Linux-Misc Digest #668, Volume #23               Thu, 24 Feb 00 21:13:03 EST

  Re: help with stuck user (David Efflandt)
  Re: Postgresql and Data Dir (L J Bayuk)
  Re: sccs software control compatability on Linux? (L J Bayuk)
  Re: Advanced Power Management and SMP? (Kenneth Crudup)
  Re: Kernel compilation in RH Linux V6.1 ???? (David Efflandt)
  samba (Carlos Guttman)
  Re: LILO boot problem (David Efflandt)
  Re: Formatting wiht bad sectors???? (NoMadis)
  Re: Advanced Power Management and SMP? (Hal Burgiss)
  Re: Non-X GUI? (Erik Steffl)
  Re: Mulitple Desktop access question ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: lpr and sound decided to stop working (David Efflandt)
  Re: Advanced Power Management and SMP? (Kenneth Crudup)
  Re: Mouse strangeness (David Efflandt)
  Re: rotating logs - HOWTO? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: problem with su (David Efflandt)
  Re: Quake3 and Linux (David Efflandt)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Efflandt)
Subject: Re: help with stuck user
Date: 25 Feb 2000 01:11:27 GMT

On Thu, 24 Feb 2000 11:01:34 -0800, Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I was working on my server through an ssh connection when I was
>That was yesterday, I log back in today and do a 'who' and it is still
>showing me and me from yesterday as both being logged in.
>I did a ps -aux but it does not show any process or shell that the
>dead login could be using.
>How do I disconnect my old login session? I am root user and I don't
>want to reboot, that is so "Windows".

The 'who' command should tell you who is connected on what pty and you can
get a clue to which is your current connection from the date.  The 'w'
command can also be useful.  Then look for anything in ps -aux that is
associated with the pty you are not currently on and kill it.

If you cannot tell anything from that, maybe you could restart sshd from
'at' or crontab (otherwise it may terminate your current connection).  But
I am not an ssh expert.  I have only killed phantom telnet connections.

David Efflandt  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject: Re: Postgresql and Data Dir
Date: 25 Feb 2000 01:13:43 GMT

>Hmmm, maybe I misunderstood the -D option. I had originally (in my infancy
>with Postgres) set up a main database 'diplinedb'. This, of course resided in
>the default directory /usr/lib/pgsql along side the 'template1' database. If
>I understand you correctly, then this means that in order to "redirect" the
>data to my alternate location, I would need to start a new database (or
>migrate the old one) to my PGDATA2 directory.

Correct so far.

>                                              Since 'diplinedb' already
>existed in the default location, that's why the data was always written to
>'diplinedb' in the /usr/lib/pgsql directory. If I were to create say
>'diplinedb2' in /usr/database, then start postmaster with 'postmaster -i -D
>$PGDATA2', I could then direct data to 'diplinedb' as well as 'diplinedb2'?

No. Not with -D.

A PostgreSQL Database System is a collection of databases. Each database is
contained a directory which has the same name as the database (and is
created by PostgreSQL, not directly by you).  A new Database System contains
a single database, template1, in the default location (the PGDATA
directory, if you will).  A few system tables which are global to all
databases also live here (above the template1 directory). This includes
pg_shadow, the list of user accounts, and pg_database, which names all the
databases and their locations in the filesystem. The -D option to postmaster
tells it where to find these system tables.

You create new databases with createdb, or the SQL "create database",
either in the default location, or in some other location which you have
previously told Postmaster about (by placing a pathname variable into
Postmaster's environment). PostgreSQL then creates a directory for the
database, and puts all its stuff in there.


Subject: Re: sccs software control compatability on Linux?
Date: 25 Feb 2000 01:25:14 GMT

The O'Reilly book on SCCS/RCS mentions a tool "sccs2rcs":
  "Berliner, Brian, and Ken Cox, sccs2rcs: Convert an SCCS File to an
   RCS File. A convenient script for moving the revisions in an SCCS
   file into equivalent RCS file."
It gives a location at
but this is an old book; I see a more recent reference at
under devel/vc/sccs2rcs* which might work. (No, I haven't tried it.)

