from Douglas J. Hunley:


" 2. this list didn't even exist until I thunk it up. and I was just trying to 
" provide the best resource for the group. i felt that having an open-list and 

Thankyou for doing it.  Gotta remember, tho, that you can't 
please everyone and there'd be some who wouldn't like it if 
you could;).

Most of the lists I've seen (not many) eventually and 
reluctantly went to 'posts by subscribers only' despite the 
problems and extra work.

" using DNS blocking for the worst offending sites was a Good Thing(c). my 
" other customers seem to agree
" 3. DONT bitch about any spam that makes it onto this list. I tried.

On the whole, I prefer to block/filter my own spam anyway 
but I guess the closer to source the trash is trashed, the 
better for overall 'bandwidth conservation', etc.  There 
doesn't seem to be any really good answer.  Thanks for 
trying to find one.


-- Don't steal.  The government hates competition.
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