Jerry McBride babbled on about:
> On Tue, 13 Nov 2001 22:49:30 -0500 Jerry McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> I feel kinda dumb replying to my own messages... but if it helps anyone
> interested in upgrading their glibc files... what the hey?
> Anyways... there's a lot of gotchas' in doing this madness that rally makes
> me wonder if it's really for the "do it yourself-er" type of guy/gal...
> I've just recovered a laptop that I clobbered dead as nails by atempting an
> glibc upgrade on. What went wrong, I'll never know as the install process
> just stopped about half way through and the laptop never came back from
> wonderland. The only... and I stress the "only" thing that saved my can was
> my paranoia way of making backups before I try this kind of stuff. Lucky
> for me I had enough room on the flopper to make a complete copy of /lib
> before updating. Why this one failed, when on the desktop atempt was such a
> huge success is beyond me. Needless to say, after the flopper died, I
> rebooted via a recovery floppy, nuked /lib and installed the backup I made.
> The laptop is alive and well again.
> The only difference between the desktop and laptop is... the desktop was a
> totally clean install of workstation 3.1. The laptop was upgraded from 2.40
> to workstation 3.1 via the "upgrade option" on the cdrom. General
> configurations are the same. One small problem I encountered on the laptop
> early on was a bogus LD_LIBRARY_PATH setting... something, somewhere added
> a single ":" to the end of the variable line in bashrc... Don't know who,
> but wasn't me... ;'). Anyway, editing that ":" out configure was able to
> understand my machine and ran without errors as did make... Wierd.
> I'll try this one again sometime. Maybe this weekend.
> As for using "make install" to install glibc-2.2.4... it leaves the
> previous 2.2.1 libraries intact... I haven't figured out how yet, but it
> seems you should be able to use these libraries if the older versions were
> needed.
> That being said... I think I'm done with the major portion of my glibc
> upgrade. If anyone would like to see my notes... I can write this up as a
> very expiremental step by step.
> Cheers all, and good night.

please write it all up and send to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Douglas J Hunley (doug at - Linux User #174778
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