On 07/13/03 18:31, Joel Hammer wrote:
On Sun, Jul 13, 2003 at 05:18:49PM -0700, Net Llama! wrote:

On 07/13/03 17:00, Joel Hammer wrote:
Koffice hasn't gone anywhere. Whether it sux is another story, but you seem to be confusing staying power with usefulness.

          Koffice is still   being developed, I guess, but who
          uses it? Who would suggest it is a useful piece of
          software? This despite the fact that the koffice
          people, at least a year ago, were hyping koffice
          has a great piece of useful software.

I don't use K-anything, as I seriously dislike all the KDE crap, and have found it to be worthless bloatware. Others love KDE, but my point is that i don't know who uses KOffice, cause i'm not one of them, and i tend to ignore KDE-centric discussions.

You confuse Star Office with Open Office in the same way that you confuse Netscape with Mozilla. They started in the same place, but finish with

     OK. Get technical. The fact is, no consortium of volunteers
     created open office. Same for mozilla. Both were gifts

No. The original source for Mozilla was a gift by Netscape Corp. However, just all of that codebase was scrapped, and rewritten from the ground up by those who contributed to the Mozilla project at the time. Sure i'm going to get technical, because you're flinging some rather nasty insults around when there's little truth behind them. Maybe Linux and/or open source has no meaning to you, but it has alot to me, and i'm not going to sit by quietly as you trash something that is actively revolutionizing industries.

     from profit making corporations.  Maybe when corel goes
     bankrupt (If they haven't already) they'll give wordperfect
     and quattro pro to the opensource movement. That's my
     only hope for a really great office suite in linux.

I don't believe that Corel still owns WordPerfect. I think they sold everything off a while ago. And yes, Corel declared bankruptcy very recently.

Linus notes quite often, Linux wasn't created, nor is it actively developed as a competitor to M$.

Yes. I supose he'll say that if linux doesn't catch on with the desktop. If it does catch on, I am sure the tune will be different. MS certainly seems to think linux is a desktop threat.

He's been saying it since day one, and he's also said that he doesn't care about whether or not linux catches on with the desktop.

However, its really all a moot point. You're basing your entire series of
rants on _one_ incredibly crappy excuse for a Linux distro, Lindows. Lindows doesn't even market itself to businesses. How about trying a distro who targets the business sector, and then forming some opinions?

I went with a distro that was easy to use. Lindows

Funny, you haven't been saying that its easy to use for the past 2 days. Or for that matter, since you got it. You've been finding things that you dislike for a while now, and announcing them here with the belief that we're all hanging on your every word.

     is making the maximum effort to make linux as easy as
     windows. If they can't do it, perhaps nobody can. And,
     you cannot beat a $200 lindows computer. They actually
     works. Heck, it runs XP, too.

Good, then use XP.

And finally, if you're so utterly dissatisfied with Linux, why are you using it? Its readily apparent that you're frustrated & miserable, yet you don't appear to be making any effort to improve or fix the things that

     Well, I am no a C programmer, so I can't really fix
     anything serious. I do contribute when possible. I have

The bulk of your recent complaints have nothing to do with programming. You've complained about the design of websites and the quality of documentation.

     actually writen two steps, quite good if I don't say
     so myself. And, I am active on other linux type lists,
     helping newcomers find their way. However, I am going

Based on your rants over the past few days, that is quite astonishing.

     to be using windows more and linux less in the future,
     but only because linux has just failed to live up to its
     promise on the desktop.

What promise? No one ever announced that Linux was ready for the desktop. You apparently got some notion from somewhere that it was ready, or maybe you fell for the marketing fluff that Lindows delivered, being that you hold marketing in such high esteem. At any rate, you want it all delivered to you on a silver platter, with a toadie that you can kick each time something doesn't go your way. That ain't gonna happen. Accept that.

_PLEASE_, use windows, and spare us your infinite rants. If you hadn't been on this list as long as you've been, you would have been kicked off as a troll about 4 rants ago.

L. Friedman                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Step-by-step & TyGeMo:                    http://netllama.ipfox.com

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