> The only way I can make any sense out of this would be if:
> behind the scenes you are booting windose as part of "remove
> the printer, re-boot the box and re-install the printer again", and then
> doing a warm boot to linux (I don't know if such a thing is possible).

No, no, why should I do that? I meant of Delete the selected printer
using the printtool, then just re-boot the computer to ensure there is
no way for recently deleted printer's parts to 'hide' within computer's
memory. Finally, after that re-boot, I Add the same type of printer
using the printtool. That's all. Btw, eventually booting windose might
be usefull just to compare how behaves the printer under Linux and
Windose (because under Windoze it prints great).

The last info:

My printer is Fujitsu DL1100 Color. Under Windose NT it is configured
just like that. But, under Linux and its printtool there is no Fujitsu
printer to choose. So I tried to make it like Epson 24pin compatible
(including LQ2550 and some Fujitsu models except DL1100). At the first
try, I forgotten to perform Fujitsu's 'off-line setup' in order to let
the printer "believe" it is no long Fujitsu, but Epson LQ2550. Well,
after I made 2 menues under the printer's command panel (first of which
is Epson LQ2550, the other one is Fujitsu DL1100) and when I start the
first one by default - when the printer is switching on, then I can
print under Linux. The second menu remains proper for Windose.

So, it seems that it prints now almost ok. But, there is another boring
issue: whenever I switch on the printer, there is a continual beep from
the printer that continues as long as I decide to print something i.e.
until to click on a 'print' command. Then the beep stops, the printer
initializes itself so I could load a sheet of paper. I suppose that
there is some shortage of the compatibility between the printer's
'offline setup' and drivers for Epson 24pin incorporated within RH 6.1
printtool. The noisy sound is really boring so I'd like to eliminate it.
Any idea?

Btw, is is easy to handle printing within graphical tools like printtool
under Gnome. But, on the other machine where I can't start graphical
modes, I wonder how to configure printing that case?


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