I'd recommend picking a temperate zone to live in, but I'm not sure
whether or not Australia has those.  That's what I get for going to
public school.  I'm not sure where half the states are here in the US,
much less anywhere else! ;-)

BTW, here in Washington State, USA the weather is currently set at
default.  A little below 50F and raining.

On Tue, 2002-01-01 at 18:59, Keith Antoine wrote:
> On Wednesday 02 January 2002 02:20 am, Collins Richey observed:
> > Skippy, eat your heart out!
> >
> > While you're sweating in 30 deg + swelter and NSW is burning, I'm freezing
> > in Denver.
> Its humid and and 34C inside the house, the way I feel at the moment I would 
> love to cool down. Primarily because the drugs I am on interfer with my body 
> thermostat so I feel worse than it is.
> We are as you say seeing the terrible effects of, nil humidity and strong 
> winds, on Sydney as the outer suburbs burn. As of now the danger is 
> increasing and there are some 80-100 fires burning in and around Sydney, some 
> 50% of which have been lits by fire bugs. The number of homes lost are 
> increasing and the last I heard was about 150. This of course has been going 
> since just before Xmas day. Victoria and Queensland have sent firefighters to 
> assist about 75% of all on the frontline are volunteers. I am also sure that 
> you have people in the States who build in wooded areas too. Eucalypts are
> a real fire hazzard though.
> > On the coldest day thus far, my central heating furnace has failed.  I've
> > got all the lights on and my computers and the oven for a little residual
> > warmth.  Up from 60 deg F. internal to 65 deg in the past hour.
> >
> > On top of all that, it's a white New Year's day.
> My wife will not allow me to empty the fride of food and sit 
> inside............
> -- 
> Keith Antoine aka 'skippy'
> 18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland 4061 Australia PH:61733002161
> Retired Geriatric, Sometime Electronics Engineer, Knowall, Brain in storage
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