>I've never tried moving from SCCS to RCS, but what I have done before is to
>take SCO binaries of the SCCS commands, and run them on a Linux machine
>using the IBCS2 kernel module.
>Jeff Pierce wrote:
>> We have a Solaris system that holds our source code and is nfs mounted
>> by the actual development systems. SCCS is used as the revision control
>> system.
>> Now, I want to transport it to do a seamless transition to a Linux
>> system.
>> What is available that is compatible to SCCS so that no munging
>> occurs???


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Advanced Power Management and SMP?
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kenneth Crudup)
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 01:27:05 GMT


>Is it possible to use APM and SMP.

In a limited way, yes.

>I need it for CPU-idle calls

This might not be what you think it is. The kernel will *still* do the
HLT (halt) instruction when idle; this is independent of APM. However,
if you have a machine that *has* APM enabled, the "IDLE" call merely
further lowers the machine's power usage. As I'd imagine any machine
with 2 CPUs is a desktop, you can live w/o this APM feature.

>and Poweroff on shutdown.

That's easy:


To your /etc/lilo.conf with the "append=" statement. man lilo.

Note, that I *have* to run my SMP box (Abit BP-6) with APM
support enabled, as my machine will occasionally generate an
APM BIOS callback, which crashes my box if unhandled. I could
just disable all APM in the BIOS, but since enabling APM in
the kernel takes care of it, I do that to gain the rewards.


Kenneth R. Crudup   Sr. SW Engineer, Scott County Consulting, Washington, D.C.
Home1: PO Box 914               Silver Spring, MD 20910-0914
Home2: 38010 Village Cmn. #217  Fremont, CA 94536-7525          (510) 745-8181
Work:  19420 Homestead Road     Cupertino, CA 95014-0606        (408) 447-6654


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Efflandt)
Subject: Re: Kernel compilation in RH Linux V6.1 ????
Date: 25 Feb 2000 01:28:23 GMT

On Thu, 24 Feb 2000, Benson Lei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I want to how to compile the kernel in RH Linux V6.1 for the following cases
>1)  upgrade the kernel, say, from 2.2.12 to 2.2.14

Be careful about upgrading RH with generic kernels.  RH is patched for a
different sound module package (or at least it was in the past).  Best to
get a set of rpm's for the newer kernel.

>2)  just modify the kernel , from the kernel, change the intel386 to intel
>Do I need to use :

See /usr/src/linux/Documentation

First you have to 'make config' or 'make menuconfig'.  And after 'make
dep' you should 'make clean'.

>1) make dep; make bzImage; make modules; make modules_install;
>2) and copy the bzImage .....

Then don't forget to run 'lilo' or LILO will not be able to find your new

>how just for case 2 :  only make dep; make --- > and then reboot the system,
>then nothing else ??

Complilation procedure is the same whether you change to a different
kernel or just kernel configuration, but you don't really need to do the
modules unless the kernel version changed or you added/deleted modules.
Athough, if you change processor type, it would be best to do the modules
too, in case they take advantage of the cpu.

>I say, just for RH Linux V6.1, since I know, for previous version, they
>should be different ?

Why do you thing RH 6.1 should be done any differently than previous

David Efflandt  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Carlos Guttman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: samba
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 01:30:04 GMT

When i ask for a printing job, the following message always occur im my 
Linux Red-Hat server: "connection refused"
What do i do to avoid this message, since i always have to go to LPC and 
re-start the spool.

thank you.
Carlos Guttman
Belo Horizonte-Brazil

Posted via CNET


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Efflandt)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.list,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: LILO boot problem
Date: 25 Feb 2000 01:39:28 GMT

On Thu, 24 Feb 2000 00:15:50 -0800, Eric Marquez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Here we go again.  Now I'm not sure why this does not work but this
>time I made a typescript file.  For some reason my kernel just does
>not want to load when I reboot.  My old kernel will work.  I have
>attached the file to this can somebody take a look at it and tell me
>where I screwed up.  I am running redhat 6.1 with 128MB RAM, 10GB HD,
>ASUS P5A Board
>When I try to boot the new kernel that I have compiled, the system
>just lockes and I have to do a hard reboot.
>Script started on Wed Feb 23 23:54:10 2000

>cat bzImage > /vmlinuz

Isn't 'cat' mostly for text files?  I would use 'cp' instead.

