On Tue, 13 Nov 2001 17:25:05 -0500 Jerry McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> Be alert! I had some issues with the new libraries! I've had a couple of
> programs that will not run under glibc-2.2.4... such as mysql... xmms...
> For the most part I'd say about 99% of what I have on this test machine
> works. The rest I'll figure out later on.
> So beware! You're on your own on this one... :')

I got it fixed... I finally got around to looking over me makeinstall.std log
file. The last few lines indicated an install failure! Drat! No wonder a
couple of programs aren't running....

So... before I drag out the backups and over-write the changes I atempted...
I decided to try the install one more time. So... boot to single user, run
"make install" and pipe the screen to log files... This time, the bottom line

"Your new glibc installation seems to be ok.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/glibc/glibc-2.2.4'

I'm a winner! I did a shutdown, reboot and it's all back! Mysql, xmms and a
more that didn't work the last time. 


Why it failed the first time? Beats me... but it's in there now. Now to see
if I can figure out if glibc was compiled for my specific architecture...


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