Joel spake:

> Thanks for this wonderful link. It will provide much interesting reading.
> About the Brave New World of uniform measurements based on units of 10.
> They tried hard to switch American medicine over to the European units for
> chemistry values (out with mg/dl, in ng/l or meq/l  etc.
> They stopped when people starting getting killed. There was no gain in
> attempted switch over and a lot of pain, as it turned out.
> Which unit is more convenient for measuring air temperature, Fahrenheit or
> Centigrade?

Like many, I was reluctant to change to metric. But I have to say that now
having done so, I rarely even think about the old units of measurement at
all. All of my reference points have become metric which, I suppose, is the
key. To me, -40C is too cold to go out, 15C is a nice Spring day and 30C is
time for a beer in the shade.

There have been a few horror stories such as the infamous case of an Air
Canada ground crew that got mixed up between gallons and litres when
refuelling an airliner. The aircraft subsequently made a forced landing 'on
fumes' at a small private prairie airstrip.


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