On May 9 Net Llama! was heard saying:


->> *** On the other hand it is ridiculous the system works this way:
->> After all they ** made ** $15M!
->I think you missed the point.  They didn't 'make' anything.  The spent
->more than they took in.  THey 'lost' money.

*** Having followed the thread I can see I did miss the point.

I must admit I never really cared to understand how it worked... until
today. If somebody feels like giving me a short HOWTO on capitalism ;-)...

What I read and understood was that their forcast was $18M while they have
"done" $15M and their share value went down. Maybe I missed it, but where
do I see that they spent more than they earned?

Just a warning: I am a straight ** 0 ** in this matter! :-)

If you find me, please return me to my $HOME: my address is 'cd'.

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