On Thursday 03 January 2002 02:45 am, Aaron Grewell observed:
> I'd recommend picking a temperate zone to live in, but I'm not sure
> whether or not Australia has those.  That's what I get for going to
> public school.  I'm not sure where half the states are here in the US,
> much less anywhere else! ;-)

Due to it's size, like the States, Australia has many differing climate 
zones. Brisbane has one of the most equitable climates around, but this year 
for some reason instead of getting some cooler breaks, it's just been hot and 
humid. I guess for 90% of the year its beautiful weather, but no matter what 
it's like the Aussie will complain, too hot, too wet, cold etc.............

But I guess I have belaboured the heat bit, probably due to the fact that as I
get older so the heat or cold has more effect; not to mention of course being 
on medication does not help one bit.

Lastly Sydney seems to get hot inland winds and low humidity around this time 
of the year. If the winter has been good for undergrowth then the fire 
hazzard rises.

Keith Antoine aka 'skippy'
18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland 4061 Australia PH:61733002161
Retired Geriatric, Sometime Electronics Engineer, Knowall, Brain in storage

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