--- Collins Richey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Skippy, eat your heart out!
> While you're sweating in 30 deg + swelter and NSW is burning, I'm
> freezing
> in Denver.
> On the coldest day thus far, my central heating furnace has failed. 
> I've
> got all the lights on and my computers and the oven for a little
> residual
> warmth.  Up from 60 deg F. internal to 65 deg in the past hour.
> On top of all that, it's a white New Year's day.

Feh.  Out here on the left coast (SF) its been raining non-stop for the
past week.  Then again, the temperature has been hovering around 60F in
the day, and 40F at night.  I've got my windows open, and haven't yet
needed AC nor heat, and the temp remains a constant 66F indoors.  If
only i saw the sun i'd be quite pleased.

Lonni J. Friedman                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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