On 07/13/03 17:00, Joel Hammer wrote:
I do use StarOffice. I have been using that since I started with linux
several years ago. I tried others, but this one is the only one that
works and which seems to have staying power.

Koffice hasn't gone anywhere. Whether it sux is another story, but you seem to be confusing staying power with usefulness.

Part of my ranting about linux advocates is that from the beginning,
staroffice was dumped on by the elites. You know, too big and bloated, takes
over the desktop, and all. I am sorry they got away from that. I liked
having everything in one place.

Then they say linux is all about choices. Problem is, there is no
good choice for an office suite aside from staroffice in linuxland. In
windowsland, I can use Wordperfect, much more to my liking, or MS Office
or Staroffice, which I think is ported to windows. (Can't be 100% sure
about that.)

You confuse Star Office with Open Office in the same way that you confuse Netscape with Mozilla. They started in the same place, but finish with completely different goals & target audiences. And as Leon Goldstein will remind us, WordPerfect has a Linux version.

So, the opensource software concept has totally failed as far as office
suites.  Whats a business man to think?  And, same goes for PDA's,
in my experience.

Huh? How did the open source software concept fail when OpenOffice is an open source software project? You appear to be confusing your concepts. And i don't care what some incredibly ignorant business men think. As Linus notes quite often, Linux wasn't created, nor is it actively developed as a competitor to M$.

However, its really all a moot point. You're basing your entire series of rants on _one_ incredibly crappy excuse for a Linux distro, Lindows. Lindows doesn't even market itself to businesses. How about trying a distro who targets the business sector, and then forming some opinions?

And finally, if you're so utterly dissatisfied with Linux, why are you using it? Its readily apparent that you're frustrated & miserable, yet you don't appear to be making any effort to improve or fix the things that you're unhappy with. If your expectation is that everything you touch is dripping with marketing polish and Fortune500 appeal, then use M$ products. I guarentee you won't have to look at any documentation, or websites 'designed by teenagers'.

L. Friedman                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Step-by-step & TyGeMo:                    http://netllama.ipfox.com

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