I found this one on the inet. Compile it via the included script and when you
execute "getvc"... it'll return the  number of the virtual console you're
currently in.

Handy little tool.

gcc getvc.c -o getvc
strip getvc
mv getvc /usr/local/bin
/* getvc.c
 * Prints the number of the current VC to stdout.
 * Joey Hess, Fri Apr  4 14:58:50 EST 1997
 #include <sys/vt.h>
 #include <fcntl.h>
   main () {
     int fd = 0;
     struct vt_stat vt;
     if ((fd = open("/dev/console",O_WRONLY,0)) < 0) {
        perror("Failed to open /dev/console\n");
     if (ioctl(fd, VT_GETSTATE, &vt) < 0) {
        perror("can't get VTstate\n");
 /* End of getvc.c */

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