I do use StarOffice. I have been using that since I started with linux
several years ago. I tried others, but this one is the only one that
works and which seems to have staying power.

Part of my ranting about linux advocates is that from the beginning,
staroffice was dumped on by the elites. You know, too big and bloated, takes
over the desktop, and all. I am sorry they got away from that. I liked
having everything in one place. 

Then they say linux is all about choices. Problem is, there is no
good choice for an office suite aside from staroffice in linuxland. In
windowsland, I can use Wordperfect, much more to my liking, or MS Office
or Staroffice, which I think is ported to windows. (Can't be 100% sure
about that.)

So, the opensource software concept has totally failed as far as office
suites.  Whats a business man to think?  And, same goes for PDA's,
in my experience.


On Sun, Jul 13, 2003 at 06:03:36PM -0400, Brett I. Holcomb wrote:
> Well, I haven't used Koffice for about two years but at that time it was 
> way behind StarOffice or OpenOffice.  At the time I was running KDE so I 
> decided to try Koffice.  What a waste - it couldn't do much of the basics 
> for spreadsheets at all.  I then tried OpenOffice (this was a beta around 
> 643 IIRC) and it did everything Excel and Word did.  I imported a 
> spreadsheet with complex calculations on it and it worked fine.  I still 
> use OO (this time I'm at 1.03).  
> I would recommend trying OpenOffice.
> Joel Hammer wrote:
> > On Sat, Jul 12, 2003 at 09:36:35PM -0400, Joel Hammer wrote:
> > 
> >>.... The other is koffice, the opensource
> >> answer to MS. I have never found Koffice useful.  Don't linux advocates
> >> get worried ?
> > 
> > Well, I felt guilty because I hadn't tried Koffice in a while. So, I
> > downloaded it from the warehouse. I tried to make a simple x-y plot in
> > Kspread 1.1.1.
> > It didn't come close to what I wanted.  I got a bizarre plot. Maybe I
> > shouldn't have included the first line of labels in my table, but, that is
> > routine for all other spreadsheets, I think. And, to add insult to injury,
> > I couldn't figure out how to remove the chart. I am not going to read
> > the documentation.
> > 
> > So it's either Excel in windows or StarOffice in linux for the forseeable
> > future.  Dirty capitalists pigs.
> > 
> > Joel
> -- 
> Brett I. Holcomb
> AKA Grunt <><
> Registered Linux User #188143
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