> In fact, I'm not sure if it will fail loading because of unresolved
> references).
> Indeed, I am not sure that the app can run at all due to unresolved
> references.

I'm not sure what exactly we can do in the situation you described.  I would 
expect the app to see an unresolved reference.
> I may be wrong about all this --  userspace is not really my expertise.
> If I am not wrong, what, then, is the advantage of this methodology over
> simply bumping the ABI numbers?

I'm not sure I fully understand your question.  In an ideal case, any new 
feature would be added to the upstream ibverbs.  The extensions would be used 
to support some new feature that ibverbs is not aware of.  For example, a 
vendor could expose APIs that offload MPI collectives, which may still be under 

- Sean

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