On Thu, 2002-05-02 at 17:11, Tomohiro KUBOTA wrote:
> There _is_ already an implementation of IIIMF.  You can download
> it from Li18nux site.  However, I could not succeeded to try it.
> Since I have heard several reports of IIIMF users, it is simply
> my fault.

Note that the source from Li18nux will try to use its own encoding
conversion mechanisms on Linux, which is broken.  You need to tell it to
use iconv instead.

Maybe I should attempt to package it for Debian again, now that woody is
almost out of the way.  (I have the full IIIMF stuff working well on my
development machine.)

> >   BTW, Xkb may work for Korean Hangul, too and we don't need
> > XIM  if we use 'three-set keyboard' instead of 'two-set keyboard' and can
> > live without Hanjas.  I have to know more about Xkb to be certain, though.
> I see.  This is not true for Japanese.  Japanese people do need
> grammar and context analysis software to get Kanji text.
> How about Chinese?

I don't think xkb is sufficient because (1) there's a large number of
different Chinese input methods out there, and (2) most of the input
methods require the user to choose from a list of candidates after

I _do_ think xkb is sufficient for Japanese though, if you limit
"Japanese" to only hiragana and katagana. ;)

  Roger So                 Debian Developer
  Sun Wah Linux Limited    i18n/L10n Project Leader
  Tel: +852 2250 0230      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Fax: +852 2259 9112      http://www.sw-linux.com/
Linux-UTF8:   i18n of Linux on all levels
Archive:      http://mail.nl.linux.org/linux-utf8/

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