On Monday 30 July 2001 13:46, Douglas J. Hunley wrote:
[hackety slash]

> 3. DONT bitch about any spam that makes it onto this list. I tried.

Take a _deep_ breath Doug. No-one in their right minds is going to slap at 
you for trying things out. We are penguin users and by definition that means 
experimentation. This one didn't work, many other things you've tried have.  
I am sure as sure that some implementations you've done for linux.nf have 
been looked at by others and used by them for their own purposes. You gave 
things a go, others followed by example. That's the name of the game and as 
it should be. Rsync has been a total gem for me.

So calm down and a lot less spitting of sour grapes. A person's character can 
be judged by their failures as well as successes. SInce my trading name is 
*bungle-ware* you can imagine I have a pretty <ahem> well developed character.

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