David Efflandt  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject: Re: Formatting wiht bad sectors????
Date: 25 Feb 2000 01:38:21 GMT

On Wed, 23 Feb 2000 11:06:58 -0500, Jeff Pierce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have a disk that I know has about 10 megs of bad sectors.
>How do you format an ext2fs and have it detect these??
>I installed Slackware to it and when I went to build a custom kernel
>Linux complaind heartily about sector read errors during the compile. 
>So, this tells me that the format DID NOT map out the bad blocks.

badblocks -o
fsck.ext2 -l

>I really don't want to trash the disk because of a small percentage of
>bad sectors.

dont worry, the percentage will increase automagically.

 Joop Bollen.   Nuts & Bolts Department,    Nomadis Systems, Holland
 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Fax: (31)-252-532489   PGP-ID: FFB003FD
We all live under the same sky, but we don't all have the same horizon.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hal Burgiss)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Advanced Power Management and SMP?
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 01:44:13 GMT

On Fri, 25 Feb 2000 01:27:05 GMT, Kenneth Crudup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Is it possible to use APM and SMP.
>In a limited way, yes.
>>I need it for CPU-idle calls
>This might not be what you think it is. The kernel will *still* do the
>HLT (halt) instruction when idle; this is independent of APM. However,
>if you have a machine that *has* APM enabled, the "IDLE" call merely
>further lowers the machine's power usage. As I'd imagine any machine
>with 2 CPUs is a desktop, you can live w/o this APM feature.
>>and Poweroff on shutdown.
>That's easy:
>  apm=smp-power-off
>To your /etc/lilo.conf with the "append=" statement. man lilo.
>Note, that I *have* to run my SMP box (Abit BP-6) with APM
>support enabled, as my machine will occasionally generate an
>APM BIOS callback, which crashes my box if unhandled. I could
>just disable all APM in the BIOS, but since enabling APM in
>the kernel takes care of it, I do that to gain the rewards.

Are you doing anything more than:

# CONFIG_APM_CPU_IDLE is not set
# CONFIG_APM_RTC_IS_GMT is not set

And, you have APM on in BIOS too? I though that was a taboo?

Hal B


From: Erik Steffl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.slackware
Subject: Re: Non-X GUI?
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 01:43:55 GMT

Arthur Corliss wrote:
> On Wed, 23 Feb 2000 03:53:15 GMT, Christopher Browne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >
> >Your alternatives are three:
> >a) GGI
> >b) SVGAlib

  I think these two are not really GUIs, these are graphic packages.

> >c) NanoGUI

  don't know about this one...

  there is also the Berlin project... probably not usable yet... see:

  also Java is sort of another GUI (it usually runs on top of some other
(native) gui though...

  another GUI is YAX (at, although it looks
like it's fairly low level too (more like graphics system then GUI)



Subject: Re: Mulitple Desktop access question
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 01:37:32 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "m.nine.six" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "J. Cunningham" wrote:
> >
> > I recently installed Redhat 6.1 on one of my machines at home. I
> > installed it as a Gnome workstation but so it boots to a console
> > display. I have been playing with both Gnome and KDE apps. Each time
> > switch I have to go modify a line in a text file and run startx. (I
> > at work on an NT machine at the moment and don't recall the name of
> > file).
> >
> > There's a couple things I haven't been able to figure out that I am
> > hoping someone can help me with:
> >
> > 1) is there a way to simply launch either the KDE or Gnome Desktops
> > without setting up Linux so it automatically launches X? I'd prefer
> > come up at the console and launch one or the other when I feel like
> > rather than having to go the other way.
> as good as i know the run level for X-console on start-up is the 5. so
> change the 'initdefault' line from any number to 5.

