On Tue, 13 Nov 2001 22:49:30 -0500 Jerry McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I feel kinda dumb replying to my own messages... but if it helps anyone
interested in upgrading their glibc files... what the hey?

Anyways... there's a lot of gotchas' in doing this madness that rally makes
me wonder if it's really for the "do it yourself-er" type of guy/gal...

I've just recovered a laptop that I clobbered dead as nails by atempting an
glibc upgrade on. What went wrong, I'll never know as the install process
just stopped about half way through and the laptop never came back from
wonderland. The only... and I stress the "only" thing that saved my can was
my paranoia way of making backups before I try this kind of stuff. Lucky for
me I had enough room on the flopper to make a complete copy of /lib before
updating. Why this one failed, when on the desktop atempt was such a huge
success is beyond me. Needless to say, after the flopper died, I rebooted via
a recovery floppy, nuked /lib and installed the backup I made. 

The laptop is alive and well again.

The only difference between the desktop and laptop is... the desktop was a
totally clean install of workstation 3.1. The laptop was upgraded from 2.40
to workstation 3.1 via the "upgrade option" on the cdrom. General
configurations are the same. One small problem I encountered on the laptop
early on was a bogus LD_LIBRARY_PATH setting... something, somewhere added a
single ":" to the end of the variable line in bashrc... Don't know who, but
wasn't me... ;'). Anyway, editing that ":" out configure was able to
understand my machine and ran without errors as did make... Wierd.

I'll try this one again sometime. Maybe this weekend.

As for using "make install" to install glibc-2.2.4... it leaves the previous
2.2.1 libraries intact... I haven't figured out how yet, but it seems you
should be able to use these libraries if the older versions were needed.

That being said... I think I'm done with the major portion of my glibc
upgrade. If anyone would like to see my notes... I can write this up as a
very expiremental step by step.

Cheers all, and good night.


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