I've started to grow rather tired of the fact that all of the boxes that
i'm running are glibc-2.1.x based, instead of the newer (and
quasi-standard) glibc-2.2.x.  This of course means that i must always
build from source in order to use anything, since virtually no one is
building RPMs against glibc-2.1.x anymore.
I've heard the nightmare trainwrecks of improperly upgrading a box from
glibc-2.1.x to glibc-2.2.x, so i'm quite leary of doing it wrong.
I've read the (rather outdated) SxS from Dave Bandel on upgrading glibc,
and what i'm taking away from it is basically that i can't just do a
standard upgrade of glibc, since every binary on my box is dependent
upon the existing version for functionality.  So, the only safe way to
do the upgrade is to actually install the newer glibc-2.2.x side-by-side
with the older glibc-2.1.x, and then for anything i compile in the
future, explicitly specify that it should be compiled against

So, am i right, or am i missing something?  Any other gotchas?

Lonni J. Friedman                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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