On Sunday 13 July 2003 21:31 pm, Joel Hammer wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 13, 2003 at 05:18:49PM -0700, Net Llama! wrote:
> > On 07/13/03 17:00, Joel Hammer wrote:
> > Koffice hasn't gone anywhere.  Whether it sux is another story, but
> > you seem to be confusing staying power with usefulness.
>           Koffice is still   being developed, I guess, but who
>           uses it? Who would suggest it is a useful piece of
>           software? This despite the fact that the koffice
>           people, at least a year ago, were hyping koffice
>           has a great piece of useful software.
> > You confuse Star Office with Open Office in the same way that you
> > confuse Netscape with Mozilla.  They started in the same place, but
> > finish with
>      OK. Get technical. The fact is, no consortium of volunteers
>      created open office. Same for mozilla. Both were gifts
>      from profit making corporations.  Maybe when corel goes
>      bankrupt (If they haven't already) they'll give wordperfect
>      and quattro pro to the opensource movement. That's my
>      only hope for a really great office suite in linux.
> > Linus notes quite often, Linux wasn't created, nor is it actively
> > developed as a competitor to M$.
>      Yes. I supose he'll say that if linux  doesn't catch on
>      with the desktop.  If it does catch on, I am sure the tune
>      will be different.  MS certainly seems to think linux is
>      a desktop threat.
> > However, its really all a moot point.  You're basing your entire
> > series of rants on _one_ incredibly crappy excuse for a Linux
> > distro, Lindows. Lindows doesn't even market itself to businesses. 
> > How about trying a distro who targets the business sector, and then
> > forming some opinions?
>      I went with a distro that was easy to use. Lindows
>      is making the maximum effort to make linux as easy as
>      windows. If they can't do it, perhaps nobody can. And,
>      you cannot beat a $200 lindows computer. They actually
>      works. Heck, it runs XP, too.
> > And finally, if you're so utterly dissatisfied with Linux, why are
> > you using it?  Its readily apparent that you're frustrated &
> > miserable, yet you don't appear to be making any effort to improve
> > or fix the things that
>      Well, I am no a C programmer, so I can't really fix
>      anything serious. I do contribute when possible. I have
>      actually writen two steps, quite good if I don't say
>      so myself. And, I am active on other linux type lists,
>      helping newcomers find their way. However, I am going
>      to be using windows more and linux less in the future,
>      but only because linux has just failed to live up to its
>      promise on the desktop.
> Joel

<rant on>


You've been through all this before.  (and so has the list).  You went 
off in a huff, said you were through with Linux, you went back to 
Windows (I assume but could care less).

Why don't you make up your mind??

Every time I read one of your posts, you are off on another goose-chase, 
trying to make a program xyz  do its thing the way you want it to.  And 
I think to myself "this guy has too much time on his hands and too 
little knowledge to be going to all these lengths."  But it's your time 
so go blow it if you want.  But you take up a lot of bandwidth on the 
list and I guess if people want to help, that's their call.  I'm not the 
owner of the bandwidth.

But I've "heard this song" before from you....   and I expect you'll be 
back.  Hopefully with more realistic ideas of what Linux is or isn't and 
how you can make it work for you.

</rant off>

+ Bruce S. Marshall  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bellaire, MI         07/13/03 
21:38  +
"Life is a sexually transmitted disease"

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