This is true with many distributions, not all.  But Red Hat uses 5 for a
GUI login and 3 for a text login.  The initdefault line is in

> >
> > 2) If I have one of the desktop's running, is there a simple way to
> > switch to the other? Can I have both desktop's running at the same
> > the way I can have multiple copies of the same desktop running at
> > same time?
> why do you want to change it? you can also run any kde programs from
> gnome desktop. and on redhat they are also avaible in the main menu.
There often is a way to switch window managers from options in the tools
or window manager menus.  I have rarely found that it actually works.

> >
> > 3) Is there a way to have different users set up so they launch
> > preferred desktop automatically when they log in? And yet still
> > the ability to run apps associated with the other desktop? (My
> > fell in love with a couple games associated with one and then the
> > desktop environments and I have to keep switching it back and forth
> > her which is a royal pain).
> yes. i thik the file for it is '~/.startx' or '~/.xinit'. change a
> default script so that it starts the prefered environment.
The crucial environment variable is WINDOWMANAGER.  So, if you're using
a text mode log in, you can, in .bashrc, add a line like:

export WINDOWMANAGER=/usr/X11R6/bin/kde

Substitute the actual path for KDE or the desired window manager.  This
can also be specified early in ~/.xinitrc

However, if the system is configured to boot to a GUI login, the changes
must be made in a file with a name something like .xsessions

I do not recommend booting directly to a GUI login.  There are many
reasons for this but the main one is that it's not guaranteed you'll be
able to escape cleanly if anything goes wrong with the X configuration.
> >
> > Is my entire approach naive? If so, can anyone recommend a better
> > The reason I'm sending this from work is that I didn't have a modem
> > the home machine when I installed Linux.
> install your modem as soon as possible and make your life easier.
> If I put my modem in now (a
> > U.S. Robotics Sportster), how do I go about getting Linux to
> > that its there and install the device driver for it?
> i guess your modem is connected to your serial line. so the serial
> devices are on default always present. the devices are /dev/ttyS0 for
> com1, /devttyS1 for com2 and so on. (ON DEFAULT INSTALLATION) so you
> fire up 'minicom' and test your modem. but i prefer to read the
> ppp-, and so on HOWTO's.
I have found a number of problems with modem configuration software
which is distributed widely.  In general, I've found it doesn't work.
The tool which is included with the ppp package in the Slackware 4.0
distribution is the only one I've had much success with.

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Efflandt)
Subject: Re: lpr and sound decided to stop working
Date: 25 Feb 2000 01:51:34 GMT

On 24 Feb 2000 08:40:25 -0500, James W. Sandoz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I'm hoping someone can give me some advice.  lpr no longer works.  I get
>the error message: connect: Connection refused
>                   jobs queued, but cannot start daemon.
>Searching various docs, I came upon  Their document on
>apsfilter tells me that /proc/devices should contain the line: lp.  It's
>not there.  

As a loadable module, lp only shows up while you are actually printing.
Otherwise it is not loaded, so you do not see it.

>This is puzzling, since I was able to print yesterday.  Now I can't.
>Their suggested fix is to recompile the kernel.  I sure don't want to do
>that due to the fear factor of what will I lose.
>An unrelated (maybe) note: The sound card is no longer working as well. I
>tried reloading that using sndconfig.  Pnp seems to configure it, but
>when the sound sample is attempted it won't play.  I've gone into manual
>config and changed the settings (pretty much at random since I don't know
>what I'm doing).  When the sound sample tries to play, I get either

Since printing and sound are affected, I would suspect that something
messed up your /etc/conf.modules.  Did you add anything to that recently?
What editor do you use?  Maybe something wordwrapped.  I hope you did not
edit it in Windows (the DOS carriage returns would break it).

>I'm running Redhat 6.0 on a PII, 450 Mh.  I didn't (knowingly) change any
>configurations, but something sure changed.  The printer works just fine
>on Windows.  If anyone can help, I'd be greatly appreciative.
>Thanks in advance,
>    Jim Sandoz
>Mr. James W. Sandoz, Instructor, UMBC Dept of Biol Sciences,  
>                                1000 Hilltop Circle
>                                Catonsville, MD 21250
>voice: (410) 455-3497; fax: 455-3875; net: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

David Efflandt  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Advanced Power Management and SMP?
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kenneth Crudup)
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 01:51:31 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

>And, you have APM on in BIOS too? I though that was a taboo?

