On Fri, 13 Dec 2002 09:45:13 -0500 (EST), Net Llama! wrote:
> On Fri, 13 Dec 2002, Anita Lewis wrote:
>> Hi.  I got the Plextor Combo CDRW/DVD player.  I can burn cds in linux and
>> use that fine.  I installed MPlayer and compiled my kernel to enable dma.  I
>> then figured out how to use hdparm to enable the dma on hdc and still have
>> the thing set to scd0.
>> So, I now get the movie going just fine at the right speed with audio.  Very
>> nice for about 15 seconds and then the audio cuts out.  The video keeps
>> going which makes me think that the bus speed is ok.  Anyone here know
>> anything about this?  Maybe MPlayer is a little complex for the job.  I was
>> going to try Xine, but I saw that they don't decode.  I had to install the
>> lib for css separately for MPlayer too; so maybe that is what you do with
>> Xine.

A little followup on this.  I tried ogle and xine and have worse problems
with them.  It boils down to my hardware being insufficient for the job  -
seems to be the video hardware.  I'm doing two things.  I'm getting another
movie - an earlier one that may run.  The reason I think it might is that
this one I have now for testing would not run in Windows and I had two other
movies that did.  

So far even with the 4MB graphics card that I have - PCI, I have gotten the
video to play with sound using mplayer in linux *if* I use -framedrop which
will drop frames in order to sync the sound and video.  That is a lot more
than I got in Windows using PowerDVD.  

I bought an AGP video card with 32Mb of video ram today.  I'll try it first
in the Microtel and leave it there if it works right.  If not, I'll put it
in my other computer and move the drive back there.  In this process I've
learned quite a bit more about video thanks to a helpful person on the
mplayer list.  I've been wondering for a few years ever since I put my
computer together - what AGP was.  I never bothered to look it up.  Well,
now I know.  Very handy info when you are trying to do heavy video work.  

I may go with ogle after all is said and done, because it really is a very
simple program to install and operate.  Nice thing about mplayer, though, is
that you can use it in console mode.  I'm thinking I read something about
ogle being able to do that too.  I'll check into it.

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