Linux-Misc Digest #668, Volume #26               Sat, 30 Dec 00 19:13:02 EST

  Re: How to get CPU usage (Warren Bell)
  Problem with GNOME (Big Fish)
  Re: Adaptec AVA-2904 support (Carlo Scarfoglio)
  powerpoint, linux and wine?? (Bob van der Poel)
  Re: Can't get X or Gnome to Work- Help!!! (Phlip)
  Re: Linux Networking (Steve)
  Re: How to get CPU usage (Steve)
  Re: soundblaster awe64 value (Steve)
  Re: PANIC! Cannot see anything after install! (RH6.2) (Andrew Purugganan)
  Re: How to get CPU usage (Michael Heiming)
  Re: Can't get X or Gnome to Work- Help!!! (John =?iso-8859-1?Q?Grundb=E4ck?=)
  Re: How to get CPU usage (Jean-David Beyer)


From: Warren Bell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to get CPU usage
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 15:00:11 -0800

Robert Jones wrote:
> Warren Bell wrote:
> > I need a way other than the top program to get the percent of CPU being
> > used.  I've tried procinfo but it always reports somthing like:
> >
> > user  :       0:15:30.25   0.1%  page in :   204585  disk 1:    88679r
> > 309817w
> > nice  :       0:01:01.31   0.0%  page out:   380836
> > system:       0:12:46.50   0.1%  swap in :      880
> > idle  :   7d 21:01:42.29  99.7%  swap out:     1099
> > uptime:   7d 21:31:00.34         context :  6705462
> >
> > The user and system percents are always 0.1%, but in top they're always
> > changing (different percentages) so procinfo must not be working right.
> The way I interpret this is that 15 minutes, 30.25 seconds is 0.1% of 7
> days, 21 hours, 31 minutes, 0.34 seconds. Lessee... The user elapsed time
> expands to 930.25 seconds. The total (uptime) elapsed time expands to
> 86400+75600+1860+0.34 = 163860.34 seconds. 930.25/163860.34 comes out to
> 0.005677090624858 on my calculator, which rounds to 0.1%.
> As a further test of this, you could reboot, immediately start a long
> processor-intensive job and watch the user cpu usage build and (when the
> job completed) decay by watching
> $ watch -n 1 procinfo
> Of course, this does nothing to answer your original question but it
> hopefully will help disentangle your mind from the perceived contradiction.

Oh, ok.  I think I get what it's doing there.  But yeah, I still have to
find out how to get the current percent of what the CPU is using


From: Big Fish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Problem with GNOME
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 23:21:53 GMT


I am using RedHat Linux 6.0. I have been having trouble lately using my
GNOME windows manager. Everytime I login it takes a long time to load up
all the icons and it creates the following .xsession-errors file (see
below). When I want to log out, nothing happens if I use the logout
button on the menu, and I have to find the PID for gnome-sessions and
kill it to end the GNOME session and get back to the login box. If I
relogin, the problem seems to disappear, but it will come up again the
next time I turn off the computer (Toshiba laptop 415CS) and power on

Any idea why this happens and what I should do to fix it? I'm still a
novice Linux user and am still not very comfortable with the idea of
recompiling the kernel etc. (which hopefully I won't need to do). Much
thanks for any help!



GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:
Authentication Rejected, reason : MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 authentication

GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:
Authentication Rejected, reason : MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 authentication
subshell.c: couldn't get terminal settings: Inappropriate ioctl for

Please kindly send a copy of your reply directly
to my e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent via


From: Carlo Scarfoglio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Adaptec AVA-2904 support
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 00:37:43 +0100

Gotzon Berrojalbiz wrote:
> I'm trying to setup this scsi pci card and I hope somebody correct me if
> I'm going wrong somewhere.
> These are the Kernel Options:
> Is this OK ? Do I have to add any parameter to lilo.conf ?
You have to add support for cdrom, disk, etc. in the kernel options. If
you build support in the kernel (preferred) there is no need for startup
settings. It is a PCI device and it is configured by the BIOS.


From: Bob van der Poel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: powerpoint, linux and wine??
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 16:13:50 -0700

I need to view some MS powerpoint files. I can't seem to find a native
linux app to do this, so I grabbed ppview from the MS site and figured
I'd use wine to run it. I'm sure that wine will do this...but I can't
seem to get past the installation.

I have wine installed from my mandrake 7.2. If I type wine ppview.exe it
pops up the 'install' dialog (as well, there is a warning message on the

 fixme:win32:PE_CreateModule Security directory ignored

CLicking 'ok' in the dialog gets some disk activity, and then wine
appears to feeze. Hitting ctrl-C a number times gets wine to abort.

