On Tue, 1 Jan 2002 09:41:19 -0500
"Burns MacDonald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spewed into the bitstream:

> David spake:
> > That would be fine if you stuck to inches all the time but:
> > 12 inches = 1 foot
> > 3 feet = 1 yard
> > ???? yards = 1 mile
> >
> From my Navy years:
> 1760 yards to a nautical mile. A nautical mile is 1 minute of latitude
> the equator.
> a 'cable' is 200 yards
> a shackle is about 90 feet
> a fathom is 6 feet

And you got this information where?

[david@tole david]$ units
2112 units, 59 prefixes

You have: 1 statutemile
You want: yards
        * 1760.0035
        / 0.00056818068
You have: 1 nauticalmile
You want: yards
        * 2025.3718
        / 0.0004937365
You have: 1 fathom
You want: feet
        * 6.000012
        / 0.16666633
You have: 1 shackle
Unknown unit 'shackle'.
You have: 1 cable
You want: yards
        * 202.53718
        / 0.004937365

Nice program, units.  Be careful: nm == nanometers (as in light
wavelength, not in nautical miles; there are other gotchas with the
program as well -- consult /usr/share/units.dat for all the gory details).
 Looks like you need to put the definition of shackle into units (or did
you just misspell it?).


David A. Bandel
Focus on the dream, not the competition.
                -- Nemesis Racing Team motto
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