55 GMT

Melissa Nelson wrote:
> ok every one who is more than likely smarter than me at linux.....
> i have a HPDeskJet820Cse can linux use this printer or do i have to use the
> HPOfficeJetR40xi thru the network??
> if i can use the 820 how might i go about configuring it???
> thanks in adavnce UberLinux users
> Melissa & Necro

You need a ppa driver for these "windows only printers".  Look at for more infos.


PS: Avoid to post in too many groups ...  printing in definitively not
related to networking or misc.



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