I think everything I said in my post is factual. It may even help someone
who is thinking about connecting his PDA to a linux box via usb.
To summarize:

          You need an uptodate kernel. This will be a rebuild
          so you'll need a working gcc, or a reinstall of
          your whole system (I went with the latter.)Then you
          get pilot-link. Not sure if you can go with an rpm
          or debian or if you need the sources available. I
          suspect the former. It has to be working. Go figure.
          Then  get the source for jpilot and build it (gcc
          again, maybe gcc++. I hope not the latter, since
          mine hasn't worked since Caldera 2.4.). Hope it
          builds right with pilot-link.  Then you can figure
          out which usb port you need (you actually get four
          choices if you are lucky enuf to have devfs, but
          only one works. You would think you would just tell
          jpilot to use USB and let the program find the right
          port. ) Then, if you have /devfs, you will have to
          be careful which button you press first, otherwise it
          won't work.  Do all this, and it might work. If not,
          its your fault.

The real message is unless you want to spend a lot of time, just pass
on it.  If I had had this information when I started out, I could have
saved a great deal of time and aggravation. Problem was, nobody was
talking how much work and luck was involved in getting this to work.

     Now, who says I don't contribute?

BTW, this would make a fine step by step. I can't write it because I couldn't
make it work. 


> You've been through all this before.  (and so has the list).  You went 
> off in a huff, said you were through with Linux, you went back to 
> Windows (I assume but could care less).
> Why don't you make up your mind??
> Every time I read one of your posts, you are off on another goose-chase, 
> trying to make a program xyz  do its thing the way you want it to.  And 
> I think to myself "this guy has too much time on his hands and too 
> little knowledge to be going to all these lengths."  But it's your time 
> so go blow it if you want.  But you take up a lot of bandwidth on the 
> list and I guess if people want to help, that's their call.  I'm not the 
> owner of the bandwidth.
> But I've "heard this song" before from you....   and I expect you'll be 
> back.  Hopefully with more realistic ideas of what Linux is or isn't and 
> how you can make it work for you.
> </rant off>
> -- 
> +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
> + Bruce S. Marshall  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bellaire, MI         07/13/03 
> 21:38  +
> +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
> "Life is a sexually transmitted disease"
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