At this point, there is a dir in /tmp/MSW000 with the various ppview
files in it. If I cd to this directory and attempt to run setup.exe with
wine I get the install screens, and the install program runs. However,
it complains that it can't find the files...

So, is there something I'm doing wrong with this install business...or
better, is there a linux program I can use to view the files.

Bob van der Poel ** Wynndel, British Columbia, CANADA **


Subject: Re: Can't get X or Gnome to Work- Help!!!
Date: 30 Dec 2000 23:42:39 GMT


> Thanks for responding. Since I am new to linux I don't know how to
> correct the problem that you indicated above. Where should the
> link /etc/x11/X point to and how do I do it?

Installing X is the worst of the initial installation problems you could 
have. The main three problems are A> SuperVGA is not a real _Standard_, and 
B> modern workstations vendors smooch Microsoft's collective butts by only 
debugging their graphics cards against MS Windows's expectations, and C> 
modern workstation vendors court the gaming market by providing videochips 
that work as complete "graphics coprocessors" that offload a lot of the 
behavior formerly found in Windows's GDI layer.

Read read read online HOWTOs and books in the largest bookstore you can get 
to regarding configuring X before proceding further.

To inspect your X pointer...

        cd /etc/X11
        ls -l X

The response, for me, is...

        X -> /usr/X11R6/bin/XF86_S3V* 

That means X is a "symbolic link" (look it up) to the S3V driver. This 
handles my ViRGE Dx chip.

If you have a smarmy graphics accelerator chip like mine, and if your X 
links to XF86_SVGA, you are on thin ground. And if it points to XF86_VGA16, 
you are screwed. However, graphics chips typically emulate 16-bit VGA as a 
fallback, so you'l probably be able to limp along.

The colors in Gnome will be hideous, however.

Report to the newsgroup more of your configuration, 
and whether you can enlarge and shrink the view you get with the keystrokes 
I described.

======= =======


Subject: Re: Linux Networking
Date: 30 Dec 2000 23:44:43 GMT

On Sat, 30 Dec 2000 15:08:41 GMT, david conner wrote:
>I just installed Red Hat 7 (I downloaded it) and I don't know how to let it
>access the network. I duel boot with Windows 98 so I printed out all that
>winipcfg would tell me about the network. In Linux, I don't know what to
>fill out and where to fill out this information in netconf. I called Red
>Hat, but they weren't much help. So basicly, I need to know how to setup a
>peer to peer network with RedHat Linux 7 and Windows 98. I alreday have the
>network going with 2 other computers, so I know the network works... just I
>don't know how to make Linux work the way I want. I am using a Cable
>Internet connection, but I am on a Network under that... so the cable
>probably doesn't mean anything. Thanks in advance to all who answer... my
>email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED], so if you know what to do, you can
>email me.

Post here, read here. 

A general comment about your posting style would be that large paragraphs tend
to put people off, so you may want to consider breaking your post up a bit in
the future, but that's just my opinion.

You seem to know what your're doing with the network so you may find the HOWTOs
helpful, on my distro they're in /usr/doc/HOWTO and /usr/doc/HOWTO/mini/ and
if you havn't got them then . 

There's a NET-HOWTO, a Networking_Overview-HOWTO and a few others that you may 
find useful.   

Hope some of that helps. 

Steve              email mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

%HAV-A-NICEDAY Error not enough coffee  0 pps. 



 11:16pm  up 12 days, 10:37,  3 users,  load average: 1.02, 1.02, 1.04


Subject: Re: How to get CPU usage
Date: 30 Dec 2000 23:44:44 GMT

On Sat, 30 Dec 2000 10:56:35 -0800, Warren Bell wrote:

>I'm using it for a Perl script where I need to get the current CPU usage
>percents, or find a raw number in a file somewhere and convert it to a
>percent, and save it to a variable.  Right now I'm using top but it
>takes too long to start, get the output and search through it so it's
>slowing down my script.

Try "uptime" and "w" and to get more information about these commands
man uptime and man w. 

Steve              email mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

%HAV-A-NICEDAY Error not enough coffee  0 pps. 



 11:16pm  up 12 days, 10:37,  3 users,  load average: 1.02, 1.02, 1.04


Subject: Re: soundblaster awe64 value
Date: 30 Dec 2000 23:44:45 GMT

I ran sndconfig and mine's fine. 

