Well, enough people complained to me that their admins are unresponsive, 
don't care, whatever. Fine. I figured as much. ORBs sucked. they got 
political. orbl actually checks it's hosts and keeps records up to date. but 
I understand some service providers simply can't be bothered. so fine, no 
more spam filters on linux.nf. enjoy your spam.

and before anyone gets bitchy with me a couple of points:
1. my columbus.rr.com address is blocked from a *lot* of places. thats why I 
run my own mail. plain and simple.
2. this list didn't even exist until I thunk it up. and I was just trying to 
provide the best resource for the group. i felt that having an open-list and 
using DNS blocking for the worst offending sites was a Good Thing(c). my 
other customers seem to agree
3. DONT bitch about any spam that makes it onto this list. I tried.
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/        Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

I hacked Microsoft and all I got was this lousy source code...
http://linux.nf -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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