On Wed, 2 Jan 2002 12:59:55 +1000
Keith Antoine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wednesday 02 January 2002 02:20 am, Collins Richey observed:
> > Skippy, eat your heart out!
> >
> > While you're sweating in 30 deg + swelter and NSW is burning, I'm freezing
> > in Denver.
> Its humid and and 34C inside the house, the way I feel at the moment I would 
> love to cool down. Primarily because the drugs I am on interfer with my body 
> thermostat so I feel worse than it is.
> We are as you say seeing the terrible effects of, nil humidity and strong 
> winds, on Sydney as the outer suburbs burn. As of now the danger is 
> increasing and there are some 80-100 fires burning in and around Sydney, some 
> 50% of which have been lits by fire bugs. The number of homes lost are 
> increasing and the last I heard was about 150. This of course has been going 
> since just before Xmas day. Victoria and Queensland have sent firefighters to 
> assist about 75% of all on the frontline are volunteers. I am also sure that 
> you have people in the States who build in wooded areas too. Eucalypts are
> a real fire hazzard though.
> > On the coldest day thus far, my central heating furnace has failed.  I've
> > got all the lights on and my computers and the oven for a little residual
> > warmth.  Up from 60 deg F. internal to 65 deg in the past hour.
> >
> > On top of all that, it's a white New Year's day.
> My wife will not allow me to empty the fride of food and sit 
> inside............
> -- 
> Keith Antoine aka 'skippy'
> 18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland 4061 Australia PH:61733002161
> Retired Geriatric, Sometime Electronics Engineer, Knowall, Brain in storage
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 If we could store up some of this cold weather here and email it to you we
would. I hope and I am sure many of us here in the states agree and hope the
fires are extingished soon. No further loss of homes and such, you take care that
the fires do not come your way or Les;s or anyone else we have on these list.
Take care.


Rick Sivernell
Dallas, Texas  75287
972 306-2296
Caldera Open Linux eWorkStation 3.1
Registered Linux User

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