Steve              email mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

%HAV-A-NICEDAY Error not enough coffee  0 pps. 



 11:16pm  up 12 days, 10:37,  3 users,  load average: 1.02, 1.02, 1.04


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Purugganan)
Subject: Re: PANIC! Cannot see anything after install! (RH6.2)
Date: 30 Dec 2000 16:01:37 GMT

Hopefully Bo you can get to the LILO prompt at bootup. Enter "linux 3" 
without the quotes to get a plain text (also called console) display. The 
login will appear shortly after that. Now THAT islike a 'repair' mode.

Typing startx after logging in as root may bring up the graphical 
goodness you want, but it can also zap you back to the console and tell 
you what was wrong with the X configuration that wasdone during install.

Or at the console run the X configuration utility XF86Setup. The last 
thing it usually does is to put you in GUI mode to show you that it 
works. Save the configuration and only then you can reboot into GUI mode


Bo Berglund ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
[ I am completely stumped by this:
[ Installed RH6.2 on a PC that previously was running RH5.1, but with
[ new disk, all other hardware the same. Video is a Trio S3 on teh
[ motherboard.

[ Used the graphic installation and specified KDE Workstation.

[ After all was completed the system restarted and during that there was
[ a brief show of a character based login. But before I was done typing
[ in the login the screen disappeared completely into a black
[ nothingness!
[ Can't do anything here. Except I tried to login blindly by first
[ typing root then TAB then the root password. This started some
[ activity showing the system somehow is acting 'normally' except
[ nothing is displayed!

[ Tried to redo the installation as an 'Upgrade' (Why is there no
[ 'repair' option?) to preserve what I did before, but no good - still
[ the black screen.

[ Why does the screen disappear, there is a perfectly good graphics
[ screen shown during the setup sequence???

[ Bo Berglund

Registered linux user no. 164098  +--+--+--+ Litestep user no. 386
Doesn't it bother you, that we have to search for intelligent life


Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 00:43:56 +0100
From: Michael Heiming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to get CPU usage

Warren Bell wrote:

> Michael Heiming wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > Warren Bell wrote:
> >
> > > Michael Heiming wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Hello,
> > > >
> > > > Warren Bell wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > I need a way other than the top program to get the percent of CPU being
> > > > > used.  I've tried procinfo but it always reports somthing like:
> > > > >
> > > > > user  :       0:15:30.25   0.1%  page in :   204585  disk 1:    88679r
> > > > > 309817w
> > > > > nice  :       0:01:01.31   0.0%  page out:   380836
> > > > > system:       0:12:46.50   0.1%  swap in :      880
> > > > > idle  :   7d 21:01:42.29  99.7%  swap out:     1099
> > > > > uptime:   7d 21:31:00.34         context :  6705462
> > > > >
> > > > > The user and system percents are always 0.1%, but in top they're always
> > > > > changing (different percentages) so procinfo must not be working right.
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > > Of course it's changing in top all the time, cause top is running all the
> > > > time and watches
> > > > the cpu usage all the time, procinfo just looks at it one time, the moment
> > > > it runs.
> > > >
> > > > Run top -q as root...:-)
> > > >
> > >
> > > When I run the -q switch the CPU percents are way off or maxed out at
> > > 100%, which has to be wrong.
> > >
> > >
> >
> > From man top:
> >
> >    q    This causes top to refresh without any delay. If  the
> >             caller  has  superuser priviledges, top runs with the
> >             highest possible priority.
> >
> > Logical that the CPU are quite high than....nothing wrong...:-)
> >
> I wasn't running it at superuser level.  I'm pretty sure it's giving a
> false reading because for one, if it takes 100% CPU to run top then
> someone needs to take that program back to the drawing board.  And Two,
> if you run top to output twice then exit, one's completely different
> than the other.
> > <SNIP>
> >
> > >
> > >
> > > That just shows the load average doesn't it, I'm looking for CPU
> > > percentages.  If you can think of anything else that will show CPU usage
> > > pecents, or if I'm doing anything wrong with top, I'd appreciate it.
> >
> > I didn't understood that yet right, my mistake.....:-(
> >
> > Do a ps aux and add $3 in your scripting language....:-)
> >
> I'm not sure what you mean.  What would the $3 variable be in Perl?
> What would I do with it?


don't expect this as rocket sience, it just seems to work:

ps aux | grep [.] | awk '{ cpu += $3} END {print "CPU (Total): " cpu "%"}'

Perhaps you have to sub the amount this action takes,...
And I'm to tired writing more...