Nope, always had it on. I prefer it.

>Are you doing anything more than:

$ fgrep APM /usr/src/linux/.config


Kenneth R. Crudup   Sr. SW Engineer, Scott County Consulting, Washington, D.C.
Home1: PO Box 914               Silver Spring, MD 20910-0914
Home2: 38010 Village Cmn. #217  Fremont, CA 94536-7525          (510) 745-8181
Work:  19420 Homestead Road     Cupertino, CA 95014-0606        (408) 447-6654


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Efflandt)
Subject: Re: Mouse strangeness
Date: 25 Feb 2000 01:56:34 GMT

On Thu, 24 Feb 2000 19:37:48 GMT, John Schuster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Anyone have any clues as to why a MS serial mouse will work fine (RH 6.1 w/ 
>KDE desktop) but an MS PS2 mouse will not?

A PS/2 mouse uses a different port and irq than a serial mouse.
Run mouseconfig to configure gpm for the console and Xconfiguator to
configure it for X (KDE).

David Efflandt  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Crossposted-To: comp.unix.admin,comp.os.linux.questions,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: rotating logs - HOWTO?
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 01:46:58 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Coredump <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 24 Feb 2000 10:05:08 GMT, MGatto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >In article <890m78$o6v$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> Hi, I need advice.
> >> I don't feel like experimenting here as I've already irretrievably
> >> "LOST" one log file (relatively unimportant) and I'm suspecting
> >hd
> >> inode mystery entangelment that I'd rather skirt around at this
> >> So please:
> >> Should syslogd be reinit after moving a log-file?
> >>
> >> Even after I 'mv' a "/var/log/messages" to "/var/log/messages.OLD"
> >>

Yes.  As posted by someone else, I think killall -HUP syslog will work.

> >> My 'tail -f' "/var/log/messages"
> >> - will monitor "/var/log/messages.OLD" (even though unspecified as
> >> paramater!) (inode stuff ?!? or is syslogd to "blame")
> >>

Sounds like this also needs to be restarted.

> >> : what's the correct proceedure for rotating a "live" log-file?
> man logrotate
logrotate is not available on all distributions.  It is a Red Hat
package and I've seen it work well under TurboLinux.  I haven't
succeeded in getting it to work under SuSE 6.3.  There is a
configuration file (logrotate.conf?) which should point everything
correctly, even though the program is supposedly for Apache log files.

With this configuration you can control how often the log files you
select are rotated.  It seems like a real good package.

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Efflandt)
Subject: Re: problem with su
Date: 25 Feb 2000 02:03:02 GMT

On 24 Feb 2000 14:25:16 GMT, Mark Whidby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I help out with a group people running a Redhat 6.0 system. Today their
>system got into a state where it would not allow logins on the console
>or telnet sessions. Luckily I had couple of windows opened on it (one with
>root access) but when I tried issuing the su command and giving it the root
>password it responded:
>Passwords do not match
>Memory fault
>The machine rebooted OK and there weren't any problems after but we're a bit
>concerned about this. Could the machine have been the victim of a hacker?
>Any other explanations?

If you were cracked (hackers don't like to be associated with crackers),
then you probably would not have been able to log on after a reboot.  So
maybe the problem is exactly what the error msg says, "Memory fault".
Maybe bad RAM or socket connection, overheating, or bad sector in

David Efflandt  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Efflandt)
Subject: Re: Quake3 and Linux
Date: 25 Feb 2000 02:06:32 GMT

On Thu, 24 Feb 2000 21:10:13 +0100, cyrax <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I've got the full Windows-version of Quake3 and I want to play the game in
>Linux. Is it possible to use the data of the Win-version with a linux
>executable, that only has to be copied into the Quake directory ???

I have not gotten Q3 yet, but with Q2 I did not even have to copy the
files.  I simply symlinked the .pak files from the originals on the Win
drive, so they do not take up any space on the Linux drive.

David Efflandt  [EMAIL PROTECTED]



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