On Tue, 13 Nov 2001 22:29:18 -0500 Jerry McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> I can't wait to see if there's any perf boosts anywhere else.

I couldn't wait till tomorrow... :')...  I've got xmms running, playing mp3's
off the server in the other room via nfs. I've got scache running on jre 1.30
caching web stuff for my wife on windows box upstairs. Mysql is busy
swallowing data off the client next door...  I've got the kmedia player
showing me an mpeg I got off the web (BG) and aviplay showing Jurassic Park
and guess what I'm able to do now? I can drag the moving images around the
screen without smearing the graphics or causing xmms to miss a beat.

Not sliding the windows around, gkrellm shows cpu usage at like... 20% to
40%. Hmmm that used to be much higher. Damn, I hate this stuff... I'll never
get to bed now! :')

Test box, amd k6-2 at 500mhz, 256meg, col 3.1. 


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