Michael Heiming


From: John =?iso-8859-1?Q?Grundb=E4ck?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can't get X or Gnome to Work- Help!!!
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 00:08:13 GMT


> > Your XF86Config file does not contain one critical crumb of info: To
> what
> > file does the link /etc/x11/X point to?
> >
> > And how many pixels across and up is your screen? If you bang
> > <Ctrl+Alt+Keypad Plus> or <Ctrl+Alt+Keypad Minus> does it get bigger
> or
> > smaller? (These are signs of XF86Config health...)
> >
> > --
> >  Phlip
> > ======= =======
> >
> Thanks for responding. Since I am new to linux I don't know how to
> correct the problem that you indicated above. Where should the
> link /etc/x11/X point to and how do I do it?
> Thanks again.
> Sent via

There should be no problem with X since it seem to start OK (you said
that you get a gray backgroung with a mousepointer). I think there is a
problem whith starting Gnome. Try modifying your .Xclients as Philip says
(if startgnome is in /usr/bin).
You could also do a 'ln -s ~/.Xclients ~/.Xsession' If you are using xdm
(you are if you log in through a graphical interface)



From: Jean-David Beyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to get CPU usage
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 19:01:51 -0500

Warren Bell wrote:
> Michael Heiming wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > Warren Bell wrote:
> >
> > > Michael Heiming wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Hello,
> > > >
> > > > Warren Bell wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > I need a way other than the top program to get the percent of CPU being
> > > > > used.  I've tried procinfo but it always reports somthing like:
> > > > >
> > > > > user  :       0:15:30.25   0.1%  page in :   204585  disk 1:    88679r
> > > > > 309817w
> > > > > nice  :       0:01:01.31   0.0%  page out:   380836
> > > > > system:       0:12:46.50   0.1%  swap in :      880
> > > > > idle  :   7d 21:01:42.29  99.7%  swap out:     1099
> > > > > uptime:   7d 21:31:00.34         context :  6705462
> > > > >
> > > > > The user and system percents are always 0.1%, but in top they're always
> > > > > changing (different percentages) so procinfo must not be working right.
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > > Of course it's changing in top all the time, cause top is running all the
> > > > time and watches
> > > > the cpu usage all the time, procinfo just looks at it one time, the moment
> > > > it runs.
> > > >
> > > > Run top -q as root...:-)
> > > >
> > >
> > > When I run the -q switch the CPU percents are way off or maxed out at
> > > 100%, which has to be wrong.
> > >
> > >
> >
> > From man top:
> >
> >    q    This causes top to refresh without any delay. If  the
> >             caller  has  superuser priviledges, top runs with the
> >             highest possible priority.
> >
> > Logical that the CPU are quite high than....nothing wrong...:-)
> >
> I wasn't running it at superuser level.  I'm pretty sure it's giving a
> false reading because for one, if it takes 100% CPU to run top then
> someone needs to take that program back to the drawing board.  And Two,
> if you run top to output twice then exit, one's completely different
> than the other.

  6:59pm  up 3 days, 21:09,  3 users,  load average: 2.30, 2.19, 2.11
82 processes: 79 sleeping, 3 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU states:  1.0% user,  7.7% system, 91.1% nice,  0.0% idle
Mem:  516676K av, 508444K used,   8232K free,  90044K shrd,  61304K buff
Swap: 273088K av,  14116K used, 258972K free                314084K

 3991 seti2     20  19   1188 14804  14M   796 R N  46.1  2.8 392:08
 3076 seti      19  19   1295 15820  15M   796 R N  45.7  3.0 437:41
 2389 root       0   0    964 37616  36M  2032 S     2.2  7.2  19:23 X
 3283 jdbeyer    5   5    389  1216 1216  1008 S N   2.2  0.2   6:25
 3328 jdbeyer    5   5    738  3128 3128  2468 S N   2.0  0.6  18:21
 3258 jdbeyer    0   0   8152  2348 2348  1680 S     0.5  0.4   0:16
15777 jdbeyer    0   0   3769 30588  29M  9920 S     0.4  5.9   1:27
 3287 jdbeyer    7   5    392  1128 1128   908 R N   0.3  0.2   4:26 top

I wonder how you have top configured. Mine takes very little time.

 .~.  Jean-David Beyer           Registered Linux User 85642.
 /V\                             Registered Machine    73926.
/( )\ Shrewsbury, New Jersey
^^-^^ 6:55pm up 3 days, 21:04, 4 users, load average: 2.11, 2.12, 2.09



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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