>From: "Douglas J. Hunley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2001 22:16:38 -0400
>Well, enough people complained to me that their admins are unresponsive,
>don't care, whatever. Fine. I figured as much. ORBs sucked. they got
>political. orbl actually checks it's hosts and keeps records up to date. 
>I understand some service providers simply can't be bothered. so fine, no
>more spam filters on linux.nf. enjoy your spam.
>and before anAyone gets bitchy with me a couple of points:

Not bitchy, just concerned.

>1. my columbus.rr.com address is blocked from a *lot* of places. thats why 
>run my own mail. plain and simple.

This is all fine and dandy, but not all of us are in a position to run our 
own servers.
Also, I've never received any "blocked" messages from any other email group 
I've registered.

>2. this list didn't even exist until I thunk it up. and I was just trying 
>provide the best resource for the group. i felt that having an open-list 
>using DNS blocking for the worst offending sites was a Good Thing(c). my
>other customers seem to agree.

Whoah, back off!  I, for one, am very thankful for the service you've 
provided us.
But this group is more than just the provider. It would be a common courtesy 
let the rest of the group know when you decide to make a major change in the
support policies.  There may be others (and there are) who have equally 

>3. DONT bitch about any spam that makes it onto this list. I tried.

I won't.  I haven't seen any spam on this list or the Caldera list - maybe 
in two years.  I've said it before, and I'll say it again, the bix X button 
on your
mailer is a wonderful tool.  It takes much less time to push the button than 
gripe about it.

Now I'll get bitchy.

1. You provided no warning for this unilateral action.  Nobody has a clue
when they get a "return address denied by mail service" message.  I tried
unsubscribing and resubscribing, but that did no good.  The icing on the
cake was when you also denied any mail to your own mail address, so that
no one could even find out what had happened.  Not a good approach (tm)
for a service provider.  Finally, Mike Andrew let me know what you were up
2. Ironically, I was able to open this account with a M$ provider to gain
service once again!
3. You say, "fine, no more orbl," but my original account is still blocked 
your server.


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